Papers by Meilyr Powel
Gwerddon, 2018
This paper analyses the Welsh periodical press during the First World War, with an emphasis on th... more This paper analyses the Welsh periodical press during the First World War, with an emphasis on the way an important aspect of the Welsh war culture was constructed. As an integral part of civil society, the press represented a powerful platform from where audiences could be influenced, as contributors of prominent social standing presented, interpreted, and framed the war in particular ways and in accordance with personal beliefs and cultural traditions. This paper argues that a powerful religious discourse was constructed by commentators in the Welsh press with regards to the meaning and purpose of the war, with thoughtful consideration given to prophecy, salvation, and the coming of a new age where Christianity would play a central role.
Until recently, studies of how Wales entered the First World War have generally been overlooked. ... more Until recently, studies of how Wales entered the First World War have generally been overlooked. Often, the British narrative has been assumed for the Welsh experience, with the once popular topos of war enthusiasm being recently displaced by a more nuanced approach. This paper revisits the July Crisis of 1914 as presented in the Welsh press and argues that on the whole, a complicated picture existed in Welsh newspapers where narratives of race and civilization formed the roots of war culture, yet justification for war was often submerged beneath feelings of opposition and indifference. Eventually, despite some strong feelings of opposition, the Welsh press succumbed to the inevitability of a general European war.
Conferences by Meilyr Powel
Book Reviews by Meilyr Powel
First World War Studies, 2020
Books by Meilyr Powel
University of Wales Press, 2022
Mae’r gyfrol hon yn cynnwys casgliad o benodau gan saith hanesydd sydd yn cyflwyno rhai o brif th... more Mae’r gyfrol hon yn cynnwys casgliad o benodau gan saith hanesydd sydd yn cyflwyno rhai o brif themâu a chysyniadau hanes. Mae’r awduron yn tywys y darllenydd ar hyd llinyn amser, gan dynnu ar agweddau Ewropeaidd a thu hwnt er mwyn olrhain datblygiad hanes fel disgyblaeth proffesiynol.
This volume contains a collection of chapters by seven historians who present the main themes and concepts on the study of history and historiography. It is aimed primarily at undergraduate and postgraduate students who are studying history.
Papers by Meilyr Powel
Conferences by Meilyr Powel
Book Reviews by Meilyr Powel
Books by Meilyr Powel
This volume contains a collection of chapters by seven historians who present the main themes and concepts on the study of history and historiography. It is aimed primarily at undergraduate and postgraduate students who are studying history.
This volume contains a collection of chapters by seven historians who present the main themes and concepts on the study of history and historiography. It is aimed primarily at undergraduate and postgraduate students who are studying history.