the most unserious blog on tumblr. they/them exclusive. indian. i don’t explain anything and neither should you :3
the most unserious blog on tumblr. they/them exclusive. indian. i don’t explain anything and neither should you :3
had someone (a very white german mind you) call me an ‘it’ and compare me to a dog being 'owned’ by my white skinned friend today. god i love racism <3
some of you should really be banned from having a take on talia al ghul. have you never interacted with a woman??? girl literally WHAT. i actually cannot believe this string of words on my screen rn. what is it even supposed to mean?????
favourite savoury pancak (broadly defined as poured out liquid batter to cook on a griddle) from the subcontinent
dosa (rice + urad dal)
rava dosa
pudla / besan chila
pessarattu / mung dal chila
op you forgot my favourite option
see results / idk what most of these are
100 votes and none for besan chila. to thousands of north indians and esp gujjus please stop cooking this slop. it cannot be improved with more ghee or pudina chutney or achar or maggi hot and sweet. its dryness cannot be combatted with adding shredded lauki or carrot or radishes. let it go. chickpea flour was meant for pakoda. it is not a vegan omelette. LET IT GO.
besan chila deserves to DIE
gujjus i love yall please stop making this.
Just started reading Gujarat Files by Rana Ayyub (great book!!) and it's deeply disturbing how upper caste politicians force dalit police officers to murder muslims. It's also deeply fucked up how even a supposedly prestigious position such as a police commissioner still doesn't allow dalits to enter into savarna neighbourhoods.
(That said, ACAB is ACAB whether the cop is gay, black or dalit. The police acts as a hammer to bludgeon minorities to death)
Should Tumblr implement a sword day akin to boop day where you stab fellow bloggers (in a friendly kinda way obviously)?
See ResultsGuys unpopular opinion but for some reason i cannot stand lyall lupin. Ik we know fuck all about him, but in my brain hes the worst dad ever who is probably neglecting asf and even though he has a heart somewhere there he just never puts in more effort than the bare fucking minimum
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
this is not at all supported in canon. like, yeah, sure you can hate lyall. personally i have no opinions on him, but the lyall you hate is not the lyall we see on pottermore or in any sort of media.
canonically, hope and lyall were loving parents who tried their best to raise a child with a highly stigmatised disease in an era where there was no medication for that disease. im a disabled person, and hope and lyall were a lot better with remus’ lycanthropy than my parents ever were with my disability. they take every effort to take care of and appreciate their son.
if anything they coddled remus to the point that as an adult he has 0 social skills. he grew up incredibly isolated.
// this is not meant to read as mean or angry btw im just genuinely confused as to where you got this hc