Papers by Noah Lewin-epstein
Home Ownership and Social Inequality in Comparative Perspective
Supplemental material, sj-xlsx-1-cos-10.1177_00207152211070817 for Homeownership regimes and clas... more Supplemental material, sj-xlsx-1-cos-10.1177_00207152211070817 for Homeownership regimes and class inequality among young adults by Or Cohen Raviv and Noah Lewin-Epstein in International Journal of Comparative Sociology
Supplemental material, sj-xlsx-4-cos-10.1177_00207152211070817 for Homeownership regimes and clas... more Supplemental material, sj-xlsx-4-cos-10.1177_00207152211070817 for Homeownership regimes and class inequality among young adults by Or Cohen Raviv and Noah Lewin-Epstein in International Journal of Comparative Sociology

Einstellungen zu Religion und religiöser Praxis Themen: Einschätzung des persönlichen Glücksgefüh... more Einstellungen zu Religion und religiöser Praxis Themen: Einschätzung des persönlichen Glücksgefühls; Zufriedenheit mit den Beziehungen zu Familienmitgliedern; Einstellung zu außerehelichem Geschlechtsverkehr; Einstellung zu homosexuellen Beziehungen zwischen Erwachsenen; Einstellung zur Abtreibung bei geringem Familieneinkommen; Geschlechterrollenverständnis in der Ehe; Institutionenvertrauen (Parlament, Unternehmen und Industrie, Kirche und religiöse Organisationen, Gerichte und Rechtssystem, Schulen und Bildungssystem); Einstellung zum Einfluss religiöser Führer auf Wähler; Einstellung zu Wissenschaft und Religion (zu viel Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft und zu wenig religiöser Glaube, mehr Konflikte durch Religionen als Frieden, Intoleranz von Menschen mit starken religiösen Überzeugungen); Beurteilung der Macht von Kirchen und religiösen Organisationen im Land; Akzeptanz einer Person anderen Glaubens oder mit sehr unterschiedlicher religiösen Ansichten als Ehepartner eines Verwand...

Attitudes to environmental protection. Preferred government measuresfor environmental protection.... more Attitudes to environmental protection. Preferred government measuresfor environmental protection. Topics: Most important issues for the own country; privateentrepreneurs as best possibility to solve economic problems;government´s responsibility to reduce income differences among thecitizens; postmaterialism scale; trust in people; estimation of peopleas fair; trust in people in government doing what is right; politicianstend to profit from their position; personal concern aboutenvironmental issues; most important environmental problem for the owncountry; most affecting environmental problem for respondent and hisfamily; estimation of own knowledge about the causes of environmentalproblems and about the solutions to these environmental problems;attitudes to modern science and to the environment; attitudes toenvironmental protection and economic or population growth; willingnessto pay higher prices and higher taxes or to accept reductions instandard of living in order to protect the e...

Familienleben. Rollenverteilung. Themen: Einstellung zur Berufstätigkeit von Müttern und verheira... more Familienleben. Rollenverteilung. Themen: Einstellung zur Berufstätigkeit von Müttern und verheirateten Frauen; Rollenverteilung von Mann und Frau in Beruf und Haushalt; präferierter Umfang der Berufsausübung von Frauen während verschiedener Phasen der Kindererziehung; Einstellungen zu Ehe, Alleinerziehenden, Zusammenleben vor der Ehe und Scheidung; Ansichten zur Bedeutung von Kindern für das Leben; Einstellung zu Mutterschaftsurlaub und Kindergeld; Einkommensverwaltung in der Ehe bzw. Partnerschaft; Aufgabenteilung im Haushalt und in der Familie; wöchentliches Zeitbudget für Arbeiten im Haushalt für beide Partner; Häufigkeit von Meinungsverschiedenheiten wegen der Arbeiten im Haushalt; Entscheidungsgewalt in der Kindererziehung; Entscheidungsgewalt bei Freizeitaktivitäten und Anschaffungen für den Haushalt; Hauptverdiener (Partner mit höherem Einkommen); Belastung durch Familie, Arbeit, Hausarbeit (Skala); persönliche Glückseinschätzung; Zufriedenheit mit Beruf und Familie; Berufstä...

Beurteilung des Gesundheitssystems im Land. Persönliche Gesundheit. Gesundheitsversicherung. Them... more Beurteilung des Gesundheitssystems im Land. Persönliche Gesundheit. Gesundheitsversicherung. Themen: Lebenszufriedenheit (Glücklichsein); Vertrauen in das Bildungssystem und das Gesundheitssystem des Landes; Forderung nach einer Änderung des Gesundheitssystems; Rechtfertigung besserer medizinischer Versorgung und Bildung für Personen mit höherem Einkommen; Beurteilung des Gesundheitssystems des Landes (Skala: Einschätzung der Verbesserung des Gesundheitssystems, Beanspruchung von Gesundheitsleistungen über den notwendigen Bedarf hinweg, Bereitstellung von Basisgesundheitsleistungen durch den Staat, ineffizientes Gesundheitssystem); Bereitschaft zur Zahlung höherer Steuern zur Erhöhung der Gesundheitsversorgung für alle im Land; Einstellung zur öffentlichen Finanzierung von vorbeugenden medizinischen Checks, Behandlung von HIV/AIDS, Programmen zur Verhinderung von Fettleibigkeit sowie Organtransplantationen; Einstellung zum Zugang zu staatlich geförderter Gesundheitsversorgung für Me...
has shown that education level, occupational status, and income in de-them are of Middle East and... more has shown that education level, occupational status, and income in de-them are of Middle East and North African origins, development townsare responsible for the inequalities between these groups and the more privileged Ashkenazim. Similarly, the low educational and occupational achievements of the Arab citizens of Israel are usually considered to be the result of a dearth of educational resources in the Arab localities, and
Work & Organizations in Israel, 2017
20 Minority Labor Force Participation in the Post-Fordist Era: The Case of the Arabs in Israel1 A... more 20 Minority Labor Force Participation in the Post-Fordist Era: The Case of the Arabs in Israel1 Ahmad H. Sa'di and Noah Lewin-Epstein2 Theoretical Background The economic crisis of the 1970s brought about a fundamental change in the socioeconomic management and ...

As the methodology of population surveys establishes itself in a growing number of countries, mul... more As the methodology of population surveys establishes itself in a growing number of countries, multinational comparative surveys are becoming the primary mode of comparative research. This paper presents to the reader the ISSP which is an ongoing international collaboration currently encompassing institutions from 46 countries, all committed to comparative survey research. The ISSP collaboration is rather unique in adopting a very democratic and participatory model for its development of survey topics and questionnaire design. Following a description of the ISSP and its model of operation the advantages as well as shortcomings of this model and discussed. The second part of the paper illustrates the working of the ISSP while focusing on a module on health and health policy which will be fielded by the ISSP for the first time in 2011. The development of the module is used as illustration of ISSP procedures and introduces the potential user to ISSP data that will be made public in a co...
The Arab Minority in Israel's Economy, 2019

Czech Sociological Review, 2021
Using data from the Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe from 10 European countries, ... more Using data from the Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe from 10 European countries, this study contributes to the research on immigrants' economic incorporation by focusing on the nativity wealth gaps in mid and late life. Three origin groups of immigrants were distinguished: non-European, post-Communist, and western, central, and south European countries. We estimated the size of the wealth gap between each immigrant population and natives, the sources of the gap, and the trajectory of wealth convergence. The data revealed that the mean net worth of native-born groups was higher than that of all immigrant subgroups. The gap was widest for non-European immigrants and lowest for West, Central, and South European immigrants. Differences in the rate of homeownership accounted for the largest portion of the gap, while neither differential levels of income nor education accounted for much of the gap between native-born and either non-European immigrants or immigrants from post-communist countries. Reception of gifts or inheritances did not account for a meaningful portion of the gaps. Estimation of the rate of convergence suggests that it would take an average of 85 years after arrival for an average immigrant household to bridge the wealth gap between it and an average native-born household. The rate of wealth convergence was somewhat faster for non-Europeans and slower for West, Central, and South Europeans.

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2018
The paper addresses the multifaceted quality of ethnicity in the Jewish population of Israel by p... more The paper addresses the multifaceted quality of ethnicity in the Jewish population of Israel by probing into the ethnic categories and their subjective meaning. The analyses utilise data collected during 2015-2016 on a representative sample of Israelis age 15 and older, as part of the seventh and eighth rounds of the European Social Survey (ESS). Hypotheses are developed concerning the relationship between demographically based ethnic origin and national identity, as well as the effect of ethnically mixed marriages on ethnic and national identities. The analyses reveal a strong preference among Jews in Israel to portray their ancestry in inclusive national categories-Israeli and Jewishrather than more particularistic, ethno-cultural, categories (e.g. Mizrahim, Moroccan, Ashkenazim, Polish, etc). Yet, whether Israeli or Jewish receives primacy differs by migration generation, socioeconomic standing, religion, and political dispositions. While the findings clearly add to our understanding of Israeli society, they are also telling with regard to immigrant societies more generally. First, they reveal a multi-layered structure of ethnic identification. Second, they suggest that ethnic identities are quite resistant to change. Third, ethnically mixed marriages appear to erode ethnic identities and are likely to replace them with national identities.

Sociological Methods & Research, 2005
Comparative studies of occupational sex segregation have employed a variety of measures to estima... more Comparative studies of occupational sex segregation have employed a variety of measures to estimate the extent of segregation across labor markets. In this article, the authors focus on two intrinsic limitations of the ratio index, which is derived from the log-linear framework: singularity for totally segregated occupations and sensitivity near the extremes. To capture the real essence of gender occupational segregation, it is necessary to examine rather detailed occupational categories. Such detailed occupational classification poses a problem for the ratio index since small occupations are more likely to be mono-gender occupations. The authors propose an alternative modified index that resolves both the singularity and the sensitivity problems by employing the “first-order approximation” of the logarithmic function. The modified index makes it possible to compute measures of microsegregation for detailed occupational categories. The advantages of the proposed index for comparativ...
American Journal of Sociology, 1994

International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 2022
In this study, we merge the literature on homeownership regimes, which focuses to a lesser extent... more In this study, we merge the literature on homeownership regimes, which focuses to a lesser extent on the consequences of wealth and social inequality, with the literature on wealth and social stratification, which overlooks the importance of homeownership regimes in contributing to those inequalities. Within this framework, we examine to what extent homeownership regimes shape class inequality in homeownership among young adults and the mortgage debt burden that usually accompanies it. We first develop an updated typology of homeownership regimes that incorporates the role of the family via intergenerational wealth transfers (IWT) such as gifts and housing assets. This dimension was theoretically underdeveloped and empirically absent from previous homeownership typologies. Second, we employ this typology to investigate class-based gaps in homeownership and mortgage debt burden within and between homeownership regimes. This is done by pooling data for a total of 20 countries from two...

Bürger und Staat: Eigenschaften eines guten Bürgers; Versammlungsfreiheit für religiöse Fanatiker... more Bürger und Staat: Eigenschaften eines guten Bürgers; Versammlungsfreiheit für religiöse Fanatiker, Revolutionäre, Ethnozentristen; soziale und politische Partizipation; Mitgliedschaften; Wichtigkeit verschiedener Bürgerrechte; Politikverdrossenheit und politische Informiertheit; Einschätzung von Einflussmöglichkeiten auf die Politik (political efficacy); politisches Interesse; Vertrauen in die Politiker; Vertrauen in Mitmenschen; politische Arbeit im Alltag; nationale Souveränität und internationale Organisationen; politische Parteien und Bürgerengagement; Bewertung des Wahlprozess; Bürgernähe, Selbstregulierung und Korruption im öffentlichen Dienst; Funktionierender Demokratie jetzt, vor 10 Jahren, in 10 Jahren; Einstellung zur Einschränkung von Bürgerrechten. Selbsteinschätzung persönlicher Eigenschaften; Selbsteinstufung auf einer Oben-Unten-Skala; Selbstbeschreibung des Wohnorts; Wahlbeteiligung; Wahlrückerinnerung. Demographie: Geschlecht; Geburtsmonat; Geburtsjahr; Alter; allg...

Abstract: The study examines determination of wealth among older households from a cross-national... more Abstract: The study examines determination of wealth among older households from a cross-national comparative perspective. Data obtained from 16 national samples reveal that in all countries household wealth is accumulated through two major mechanisms: labor market income and inter-generational transfers. Higher income and reception of inheritance are likely to increase household net worth. Despite considerable cross-country variation in the distribution of wealth, the effects of income and inheritance on net worth are found to be uniform across societies. Further analysis does not detect any systematic association between household net worth and country-level characteristics or social and taxation policies. Nor does it detect any systematic association between country structural attributes and the ways that wealth is determined and accumulated. The findings are discussed in light of previous research and theory on the topic.
Papers by Noah Lewin-epstein