![Research paper thumbnail of Hydraulic gradient analysis on embankment dam foundation associated with internal erosion](
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Internal erosion is susceptible to occur in conditions where there are cracks or pre-formed cavit... more Internal erosion is susceptible to occur in conditions where there are cracks or pre-formed cavities at the interface between the dam foundation and embankment. The initiation of internal erosion is related to the critical gradient (Ic ) and hydraulic gradient (Ixy ) at a certain position. The addition of repair materials in foundation improvement will change the total head, especially on the dam foundation, so the value of the hydraulic gradient will also change simultaneously from upstream to downstream. This study examines the value of the hydraulic gradient (Ixy ) at certain points on the dam foundation under the condition of foundation with and without improvement. Several scenarios were simulated using Geostudio Seep/W software to get an estimated value of the hydraulic gradient. The upstream blanket foundation improvement method increases the hydraulic gradient in the upstream zone when compared to the curtain grouting method, thereby increasing the potential for internal ero...
![Research paper thumbnail of Hydraulic gradient analysis on embankment dam foundation associated with internal erosion](
IOP conference series, May 1, 2023
Internal erosion is susceptible to occur in conditions where there are cracks or pre-formed cavit... more Internal erosion is susceptible to occur in conditions where there are cracks or pre-formed cavities at the interface between the dam foundation and embankment. The initiation of internal erosion is related to the critical gradient (Ic ) and hydraulic gradient (Ixy ) at a certain position. The addition of repair materials in foundation improvement will change the total head, especially on the dam foundation, so the value of the hydraulic gradient will also change simultaneously from upstream to downstream. This study examines the value of the hydraulic gradient (Ixy ) at certain points on the dam foundation under the condition of foundation with and without improvement. Several scenarios were simulated using Geostudio Seep/W software to get an estimated value of the hydraulic gradient. The upstream blanket foundation improvement method increases the hydraulic gradient in the upstream zone when compared to the curtain grouting method, thereby increasing the potential for internal erosion in a related area. Increasing the depth of curtain grouting from 25 m to 35 m does not significantly reduce the value of the hydraulic gradient in the dam foundation. Research results can be used for analysis to improve design and construction, and as a reference for similar dams.
![Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Pertambahan Tekanan Terhadap Derajat Kepadatan Tanah](
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 12, 2021
Indonesia has very diverse types of soil caused by various factors. Soil is an important element ... more Indonesia has very diverse types of soil caused by various factors. Soil is an important element in civil engineering work, where soil is a support for structural loads that are transmitted from the foundation of a construction. The soil used is stable soil and the bearing capacity of the soil is able to withstand the load above it. Soil stabilization is generally carried out by compacting the soil to increase soil stability. Because of the importance of knowing the condition of a soil, the author will conduct physical and mechanical tests using soil samples in the Ulu Belu area, Kab. Tanggamus, and carried out a comparison of soil compaction in the laboratory using Proctor Modified and a compactor press with pressure variations of 3 Mpa, 6 Mpa, 9 Mpa, 12 Mpa, and 15 MPa to determine the maximum dry volume weight obtained from the two compactors.
![Research paper thumbnail of Dampak Mekanis Dari Batu Lempung Yang Disebabkan Oleh Slaking](
JGE (Jurnal Geofisika Eksplorasi)
Batuan sedimen khususnya batu lempung sampai saat ini belum banyak digunakan dalam dunia konstruk... more Batuan sedimen khususnya batu lempung sampai saat ini belum banyak digunakan dalam dunia konstruksi sebagai pondasi dan material konstruksi terutama bangunan jalan, dan cenderung memiliki kualitas yang rendah karena kemampuan batu lempung yang jelek sebagai material konstruksi dan memiliki potensi deformasi yang sangat besar. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh fenomena slaking yang meme-ngaruhi deformasi pada batu lempung. Batu lempung yang terbentuk dari rombakan batu lainnya mengalami kompaksi dan suhu yang tinggi sehingga material tersebut menjadi padat, dan memiliki pori yang sangat kecil akibat keseragaman partikelnya. Pengujian yang dilakukan adalah analisa X-Ray Diffraction, Accelerated Slaking Test, serta One Dimensional Compression Test. Diketahui bahwa jenis mineral yang menyusun batuan Daerah Lemong berupa Dolomite, Boron Nitride, 3-Nitro-nitromethyl-1 H-1,2,4-triazole, dan Praseodymium. Berdasarkan hasil uji XRD tersebut dapat diketahui rata-rata penyusun...
LPPM Universitas Sanata Dharma, Jul 1, 2007
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 12, 2021
![Research paper thumbnail of Smooth Localization in Noncommutative Geometry](
A (smooth) dynamical system with transformation group T n is a triple (A, T n , α), consisting of... more A (smooth) dynamical system with transformation group T n is a triple (A, T n , α), consisting of a unital locally convex algebra A, the n-torus T n and a group homomorphism α : T n → Aut(A), which induces a (smooth) continuous action of T n on A. In this paper we present a new, geometrically oriented approach to the noncommutative geometry of principal torus bundles based on such dynamical systems. Our approach is inspired by the classical setting: In fact, after recalling the definition of a trivial noncommutative principal torus bundle, we introduce a convenient (smooth) localization method for noncommutative algebras and say that a dynamical system (A, T n , α) is called a noncommutative principal T n-bundle, if localization leads to a trivial noncommutative principal T n-bundle. We prove that this approach extends the classical theory of principal torus bundles and present a bunch of (non-trivial) noncommutative examples.
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 12, 2021
![Research paper thumbnail of Perbandingan Nilai Derajat Kepadatan Tanah Metode Standard Proctor dengan Alat Uji Tekan Modikasi dan Uji Sand Cone di Lapangan](
Perkembangan teknologi dalam pengujian pemadatan menginspirasi Teknik Sipil Universitas Lampung u... more Perkembangan teknologi dalam pengujian pemadatan menginspirasi Teknik Sipil Universitas Lampung untuk membuat prototipe alat uji tekan modifikasi yang dapat diatur tekanannya. Cara kerja dengan alat ini yaitu dengan menggunakan nilai kadar air optimum yang didapatkan melalui uji pemadatan standard proctor. Dengan nilai kadar air tersebut lalu digunakan untuk menguji sampel dengan tekanan yang berbeda yaitu 5 Mpa, 10 Mpa, dan 15 Mpa. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk membandingkan uji pemadatan metode standard Proctor, dan uji pemadatan dengan alat tekan modifikasi serta uji sand cone dilapangan untuk mendapatkan nilai derajat kepadatan. Pada uji pemadatan dengan metode standard proctor didapat berat volume kering maksimum sebesar 1,42 gr/cm3 dan nilai kadar air optimum sebesar 24,05 %. Uji pemadatan tanah menggunakan metode tekan didapat berat volume kering terbesar pada tekanan 15 Mpa yaitu sebesar 1,58 gr/cm3. Dan dari uji sand cone didapat nilai derajat kepadatan tanah da...
![Research paper thumbnail of Korelasi Nilai CBR Laboratorium dan Nilai Dynamic Cone Pentrometer (DCP) terhadap kondisi eksisting di Lapangan](
Tanah dalam suatu konstruksi haruslah memiliki nilai kepadatan tanah yang tinggi, nilai kepadatan... more Tanah dalam suatu konstruksi haruslah memiliki nilai kepadatan tanah yang tinggi, nilai kepadatan tanah yang tinggi mempengaruhi daya dukung tanah dalam memikul beban diatasnya. seringkali dilakukan uji penetrasi konus dinamis/DCP (Dynamic Cone Penetrometer). Untuk mendapatkan nilai CBR, hasil uji DCP ini dikorelasikan dengan suatu rumusan Korelasi Nilai DCP-CBR. Namun untuk mengantisipasi kekurangan dalam pengujian korelasi CBR-DCP, perlu dikoreksi dengan Rumusan Korelasi DCP-CBR dari Kementrian PUPR yang berlaku umum untuk seluruh kawasan wilayah Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan test DCP pada 3 titik di lapangan lalu diambil sampel tanah yang selanjutnya akan dibawa ke laboratorium untuk dilakukan uji sifat fisik tanah. Setelah semua data telah didapatkan baru menganalisi dan merumuskan rumus korelasi DCP – CBR dan dibandingkan dengan rumus korelasi. setelah di lakukan penelitian di ketahui bahwa model rumusan kolerasi DCP – CBR diteliti mempunyai rumus Log CBR...
![Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Penambahan Semen Pada Tanah Lempung Terhadap Parameter Konsolidasi Dan Kecepatan Penurunan](
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 12, 2021
Soil is a subgrade for basic building construction. While receiving the load, soil will settle, w... more Soil is a subgrade for basic building construction. While receiving the load, soil will settle, which take long time to complete for soft clays because of its low permeability. The problem that is caused by settlement as seen in Palembapang, Umbul Ligoh, South Lampung has low bearing capacity, this leads to cracks in the house walls, bumpy roads, and the settlement of the road constructions. One of the soil stabilization effort is adding cement as an additive material because it has very fine particles so that it can fill the soil pores and bond to the contact area between the soil grains and has a function as a strong binder. This work aimed to study the parameters of the compression index (Cc), coefficient of consolidation (Cv), consolidation settlement (Sc) and time of consolidation (t) due to soft clay mixing with cement as a soil stabilization material with percentage of 4%, 8% and 12%. Due to cement addition into soft clay, compaction with the standard proctor experienced a decrease the optimum moisture content (OMC) and an increase in the weight of maximum dry volume. In addition, in the consolidation test, the compression index (Cc) and consolidation settlement (Sc) decreased 7,95% and 5,44%, moreover the coefficient consolidation (Cv) increase 2,74% and the time of consolidation (t) were faster. The most change on consolidation parameter was recorded by the sample mixed with 12% of cement.
![Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Nilai CBR Laboratorium dengan Pemadatan Modified dan Nilai Dynamic Cone Pentrometer (DCP) di Lapangan](
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 12, 2021
Soil is an important part of civil engineering construction work. The strength of the base soil i... more Soil is an important part of civil engineering construction work. The strength of the base soil is essential to sustain the construction load. Some ways to estimate CBR values are with soil grading and soil plasticity data. But in the field, many obstacles are faced so often done DCP (Dynamic Cone Penetrometer) test. This study was conducted to find out the relationship equation between laboratory CBR and DCP and its comparison with the SNI equation. The study was conducted by testing the soil in Teluk Ratai, Pesawaran at three points with laboratory CBR test (Unsoaked), DCP mould, and field DCP. Soil samples were compacted with compaction variations of 10, 25, and 56 collisions and optimum water content of 22.95% obtained from compaction tests with modified proctors. The results showed the correlation equation of Laboratory CBR with γd is y = 30.878x-26.98 with the correlation of CBR and DCP equations obtained Log (CBR) = 2.26557-0.807 Log (DCP). When compared to the CBR value of the CBR SNI equation, the CBR values of the CBR and DCP equations have a higher value.
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 13, 2021
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui perilaku deformasi akibat crushing dan slaking melalui uj... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui perilaku deformasi akibat crushing dan slaking melalui uji 1-D Compression Slaking Test terhadap batuan lapuk. Slaking merupakan keadaan tanah atau batuan yang tidak dapat mempertahankan konsistensinya akibat adanya gangguan air. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada sampel batuan lapuk melalui pengujian 1-D Compression Slaking Test dan pengujian X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) untuk mengetahui mineral yang terkandung pada setiap batuan. Uji 1-D Compression Slaking Test dilakukan pada tekanan sebesar 9,8; 19,6; 39,2; 78,5; 157; 314 kPa. Hasil pengujian 1-D Compression Slaking Test didapatkan perilaku deformasi yang diakibatkan crushing(∆e1) optimum terjadi pada batuan Bukit Kemuning sebesar 0,510 dan perilaku deformasi yang diakibatkan slaking(∆e2) optimum terjadi pada batuan Pemancar sebesar 0,483
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 13, 2021
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 12, 2021
![Research paper thumbnail of Potensi dan Nilai Indeks Kerawanan Bencana Alam di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan](
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 12, 2021
Disaster risk mapping of earthquakes, floods and tsunamis is compiled by classifying level threat... more Disaster risk mapping of earthquakes, floods and tsunamis is compiled by classifying level threat, vulnerabilities and capacities in the face disaster used Geographical Information System. Earthquake hazard mapping parameters are calculated by the data of population density and the location of disaster. Flood hazard mapping using watershed parameters and disasters had occurred at the are. While the tsunami hazard disaster use several parameter are the distance of the coast from the epicenter, the topographical slope, the distance from the river, land protection, the morphology of the coastline and the presence of barrier islands. Determination of parameters, classification and weighting of the vulnerability index and capacity index refers to the BNPB No. 2 of 2012. As the result, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan does not have a high risk of eartquake disaster. This area which has a high risk of flood disaster are Way Sulan, Candiuro, Katibung, Sidomulyo, Palas and Sragi. Meanwhile, the this area which has a high risk of tsunami disaster are Katibung,
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 12, 2021
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 12, 2021
The importance of soil as construction material needs to be considered carefully. With various so... more The importance of soil as construction material needs to be considered carefully. With various soil conditions, a physical test is required to discover the characteristics of the soil and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test in a laboratory to determine the bearing capacity of the basic land (subgrade). This research was conducted to assess the suitability of the CBR test value with two different compaction tools. The results of the CBR test with the collision method without immersion resulted in the design CBR value of 7.7% and the CBR value of the immersion sample of 3.6%. Meanwhile, the CBR test using a pressure modification device, the CBR values obtained in the samples not immersed at a
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 12, 2021
Tanggamus is one of the districts in Lampung Province that has many areas with high potential for... more Tanggamus is one of the districts in Lampung Province that has many areas with high potential for natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, floods, and volcanic hazards, either caused by geological phenomena or by the climate. Natural disasters often cause fatalities and material losses, therefore it is necessary to conduct a risk reduction study on the disaster. In this study, the delineation of areas that have threat levels, vulnerability, capacity, and risk of natural disasters such as landslides, floods, and earthquakes are divided into 3 classifications, namely low, medium and high. The results from the delineation of the creation of landslide risk maps showed that the area included in the classification of low class covering an area of
![Research paper thumbnail of Weathering-induced deformation of geomaterials derived from weakrocks](
This paper investigates the slaking behaviour of several kinds of crushed mudstone and its mechan... more This paper investigates the slaking behaviour of several kinds of crushed mudstone and its mechanical consequences using a comprehensive set of experimental data obtained through accelerated slaking tests and newly developed one-dimensional compression slaking tests. These data confirm that slaking in crushed mudstone is accompanied by a variation in the particle size distribution during wetting and drying cycles, and a variation in grading results in an irreversible change in mechanical characteristics, such as the reference packing density. Significant compression is also found to occur without any change in effective confining stress. The results of XRD (X-ray diffraction) analysis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) are also used to elucidate the effects of mineralogy and particle texture on the slaking characteristics of crushed mudstone. Finally, it is also mentioned that constitutive modelling can take slaking into consideration by describing the evolution of an appropriat...