Articles & Reviews by Asa Kasher
The examination of anti-Israel statements for elements of anti-Semitism should begin with pinpoin... more The examination of anti-Israel statements for elements of anti-Semitism should begin with pinpointing an exact definition of anti-Semitism, as a type of racial discrimination, as set out in the International Convention for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination of 1965. A negative assessment is a legitimate criticism when it is properly reasoned and based on principles, data, analyses, and forecasts, with the objective of reaching a sound evaluation. If a negative assessment is thus reached, it is legitimate criticism. Meaning, context, and communication patterns must be analyzed to assess legitimate criticism. The speaker's justification for his or her statement on the subject can be evaluated by observing a personal connection to the subject, whether the subject is selective, and whether it concerns the speaker without bias.
The purpose of the article is to establish and theoretically justify a new "constitutional mindse... more The purpose of the article is to establish and theoretically justify a new "constitutional mindset" for a direct application of constitutional human rights in the private sector, based on moral arguments that are reinforced and illustrated by today's democratic and social reality. Generally, constitutional human rights are viewed as part of public law and are to be applied in private law through the indirect application model; however, this doctrine has proven to be limited, implicit, and unsystematic. According to our view, moral ideals at the heart of a democratic regime hold the basis for individual direct reliance on constitutional human rights, regardless of whether the breaching entity is a government, corporation, or individual.
' religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them, be subject to any disability, liabil... more ' religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them, be subject to any disability, liability, restriction or condition with regard to-(a) access to shops, public restaurants, hotels and places of public entertainment; or (b) the use of wells, tanks, bathing ghats, roads and places of public resort maintained wholly or partly out of State funds or CONSTITUTION) r"iiVmpb 35 'D INxi 7: .dedicated to the use of the general public" "() The fundamental .Q-"WV liir :Tbrb ;FEDERAIE [CST] [CONSTITUTION] (Switz.) fights shall be realized in the entire legal system. (2) Whoever exercises function of the state must respect the fundamental fights and contribute to their realization. (3) The authorities shall ensure that the fundamental rights also be respected in relations .among pfivate parties whenever the analogy is applicable" ... 'lIt 0000ri wo8 =hll Doin 010 n:0)-?-I nilin rzi 0'7 t-710i ,01mm00o' "i971-i inp" K"Whm Krvinn1 294/91 X"Y ".=YS 71n 010 4191/97 }'"-713 11:1 1IN MA 181 .(01IUOI0 71i :1Vi (1992) 530 ,464 (2)10-1"!) ,7:)N" :(11Vi :$i (2000) 362 ,330 (5)13-1"!) ,-MMO *21lim '21-1" 21p' Dili 0010n 1 00vr0 ?pM O 00; n'llih nznrl v inlm OrK-11o00 rin11py ." ri'vi138 rm'liin Dri ,13IU0p }7W M I181.395-390 'nY:1,4 tr"A 'Y ,"uW10M unn'ri nrnpli n11n" (12n 8-7"! ,n"Yn (1965) wn*-i ri011n ft=0 'I 71H 3414/93 X"Y ;530 'nYl ,7 v"A 'Y :}i)(2000) 850 (3)13 1"!D,190t 'I AES System Inc. 6601/96 N"Y;(1995) 196 (3)un .(190 711V r"1110 n 711 l1 .1ip1? 90 1nyn In10iu 018N mlrlti Dn wA oin On In 9 (1978) 359 ,337 (3):I 1"! ,n~yn "}-ixr" lihy Drisiriny x"iur 9817' m rrWin 9/77 13DDwv 'D V, pxR .-I:) r1890 711 T 18 'N V n-R 11:10 IN ,'0 y ".'1'@01 01 8900-yn y11l
In 2008 a group of former soldiers of the Israel Defense Force (IDF) sued the Ministry of Defense... more In 2008 a group of former soldiers of the Israel Defense Force (IDF) sued the Ministry of Defense and others, claiming they had suffered from medical problems that resulted from an IDF medical experiment in which they had participated in the 1970s. There was no compelling medical evidence with respect to causal relationships between their participation in the experiment and their later medical problems. The President of the District Court, Justice Hila Gerstl, appointed me, with the consent of the parties, to write a deposition with respect to the ethical aspects of the case. My comments in the sequel rest on my deposition, applying not only to the case that had been under discussion but also to each and every case of experimentation. My arguments, strictly confined to the ethical aspects of the case, as opposed to the legal aspects and the debated facts, were not in favor of either party. As a result the state and the former soldiers reached an agreement approved by the court. One of the major points made in that deposition is that the Nuremberg and Helsinki principles follow from those of medical ethics in general, except for the requirement to have an Institutional Review Board (IRB). A second major point is that under very strict conditions, more than what is usually required, soldiers may participate in medical experiments administered by their military force. However, new conscripts during their first months of their service should not take part in medical experimentation within their military force.
כשר ואסא בוקשפן עלי religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them, be subject... more כשר ואסא בוקשפן עלי religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them, be subject to any disability, liability, restriction or condition with regard to-(a) access to shops, public restaurants, hotels and places of public entertainment; or (b) the use of wells, tanks, bathing ghats, roads and places of public resort maintained wholly or partly out of State funds or Constitution(שווייץ לחוקת 35 ס' ראו כן .dedicated to the use of the general public" "(1) The fundamental שווייץ). חוקת להלן: ;fédéRaLe [Cst] [Constitution] (Switz.) rights shall be realized in the entire legal system. (2) Whoever exercises function of the state must respect the fundamental rights and contribute to their realization. (3) The authorities shall ensure that the fundamental rights also be respected in relations .among private parties whenever the analogy is applicable"
Articles & Reviews by Asa Kasher