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Soundwave (WFC)

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This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. See Soundwave (disambiguation), Soundblaster (disambiguation).
Soundwave is a Decepticon from the Aligned continuity family.
No eyes...always watching...

Soundwave (aka Soundblaster) is the spy master of the Decepticons. One of Megatron's earliest followers, and, many believe, instrumental to his rise, he uses his tentacles and a veritable army of Mini-Con Deployers to learn everything there is to know about his allies and his enemies. He was never very chatty, but these days, on Earth, he's become near silent, communicating by playing back recordings of other people's conversations. He just sneaks about, prowling the dark hallways of the Nemesis, and reporting any treachery back to Megatron.

Indeed, Soundwave often finds himself acting as a restraint on Starscream, reining in his rather volatile emotions, and ensuring that Starscream's less than subtle ambitions are held in check. This extends to every soldier amongst the Decepticon ranks, as even a treacherous schemer like Starscream has very good reason to fear Soundwave; his ferocity and strength from his gladiator days have not lessened in the slightest, rendering him a deadly foe to any Autobot, or treacherous Decepticon seeking to usurp Megatron. This undying loyalty to his master, as well as their long history together, has won him a high position in the Decepticon hierarchy. While others may have officially held the rank of second-in-command, Soundwave may be the true bearer of that distinction, out of sheer loyalty to the Decepticon leader. As long as Soundwave is around, Megatron has nothing to fear.

It's not just loyalty to Megatron that makes Soundwave such an effective soldier, however. Soundwave wouldn't be caught dead employing Bond villain tactics; he is concise and pragmatic in all of his endeavors. If he doesn't personally harm you during an outing, don't consider it an act of mercy or decency. You're not a part of his mission and not worth considering. Primus help you if you're in the way or you are his mission.

Soundwave has the ability to receive transmissions from anywhere on the planet, bar the shielded Autobot Base. This allows him to spy on every being on the planet in the hopes of picking up Autobot-related communications. He is also adept in his use of GroundBridges during combat, dealing many a foe a frustrating defeat by virtue of them simply not being able to get to him.

Although he usually works with Laserbeak, Soundwave's range of Mini-Con subordinates also includes Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, Ratbat, Buzzsaw, Zori, Stuntwing, Trickout, Hi-Test, and Goldgear.

Watch out for the quiet ones.

Knock Out, "One Shall Rise, Part 3"



The Covenant of Primus

Soundwave emerged from the Well of All Sparks sometime during or before the Age of Wrath. As the Quintessons took control of Cybertron, they helped establish civilization across the planet, and a ruling body of Cybertronians to oversee the day-to-day activities the Quints wished the Cybertronians to perform. An election was held that named Sentinel Zeta as Prime, and Soundwave became a member of his council of thirteen.

As the age went on, however, Sentinel and his council became suspicious of the Quintessons and ultimately began to plot against the totalitarian rule of these "benevolent invaders". Although the council kept their true intentions secret, active cells of rebellion broke out independently on Cybertron. A scientist named Shockwave was the first to translate the Quintesson written language for the rebels, and Soundwave's surveillance abilities acquired this information for the council as well.

After the Quintessons were eventually overthrown, Soundwave and the council ushered in the Golden Age of Cybertron, reverse-engineering Quintesson technology and making their own innovations. A Space bridge network was used in conjunction with cyberforming equipment to create Cybertronian colonies, carrying Cybertronians to the stars. A mechanism was even discovered for carrying the Well's life-giving power to other worlds, allowing energon and Cybertronian life to flourish there as well. Soundwave was present at the lighting of the ceremonial torch that carried the spark of the Well to the first colony world of Archon.

But then, disaster. A Rust Plague sprang up on the colonies, virulent and incurable. The council made the dark decision to destroy the space bridges, cutting their colonists off forevermore. What followed was the so-called Age of Rust, where Cybertron failed to find new inspiration after the disastrous end of their colonization program, and a metaphorical rust settled in to the population as well. Soundwave was the most vocal member of the council in trying to find something, anything, to strive for and renew the population's interest. But the council's ennui was deep by this point, and they lacked the drive to push forward any new plans. As the other councilors talked about more research, more time, Soundwave denounced them all as doing nothing BUT talk, and renounced words altogether. He abandoned his position on the council and took a vow of silence, letting his actions speak for him from that point forward. Covenant of Primus

Aligned novels

Soundwave was a gladiator from Kaon who almost bested Megatron in combat, an act that created mutual respect between the two. Soundwave saw in Megatron a desire to return to the swashbuckling spirit of the Golden Age of Cybertron, when Cybertronians emerged from the Well of All Sparks having to escape from the Underworld's monsters rather than being put into a caste. He was appointed Megatron's lieutenant with Shockwave. Though Megatron despised Minicons, Soundwave insisted on having them around to spy on their gladiators, including the time when Megatron's librarian friend Orion Pax came to visit. He was suspicious of Orion and even asked permission from Megatron to tail him as he returned to Iacon.

After Decepticons bombed Cybertron in Megatron's name, Soundwave sent Frenzy and Rumble to search for the Matrix of Leadership in Crystal City (a place which design he always found self-indulgent). Soundwave was not sure whether he should have bothered, as he was not superstitious and wondered what use a piece of a broken sword could be. Instead he got chilling indications Crystal City's scientists were planning to revive Omega Supreme.

"Yeah, this look is cool now, but I don't think I'll have it forever: I mean, who'd like to see things looking the same for over twenty five years, right guys? ...guys?"

Soundwave attended Orion and Megatron's hearing before the High Council. During this meeting, Soundwave helped to sow discord and tension by loudly shouting his complaints over security breaches that, in truth, he himself had caused. The Council noted that they were aware someone had tried to find the Matrix, and they appointed Orion Prime and requested he find it. This tore Orion and Megatron's movement in two.

During the final days of the war, Soundwave and his minions' research changed the fate of Cybertron. It was they who found the areas of the DataNet that Alpha Trion had overlooked and not deleted, revealing the existence of Dark Energon on Trypticon Station. It was he who remembered the Geosynchronous Energon Bridge below Crystal City that allowed for the mass transportation of Dark Energon between Cybertron and Trypticon. And it was the evidence he got from Rumble and Frenzy when they infiltrated Crystal City that revealed the existence of the Plasma Energy Chamber and its two Code Keys, which enabled Megatron to poison the Core of Cybertron.

When Optimus removed the Chamber from the Core, beginning the planet's slow healing process, Soundwave boarded the Nemesis with Megatron, Starscream and Lugnut to pursue the Autobot Ark into the unknown reaches of space. Exodus

Soundwave's involvement in the preceding events, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled in the comic "Transformers: War for Cybertron."

Soundwave regained consciousness on board the Nemesis after emerging from the energy field created by the Space Bridge explosion over Cybertron. While Megatron demanded a status report, Soundwave was already deep at work in a console attempting to determine the answer. Along with Starscream and Megatron, Soundwave examined the tracking reports and confirmed Starscream's assumption that the Ark was likely not too far away. Exiles

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Ask Vector Prime

In Uniend 610.23 Zeta, Ask Vector Prime Alpha Trion feared that if he or Optimus Prime knew the whereabouts of the AllSpark, Soundwave would be able to find it. Bumblebee at Tyger Pax

Fall of Cybertron toy bios

When Soundwave was severely damaged, his loyal Deployers set to work repairing him. Utilizing the ancient, mysterious science of an alien world, they succeeded, and Soundwave was revived. To reflect the fact that he was no longer content with just being the Decepticons' communications specialist, he renamed himself "Soundblaster", and took on a more combative role. Voyager Class Soundblaster

Cartoon continuity

Prime cartoon

Voice actor: Frank Welker (English), Germán Fabregat (Latin American Spanish), Arto Nieminen (Finnish), Olivier Cuvellier (French), Tim Moeseritz (German), Carlos Campanile (Brazilian Portuguese)

When a gladiator calling himself Megatronus vowed to challenge Cybertron's leadership, Soundwave was his first follower and chief amongst them. Soundwave remained at Megatronus' side, now Megatron, as the conflict escalated into a war. One Shall Rise, Part 3 After finding out that the Decepticon scientist Shockwave had used Rumble and Frenzy as test subjects in his experiment to swap the sparks of Decepticons between different bodies, he demanded that Shockwave return them to their original bodies, to which Shockwave complied. Unreliable Narratives Following the Great Exodus, when the Decepticons were trying to decrypt an encoded Autobot transmission, Soundwave suggested they should let Shockwave have a shot at interrogating Arcee and Cliffjumper. Out of the Past

The Decepticons later arrived on Earth. During a Decepticon attack on Cliffjumper, Soundwave intercepted Arcee's comms talk. He later played it back to Starscream, prompting the Decepticon leader to send the drones after her. He later detected transmissions coming from deep space, that prompted the Decepticons to fire up the space bridge, allowing Megatron to return. Darkness Rising, Part 1

Voice actor: Snake-Eyes (English).

Shortly after Megatron left the ship on a mission, Starscream wondered aloud if Megatron had a touch of space madness, and Soundwave reminded him that their absent leader was still in charge. Starscream told him to step up global surveillance. Soundwave subsequently intercepted a transmission from Agent Fowler and, on Starscream's order, dispatched Laserbeak to capture the agent to learn the location of the Autobot base. Darkness Rising, Part 3 When the Autobots attacked the Nemesis to retrieve Fowler, slaughtering dozens of their soldiers, Soundwave hid. He simply watched when Megatron returned and took his fury out on Starscream on the bridge for not waiting on his command. Darkness Rising, Part 4

Starscream sent Soundwave to the Giant Sized Array radio telescope in Texas as they needed to use the array to target the space bridge at Cybertron. Soundwave hacked into the computer network at the site, but after he had lined up the dishes, someone realigned them. In response to Starscream's demands as to what was happening, he tapped into the base's security system and discovered that the Autobots' three human friends were in a nearby room, similarly accessing the computer. He extended a tentacle into the room they were in and attacked them. When Miko tried to chop the tentacle with an ax, Soundwave took it from her and used it to sever the computer system's hardline, locking the dishes on Cybertron. The three kids entered the room in time to see him leaving, and Miko and Soundwave snapped photos of each other.

See how much more convincing I am as a communications tower with this look?

Because of Soundwave's success, the Autobots resorted to sabotaging the space bridge, blowing it up and taking Megatron with it. Darkness Rising, Part 5 At Starscream's order, Soundwave activated the comm system so Starscream could give a speech to the troops, declaring himself leader. Failing to impress the Vehicons, Starscream pressed Soundwave's sensors into locating Skyquake, a Decepticon secreted in a pod in the desert. Starscream and Soundwave reactivated Skyquake, only to find he wasn't receptive to Starscream's leadership, and instead set about fighting Optimus Prime. Soundwave detected a Decepticon signal from the site where the space bridge exploded, and when Starscream went to investigate, Soundwave sent Laserbeak to keep Starscream honest while he himself filmed the battle between Skyquake and Optimus and Bumblebee. Though the outcome of the fight was not favorable to the Decepticon cause, Soundwave was able to ensure that Starscream returned Megatron's barely-functioning body to the Nemesis. Masters & Students

Soundwave intercepted a transmission from Wheeljack who was heading for Earth. At Starscream's order, he downloaded the necessary information to Makeshift, who took on Wheeljack's form and infiltrated the Autobot base. As Starscream and Soundwave paid a visit to the captive Wheeljack, Soundwave prevented his leader from terminating their prisoner, as he might be of use later. The two 'Cons retired to the ship's top deck to wait for Makeshift to activate the GroundBridge, however Wheeljack broke free and started trashing the Vehicons. When Wheeljack escaped through the ground bridge and sent back Makeshift with his grenade activated, Soundwave and Starscream made sure to get well clear before he exploded. Con Job During another Autobot operation, Soundwave listened in on their comm chatter, prompting Starscream to send some Vehicons to attack. Convoy

And that's why there's no Ratbat.

When Breakdown mentioned seeing an Energon Harvester in a fresco in Greece, Soundwave was able to track the device's location to a museum. Breakdown and Knock Out kept the Autobots busy in front of the museum while Soundwave sneaked in the back. He ran into Raf and Jack, who were already in the process of stealing the Harvester, and grabbed it from them before making a getaway in his vehicle mode. Deus ex Machina

"Let me see some tenderness connected with a death, or that dark chamber, Spirit, which we left just now, will be forever present to me."

Starscream and Knock Out made a concerted attempt to convince Soundwave that Megatron was beyond saving, and that the only option left to them was euthanasia. Soundwave remained skeptical, and pointed out the patch cable that Arcee and Bumblebee were using to access Megatron's brain. Megatron's life support was damaged during the ensuing confusion, and though it seemed Starscream and Knock Out were content to leave Megatron flat-lining, Soundwave pressured them into reconnecting the cable sustaining their master. Sick Mind

After Megatron's resurrection, Soundwave kept him informed regarding Starscream's activities, including his attempt to resurrect Skyquake with the Dark Energon shard ripped from Megatron's chest, and the loss of his arm. Shadowzone Soundwave watched as Breakdown was captured by MECH, and reported back to Starscream. He was on the bridge of the Nemesis when Starscream passed the news on to Megatron, who was less than impressed that Breakdown had been taken by a bunch of humans. Operation: Breakdown He detected the magnetic anomaly caused by the polarity gauntlet, causing Megatron to send Breakdown to go look for it. Metal Attraction

Megatron and Starscream headed to a stripped Energon Mine to discover mining drills still there. Starscream attempted to blame this on Soundwave. Megatron told Starscream that Soundwave had been filling him in on the second-in-command's activities. Rock Bottom Soundwave listened to Starscream's confessions after Megatron nearly terminated the second-in-command. Partners

He's playing Dubstep.

When the new Decepticon space bridge was nearing completion, Soundwave supplied a diagram of the last component they needed. After they obtained said component, Megatron left the ship on a mission of his own. Optimus Prime began searching the ship for the Decepticon leader and Megatron instructed Soundwave to send Prime to him. One Shall Fall Soundwave translated tremors coming from the Earth's core into sound, revealing it to be a heartbeat. Megatron did not appreciate this, as it was making his head hurt. One Shall Rise, Part 1 After Megatron left the ship to talk to Unicron, Soundwave monitored the comms channels for his master's return. When Airachnid suggested considering a future without Megatron, Soundwave ominously looked at her. One Shall Rise, Part 2


Soundwave continued to try to find some sign of Megatron. When Airachnid announced Megatron wasn't coming back and ordered the ship to Regulon Four, Soundwave decided it was time to lay down the law. He defied Airachnid, who angrily attacked him, but the Decepticon spy master quickly proceeded to defeat Airachnid. Upon Unicron's defeat, Soundwave detected Megatron's signal and activated the GroundBridge, bowing in respect with the other Decepticons as Megatron entered the bridge of the ship. He had to hold Breakdown back when they saw that Megatron was accompanied by Optimus Prime. One Shall Rise, Part 3

With Optimus amnesiac and believing himself to be archivist Orion Pax, Soundwave made sure the ship's data core was clear of any incriminating evidence so Orion could be put to work decrypting information they'd stolen from the Iacon archives. When Arcee managed to get on board the ship to look for the lost Autobot leader, Soundwave made deft use of the GroundBridge to get her back off before Orion could see her. Orion Pax, Part 1 When Orion eventually learned the truth, Soundwave relayed the news to Megatron. Orion Pax, Part 2 He also notified Megatron when activity was detected on Cybertron, indicating that the Autobots had gone there in an attempt to help Optimus. Orion Pax, Part 3

When Megatron was angry after having had the latest find snatched from his hands, Soundwave reminded him there were still two more sets of coordinates to investigate. Operation Bumblebee, Part 1 Soundwave was present when Megatron unsuccessfully tested the Forge of Solus Prime. Operation Bumblebee, Part 2 He played back footage of Skyquake's demise for Dreadwing. Loose Cannons

Soundwave continued to try to decode more data from the Iacon archives, in a continuation of Orion Pax's work. When Airachnid requested Megatron's approval to take point in the hunt for the relics, Megatron requested that Soundwave remind him of her previous words when she planned to abandon him. Later, after Dreadwing and Breakdown's failure to execute her, Soundwave began tracing Airachnid's location during her communication to the Nemesis for Megatron. Crossfire

After the Nemesis crashed, Soundwave reviewed security footage and discovered that Bulkhead had been the one to cause it. Megatron brought it back online using Dark Energon, though the ship's guiding intelligence proved uncontrollable by the Decepticons. Soundwave plugged himself into the flight console in an attempt to regain control, but was zapped into stasis. Flying Mind

You--cracked--my--visor! Prepare for sur... wait, wrong line.

He was on the Nemesis bridge when Knock Out left to find the first of the four relics decoded by the ship, Tunnel Vision and saw Dreadwing off to find the second relic as well. Triangulation After Megatron received word from Hardshell that the artifact he had been sent to retrieve was Tox-En, Toxicity Soundwave was dispatched to find the last of the four relics. Soundwave encountered the Jackhammer and used Laserbeak as a distraction. He soon uncovered the Resonance Blaster, only to be attacked by Wheeljack. Though the Autobot managed to crack his visor, Soundwave triumphed, and was only stopped from dispatching Wheeljack by an SOS from Laserbeak. He picked up Laserbeak and returned to the Nemesis, where Knock Out discovered a grenade implanted in the deployer. Once the offending item was removed, Soundwave returned to his work decrypting the Iacon database, unaware that the Autobots had also implanted a virus in Laserbeak, which passed into the computer and began transmitting the database to the Autobots' mainframe. Triage He returned to the bridge to listen to Megatron complain about how ineffective everyone else was, and watched Hardshell and Knock Out argue. Hurt

When Cylas came to the Decepticons with the offer of a Project Damocles satellite, Soundwave was sent to a military base in Colorado to get the codes so they could control the satellite from the Nemesis. He hacked into the computer, giving him the ability to use the satellite even as he was downloading the codes for it, but failed to stop Raf from knocking the satellite out of orbit. He retreated as the Autobots reached his position. The Human Factor

With new information about where the Autobots' human friends lived, Soundwave had Laserbeak patrol the area around Jasper. Hard Knocks Soundwave succeeded in decoding another set of coordinates, and Megatron sent him with a decoy Iacon relic to draw the Autobots off. While he managed to keep Optimus Prime's team occupied for a lengthy period of time, it was not long enough, and by the time he returned to the Nemesis, Optimus had gotten hold of the Star Saber. Legacy Continuing his work, Soundwave decoded more coordinates and reported them to Megatron while the latter forged the Dark Star Saber. Alpha/Omega

When Megatron returned from victory, he told Soundwave, in great detail, how he had destroyed the Star Saber with his own blade. He soon had two more sets of coordinates downloaded, resulting in Knock Out securing an Omega Key. When the final set decoded into an image of Smokescreen, Soundwave joined Laserbeak in the field to capture the Autobot rookie. Hard Knocks He was on hand to show the image he'd decoded to Smokescreen. Inside Job

After firing up the space bridge so Megatron could go to Cybertron, Soundwave told Starscream about what he'd discovered regarding the location of the Autobots' human allies. He later helped Starscream kidnap the three kids and transport them to Cybertron for use as hostages. Regeneration After handing over Raf in exchange for an Omega Key, Soundwave took part in the activation of the Omega Lock. He survived the lock's destruction at the hands of Optimus Prime, and returned to Earth with the others. Darkest Hour

During the hunt for the scattered Autobots, Soundwave dispatched Laserbeak to monitor an attempt to off Jack Darby. The attack resulted in an explosion that took out Laserbeak, and though Soundwave worked, he was unable to retrieve any further surveillance data from the salvaged, charred Deployer. He opened a space bridge to Cybertron, through which Knock Out returned from a mission accompanied by the long-missing Shockwave. Darkmount, NV Soundwave was present when Starscream proudly showed off the dancing monkey picture he'd found and later when Shockwave brought a Predacon to Earth. Scattered Prey As Starscream dispatched troops to deal with a number of Autobot signals, Soundwave tried to point out that their army was being spread thinly. He suggested that the Autobots were likely to be using the Harbinger as a base, but Darkmount came under attack before the Decepticons had a chance to act on the information. Rebellion

He was forced to repair the Nemesis communication dish after the Predacon damaged it. Plus One Soundwave GroundBridged to Shockwave's aid in Texas, when the other Decepticon came under attack from Autobots. With the help of Laserbeak, Soundwave managed to take down Optimus Prime and deftly GroundBridged a fragment of Predacon remains back to the Nemesis before the Autobots could get their hands on it. Project Predacon

When a plague inadvertently engineered by Knock Out and Starscream began spreading through the Vehicon population, Soundwave oversaw cleanup efforts. His group of Vehicons and Insecticons moved through the ship, destroying the infected, until the Insecticons suddenly broke off from the operation. He followed them, and on discovering that Airachnid was out of stasis and controlling them once more, used the space bridge to transport both her and the Insecticons to one of Cybertron's moons. Thirst Soundwave hung around during a Decepticon meeting to determine what to do about the potential threat of the Predacons. Evolution


As the Decepticons gathered resources to rebuild the Omega Lock, Soundwave monitored some Vehicons stealing materials. He activated the GroundBridge for them when the Autobots turned up, but he himself was shot down by Optimus Prime and crashed into power lines, disabling himself. The Autobots took him back to their shielded base and attempted to interrogate him to find out what Megatron's plans were, but Soundwave merely erased his data and crashed his own hard drives before breaking his vow of silence to convey a message:

Soundwave superior. Autobots inferior.

Soundwave remained offline until Laserbeak arrived and reactivated him with new orders—capture Ratchet. Minus One After returning to the Nemesis with Ratchet, Soundwave helped attempt to persuade his prisoner to cooperate by showing him pictures of the kids and the current Autobot base. Persuasion

The Decepticons were puzzled when they picked up Laserbeak's signal outside the warship, as Laserbeak was still attached to Soundwave's torso. Synthesis Stationed on the bridge during the Autobot attack on the warship, Soundwave used the GroundBridge to send the Wreckers to a different part of the ship. When the bridge was next attacked by Miko wearing the Apex Armor, Soundwave opened another GroundBridge and advanced on her menacingly, only for Raf to open a second GroundBridge directly behind him. The conflicting energies trapped Soundwave in the Shadowzone. Deadlock

Titan Prime comic

You look different, Soundwave. Did you do something different with your entire face?

During the war, Soundwave took part in a mission led by Megatron to invade Iacon and destroy the Iacon Energon Refinery. The team had barely made it in before Soundwave detected that they'd been spotted and the five Decepticons had to take cover. Following a failed gambit which expended the other three team members, Megatron gave Soundwave a bomb. While his leader caused a distraction, Soundwave ran to plant the bomb, only to be struck by blasts from one of the defenders. Megatron picked up his wounded second-in-command and helped him to safety, along with the other three Decepticons. War Story

Megatron and Soundwave somehow slipped some code into Invasionauts II to hypnotise Raf into opening the GroundBridge so they could send Vehicons through. Tinker, Tailor, Gamer, Spy! When Soundwave's plan to ambush the Autobots in The Wave went badly, he fired his remote-controlled hand at Bumblebee. The hand lodged in the scout's chest and later emerged when Bumblebee and Raf were asleep. Despite trying its best to kill Bumblebee, Soundwave's hand was strapped to a firework and shot high into the air. Starscream and Soundwave later scoured the desert for the missing hand and managed to find at least one finger. The Evil Shred

Megatron had Soundwave broadcast his intent to wreck the Statue of Liberty to the world's media. Unfortunately the US military intercepted all the transmissions before they could be received, leaving Megatron very unhappy with his communications officer. Protecting the Lady

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Power Outage

Eaglemoss Prime comic

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Horrible TV

2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon

Voice actor: Frank Welker (English), Lin Dongfu (Chinese), Roman Kretschmer (German), János Bácskai (Hungarian), Esteban Desco (Latin-American Spanish)
Team Bee can't touch this.

Trapped in the Shadowzone, Soundwave followed Megatron back to Earth, but got stuck on the planet after Megatron departed. Portals Some years after Cybertron's rebirth, a statue of Soundwave was constructed. Pilot (Part 1) His role in the war as Megatron's top lieutenant, and his fearsome reputation as a tactical genius, were well documented on Cybertron, as was his entrapment in the Shadowzone during his final battle aboard the starship Nemesis.

Designation: Soundwave.
Operation: New Genesis.

After wandering aimlessly for an unspecified amount of time, Soundwave finally got his chance to escape the Shadowzone after Fixit activated a malfunctioning GroundBridge, creating a portal to the Shadowzone. Soundwave flew through the rift and, along with Laserbeak, overwhelmed Bumblebee's team, throwing the yellow Autobot into the Shadowzone and knocking out Grimlock and Strongarm with his tentacles. That job done, Soundwave set to work constructing a radio array, hoping to contact Megatron and spark a mass Decepticon exodus to Earth. He was hampered by the antics of Fixit, Denny, and Russell, who managed to distract him long enough for Grimlock and Strongarm to come to their senses. The two Autobots renewed their assault on the Decepticon, prompting Soundwave to portal them away with Laserbeak. While the Autobots and humans regrouped and conferred with Bumblebee, Soundwave finished constructing his device. On the Autobot team's next attempt to hinder him, Soundwave chased Denny into a crane with his tentacles while Russell stole the last component of his communicator. Soundwave fired a barrage of portals at the human, until they overlapped and opened another Shadowzone portal, allowing Bumblebee to return and fight the Decepticon. Denny knocked Soundwave back through his portal with his crane, and Fixit kept the portal open long enough for Strongarm and Grimlock to return Laserbeak to the same realm. Portals

Laserbeak, unite. Operation: Panzer Unit.

At some point during Soundwave's imprisonment, he was provided with a group of genetically modified Activator Mini-Cons by an unknown group to collect weapons for him. Collateral Damage After obtaining Bumblebee's Decepticon Hunter, Stuntwing returned it through a GroundBridge portal to Soundwave. King of the Hill (Part 2) Soundwave dispatched Trickout through another portal to find more of the weapons, Defrosted and the Mini-Con returned to him some time later with a second Decepticon Hunter that he obtained from Sideswipe. The Great Divide When Hi-Test returned without a weapon, Soundwave was unhappy and threatened to terminate the Mini-Con, who fled. Guilty As Charged Goldgear would later succeed where Hi-Test failed, leaving Soundwave one step closer to completing his "project". At the same time, the Autobots began to realize that there was a connection with the thefts of their Decepticon Hunters. Railroad Rage

After Steeljaw's Pack was sprung from custody by a group of mysterious "benefactors", Soundwave contacted them through a portal, revealing that he was associated with said benefactors and directing them to prepare for their arrival on Earth or face painful deactivation. Prepare for Departure

Power depleted.
Suggested tactic: Retreat.

After Steeljaw obtained some nuclear fuel rods, Soundwave, now reformatted to a new body and vehicle mode, used the Decepticon Hunters to escape the Shadowzone and rendezvoused with him at a demolition derby. There, he revealed a transgalactic beacon generator constructed from wreckage in the Shadowzone which he planned to use to summon Megatron back to Earth. He dismissed the resulting destruction of life on Earth as a result of the radiation from the rods as collateral damage, much to Steeljaw's disgust. Forcing Steeljaw to retreat, Soundwave proceeded to take the generator to the highest point in the city, the Crown City Bank Building. Detecting Autobots, he sent Laserbeak in pursuit of Optimus Prime before being engaged by Bumblebee's team. Using the combined Hunters weapon to freeze Bumblebee and Strongarm, he found himself being disarmed by Sideswipe before Bumblebee, freed by Grimlock, used the weapon to first cut off the ends of Soundwave's tentacles to bring him to his knees and then freeze his body. As the generator started to fire up, Soundwave declared that Megatron would return before it was suddenly destroyed by a missile from Optimus, who had linked with Hi-Test. His mission failed, Soundwave went into stasis. He was then taken back to Cybertron by Optimus onboard Prime Force One so that Soundwave could stand trial at long last. Collateral Damage

Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

"It means that lately, some of you have been, eh, a little out of sorts.
Erratic. Unreliable. Downright sloppy.
Not you, Sound. You’ve been great."

Soundwave was one of the many Decepticons who pursued the AllSpark to Earth. He participated in an enormous battle against the Autobots in a human settlement. The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

Tales of the Beast Hunters

Soundwave intercepted a message between Bumblebee and Wheeljack indicating that the pair were heading for a derelict starship in the asteroid belt. As Megatron and Predaking headed out to tail the two Autobots, Soundwave monitored events on Earth to make sure no one else was following. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 2 When Predaking came back alone with the news Megatron had apparently perished in an explosion, Soundwave and the other Decepticons immediately suspected Starscream was responsible. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 7

Precursor World

A Warrior of the Seven Lights resembling Soundwave was a member of the Blue Order of the Primus Vanguard. When the traitorous Straxus twins unleashed a rage virus to destroy the corps from within, he was slain in the ensuing brawl. Vanguard supreme leader Primus later loaded the Warrior's lingering spark into his Golden Noah in an attempt to ferry his soul to the next world. God Neptune comic 1 Unfortunately, this did not work. Finale


Transformers: War for Cybertron (Xbox 360/PS3/PC)

Voice actor: Isaac C. Singleton, Jr. (English), Claudio Moneta (Italian), Paul Borne (French), Guillermo Morante (Spain-Spanish), Maciej Słota (Polish)
So Soundwave, you ever going to use that giant missile pod on your shoulder? "Well there was that one time."

Soundwave took control of the orbital station Starscream was posted at, helping Megatron to reach the Dark Energon by establishing a forward base within the station. He then directed Megatron to a Data Matrix Center in order to find a route to the Dark Energon that had not been blocked by Starscream.

Later, Soundwave notified Megatron that access to the core was impossible, as it was guarded by the Omega Gate. He and Breakdown accompanied Megatron as they led the assault on Iacon, through which they would find and take the Omega Key, opening the Omega Gate and allowing the core to be infused with Dark Energon. On their way to the Stellar Galleries, Soundwave reported snipers, and after taking them down, Megatron infused the entrance with Dark Energon and took his team into the security station. Soundwave noticed that the batteries fed the security grid, and the trio infused each of them with Dark Energon, deactivating the security measures. Soundwave then detected the Omega Key behind their next door, and after opening it, the Decepticons arrived at the Stellar Galleries. They opened the container, finding not the key, but a message from Zeta Prime, who announced that he had taken the Omega Key, anticipating Megatron's plan. Zeta sent Autobot attack forces against them, but they were swiftly taken down. Megatron ordered Soundwave to trace Zeta Prime's broadcast, and Soundwave found it came from 12.7 cycles ahead. He then noted a weak wall, and the Decepticons broke it down and entered the cities' subsystems, providing a direct route to Zeta, and the Omega Key.

The group descended down a shaft and went through a tunnel, avoiding trains on the way, and after breaking down a door in a ventilation area, they were ambushed by Autobot cloakers. Soundwave dispatched them and infused Dark Energon into the batteries. Megatron congratulated him, and then ordered him to unlock the exit. Soundwave obliged, and the trio found themselves in another tunnel. Breakdown challenged Soundwave to a race, to which the Decepticon responded, in his trademark monotone, "Negative." Tough crowd. Rushing through the tunnel, this time full of moving trains, the group came to a station where they infiltrated Iacon's lower levels. Soundwave detected the Omega Key at last, and suggested proceeding through the logistics station. Roughing it through the Autobot attackers, Soundwave finally determined that the key was beyond the train tunnels.

Soundwave and his teammates arrived at Iacon's main streets, where they met up with Brawl outside of Zeta Prime's vaults, which were impervious to the small amount of Dark Energon Megatron was capable of channeling. After Megatron's squad helped Brawl clear the area, Brawl called in the Dark Energon bombers, but they were spectacularly shot down by the planetary guns. Brawl suggested disabling them, and Soundwave assisted in carrying out the plan. Autobots advanced all around, but Soundwave and the others managed to hold them off until the next wave of bombers arrived, clearing the street and destroying the Vault doors. Soundwave joined the others on their way to the entrance, but the squad was intercepted by a Destroyer. Soundwave and Breakdown split from Megatron to flank him, and eventually they rendered him non-functional. Inside the vault, they avoided Zeta's traps and finally reached the Omega Key—but it too was a trap. Zeta then attacked them, using a giant hologram and controlling the chamber to his advantage, dropping the ceiling and sending holographic brutes to attack for him while safe within an impenetrable energy shield. (Even during the battle, Soundwave was impressed by the creation of endless energon clones, to which Breakdown responded, roughly, "NERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD!") Soundwave's dorkiness proved useful in discerning the weakness of Zeta's machines—that the core rapidly overheated after prolonged use, and needed to open up in order to cool, rendering it vulnerable to attack. After the battle, Megatron plucked from Zeta's hand the "key"...which started to blink its lights and chirp. Zeta Prime informed them that the "key" he was actually a device that activated the real key: Omega Supreme.

As the three Decepticons flew away to track Omega, Soundwave noticed that the "key" was coming for them. Omega Supreme attacked, and thrust the Decepticons' star cruiser into a wall. Crash-landing, Megatron had a change of plans; force Omega Supreme to open the Omega Gate. Soundwave noticed a Decepticon Dropship across the bridge, but when the squad went to investigate, Omega Supreme intercepted them. Soundwave reported that his weapons were ineffective; Megatron told his soldiers to destroy the bridge supports, causing Omega Supreme's vast bulk to collapse it. But he transformed to his ship mode, flew back up, and forced the Decepticons to retreat inside. In a frenzy, Breakdown noted that the next door was locked, and Soundwave proposed that Dark Energon could open the door, which it did. Inside, Soundwave picked up a transmission from Starscream, who announced that he would be replacing the "deceased" Megatron as Decepticon leader. Enraged, Megatron threatened Starscream, but Soundwave informed his leader that communication to the surface had been cut off, so Starscream could not hear him.

The trio arrived at the lift, but found it to be locked down. Breaking the locks got the lift back to working condition, but on their way up, Omega Supreme returned and blasted it, forcing the Decepticons down the shaft at breakneck speed. Omega was still out there, so the emergency brakes' destruction was the Decepticons' only hope. At the bottom, they continued their journey to find a way to fight Omega Supreme—Soundwave noted that at the top of the tower were several heavy weapons emplacements which could at least theoretically damage Omega—but Omega Supreme didn't know the meaning of the word quit. (He really doesn't; not much in the processor department.) He grabbed the Decepticons, but Soundwave helped out in shooting Omega Supreme's hand, forcing him relinquishing the three from his grasp. They retreated inside a fortified Autobot position, and in order to prevent detection, Soundwave jammed their signals. Slaying the Autobots inside who dared attempt to counterattack, Soundwave unlocked the exit, which only let in more Autobots. They too, met their demise, but as Soundwave and his comrades escaped, he noticed that the Autobots' security was countering the effects of Dark Energon. Destroying the sentries turned to be a worthwhile solution, but then the Decepticons had to deal with Omega Supreme mining road. Soundwave's sensors indicated the presence of a bridge nearby, and though Breakdown was unsure, Megatron was willing to follow Soundwave's advice. Once again, Omega Supreme continued to stalk them, but Soundwave led his group to an alternate route...a dead end, to be precise, which Megatron was irritated with. Soundwave revealed that breaking a structurally-weak sealed doorway nearby took them to Iacon maintenance tunnels leading straight to the bridge terminal. When they arrived through the power conduits, Soundwave and the others fought through more Autobots and finally activated the bridge.

Racing across the bridge, they barely avoided Omega Supreme's pursuit, and Soundwave located another cargo lift that would transport them straight to the heavy ion turrets. On the lift he picked up several Autobot/Decepticon signals, a sign they were approaching the battle on the surface. Soundwave participated in the slugfest, and his analysis proved that the turrets nearby had enough firepower to legitimately damage Omega Supreme. Then, he showed no mercy using the turrets to breach Omega's armour and finally topple him to the ground below.

Soundwave, Breakdown, and Megatron followed Omega, and at the bottom, they were surprised to see him survive and transform into his mighty robot mode. Soundwave noted that energon batteries produced from within Cybertron were the source of Omega's limitless endurance, and further advised the team on battling Omega; avoiding his tractor beams would allow them to live, and his turrets were vulnerable, making them the prime target. When the turrets were blown, Soundwave saw that the batteries were being used to repair them, and so it became an objective to corrupt them with Dark Energon. When Omega Supreme used the batteries to heal himself, he was instead weakened, allowing the Decepticons to critically injure him. Omega Supreme was still alive even after all of that, but much weaker. Soundwave observed that his chest plating had been damaged, and Megatron ordered Soundwave and Breakdown to blast it, and Omega Supreme fell at last. Soundwave advised Megatron that now would be a good time to corrupt Omega with Dark Energon, but Megatron told Captain Obvious to shut up and did as he would have done even if Soundwave hadn't brought it up, laughing all the way.

After Cybertron's Core had been infected with Dark Energon, Soundwave was reassigned as head of Kaon's prison, and watched over (i.e., tortured) Zeta Prime in his spare time. Optimus, Bumblebee, Sideswipe, and Air Raid led an Autobot breakout and battled Soundwave's minions Frenzy, Rumble and Laserbeak. Soundwave himself sustained heavy damage leaving the safety of his position to revive and retrieve each Minicon, showing uncharacteristic concern for other living beings. Eventually, defeated and critically damaged, Soundwave desperately attempted to restore himself by absorbing life force from Zeta's very own spark. His attempt to fully heal was halted by Optimus, who even took a shot from the Decepticon intended to finish off Prime. Although Soundwave and his minions fled, the damage had already been done and Zeta Prime expired moments later. Transformers: War for Cybertron

Transformers: War for Cybertron (DS)

Voice actor: Isaac C. Singleton, Jr. (English)

Soundwave hacked into the Autobot mainframe and, while Megatron and some other Decepticons kept the Autobots distracted, downloaded intel indicating the location of the Trypticon space station. As they approached the station in Megatron's ship, Soundwave reported that the inhabitants were taking up defensive positions and docking would not be possible. Though Megatron was confident they could ram the station, Soundwave turned out to be right, and they could only get close enough to drop a small team off on the debris surrounding the station. When the station was conquered and Dark Energon in Megatron's hands, Soundwave suggested it might be a good idea to test the stuff prior to use. It turned out to be unstable, and he warned it could result in destruction of its host. The Decepticons set up Kaon Prison as a testing ground and, after eleven failures, established that the Dark Energon could be used. When Barricade asked what happened to the failures, Soundwave would only say that their remains laid in the prison and creepily ask Barricade to get in the chair so he too could be infused with Dark Energon.

Trypticon station required more power, so the Decepticons sent a team to Cybertron's core to reactivate the Energon Bridge. Soundwave did not anticipate the activation of latent defense systems, triggered by the Decepticon presence, because he hadn't studied the same ancient files as Starscream. Megatron ordered Soundwave to give Starscream whatever he needed, and they succeeded in activating the bridge. Soundwave reported that they were only at 37% power — the Autobots had severed the bridge's link to the core using the Omega Key. Lazerbeak intercepted an Autobot transmission indicating that Zeta Prime was hiding the Omega Key, and Megatron ordered Soundwave to assemble a strike force to obtain it. They managed to find and defeat the Autobot leader, but the Omega Key he had was only the key to awaken the real key — Omega Supreme. Once the Decepticons fought their way through the Autobot defenses, Soundwave reported they had reached Omega Supreme himself. The Decepticons defeated the giant, reestablished the link to the core and infused it with Dark Energon. War for Cybertron - Autobots/Decepticons

Transformers: Cybertron Adventures

Voice actor: Isaac C. Singleton, Jr. (English), Claudio Moneta (Italian)

Soundwave discovered that the Autobots had infiltrated the Datacore. Megatron sent him and Barricade to take care of the intrusion. The two sped out, navigating a highway overgrown with Dark Energon crystals while dealing with swarms of Aerialbots before they could shut off access to the Datacore. An Autobot Destroyer blocked Soundwave's path and brought the roof down, forcing him to take an alternate route. He made his way to a security station and downloaded the information on the Autobots' advance, radioing Barricade to meet him at the assigned coordinates. When Soundwave arrived, though, he found Barricade in the middle of a shooting gallery. The Autobots were soon joined by an aerial Destroyer, but the pair made short work of it. Soundwave intercepted a data download but cut it off quickly, racing to intercept the escaping Autobots. Weaving his way through Dark Energon crystals and moving walls, he reached the intercept point in time, causing Ironhide and Bumblebee to skid out of control... and right into a fusion blast from Megatron. Transformers: Cybertron Adventures

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron

FOC-Soundwave-robot mode.jpg
FOC-Soundwave-vehicle mode.jpg
Voice actor: Isaac C. Singleton, Jr. (English)

Soundwave was present when Optimus was brought to Megatron by Starscream and Onslaught. He watched as Metroplex pulverised Megatron. He was the only one who hesitated in following Starscream. He secretly salvaged and with the help of Laserbeak, Rumble and an E.D.K. TechVolt, rebuilt his glorious leader, improving on his original design. He infused Megatron with Dark Energon, and pointed his leader in the direction of Starscream. He took part in the assault on the factory the Autobots had built in the crater where Trypticon crashed, and once Megatron had rebuilt the giant Decepticon, came to power up Trypticon's power core. On Megatron's orders, Soundwave rebuilt Trypticon into the Nemesis, a ship strong enough to make it towards the planet Shockwave had chosen. When the Autobots launched the Ark, the Nemesis soon caught up, and Soundwave spearheaded the assault on the other ship. Transformers: Fall of Cybertron

Soundwave is also a playable character in the 'Oblivion' Escalation map. He fights alongside Megatron, Shockwave and Starscream. He is able to deploy Battle Sentries, which fire at enemies.

Transformers Prime: Battle For Energon

When Bulkhead infiltrate one of the Decepticons' Dark Energon mines to snatch away the Decepticons' Dark Energon shards, Soundwave faced off against the Autobot before he could take his leave. Soundwave was defeated, and Bulkhead took off with the shards in hand. Transformers Prime: Battle For Energon

Transformers Prime: Terrorcon Defense

As awesome as he looks here, he's probably waltzing off after Bumblebee blasted him again.

Soundwave attempted to retrieve Dark Energon from a mining area but despite his army of Vehicons and Terrorcons, Bumblebee managed to stop him. He returned with more Vehicon troops in tow to procure more Dark Energon and transport it to an abandoned military base. His efforts were once again thwarted, this time by both Arcee and Bumblebee. He then aided Megatron on his final assault on the Autobots' headquarters. Transformers Prime: Terrorcon Defense

Transformers: Prime - The Game

Wait, I thought Daft Punk had two guys in it.

After Ratchet saved Miko, and Raf- he had to shut down the reactors in which Soundwave set up to keep Raf from hacking into the Decepticon Database. Ratchet had to shut down each reactor as Soundwave deployed Vehicons, and blocked them with forcefields. Eventually towards the end the two ended up battling; ending with Ratchet defeating Soundwave. Transformers: Prime - The Game

Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark


MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Rise of the Dark Spark


MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their video game appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Rise of the Dark Spark

Transformers Prime: Pulsar Defense

Soundwave and the other Decepticons attempted to prevent the Autobots from constructing a Pulsar Dish, which would destroy the Energon Drain that the Decepticons had built in an asteroid field. Transformers Prime: Pulsar Defense

Transformers Prime: Decepticon Strike

Soundwave and Laserbeak engaged Optimus in aerial combat over a snowy terrain. Upon Optimus's approach, Soundwave boasted aloud that he had been observing the Autobot leader, and knew exactly how to defeat him! Despite Soundwave peppering the skies with laser-blasts and cluttering them with floating "aerial mines," Optimus made short work of both Soundwave and his Deployer. As Soundwave flew off, he declared that more surveillance was need, but Optimus's defeat would nonetheless be inevitable. Decepticon Strike

Transformers: Battle Tactics

For once, Soundwave felt inferior.
Uh, should we really continue with the yellow highlights? It doesn't look evil enough.

Soundwave (and Soundblaster) participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He appeared in two different bodies:

  • Soundwave (FOC) — This Epic character first appeared in the "Cybertron: Episode 4" mini events, and could be could be recruited by collecting 500 units of Cybermetal, 250 units of Transmetal, and 50 cores of this character.
  • Soundblaster (FOC) — This Epic character was available to 2500 players in a "Cybertron: Episode 4" mini event, and could be recruited by collecting 500 units of Cybermetal, 250 units of Transmetal, and 50 cores of this character.Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Robots in Disguise mobile game

Version Unlock Cost (Energon) Unlock Cost (Ultra Sparks)
Combiner 3800 75

Soundwave could be recruited to help fight off the Insecticon clone army overrunning Crown City. Robots in Disguise mobile game


Marie considered Soundwave among the coolest of the Decepticons. Splatoon

Commercial appearances

Transformers: War for Cybertron

The toy can do this if you try hard enough.

Shockwave arrived to a location where Megatron, Starscream, and Soundwave were battling Autobots. Megatron left, leaving Shockwave in charge. Shockwave ordered Soundwave to Transform. Soundwave changed into Cybertronian boombox mode and played The Touch. GameSpot's commercial for their Shockwave multiplayer exclusive

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron

Jazz blasts Soundwave FOC trailer.jpg

During a large battle, Jazz fired a close range shot at Soundwave's gut. Subsequently, Soundwave exploded. Fall of Cybertron VGA Cinematic Trailer

Transformers: Prime

  • Megatron was embarrassed when seeing Twilight Sparkle become a princess on My Little Pony caused him to cry in front of Soundwave. Ask Megatron


Main article: Soundwave (WFC)/toys



But can he replay footage of "Operation: Firestorm"?
Deep Desert Soundwave.
  • In War for Cybertron, Soundwave transforms into a Cybertronian truck during gameplay, and his toy does the same, having only one alternate mode. However, the game also features a Cybertronian boombox mode, seen during a cutscene and the credits (in addition to a commercial for the Shockwave pre-order bonus), which the toy can approximate with some fiddling. In a Fall of Cybertron easter egg, he also briefly adopts a Cybertronian lamp post, in homage to the first episode of the Generation 1 cartoon.
  • Despite his toy and concept art appearance, Soundwave has a yellow visor in the War for Cybertron game. This was changed to red for Fall of Cybertron and Rise of the Dark Spark (perhaps displaying, in-universe, his furthered dedication to the Decepticon cause?).
  • Duane Capizzi said Soundwave can speak, but just chooses not to for his many appearances in Prime and his Robots in Disguise debut. The decision was to contrast Soundwave with the overly talkative Starscream,[1] and at BotCon 2011, the staff compared Soundwave to Boba Fett. Instead, he records what he overhears and replays it with a mechanical echo that is very similar to the echo of his G1 counterpart. Sorry, Frank, only one character for now...
    • When Soundwave does talk in "Minus One", he sounds a lot like Frank Welker. Surprisingly, Soundwave drops his vow of silence altogether in his later appearances in the "Combiner Force" portion of Robots in Disguise.
  • Soundwave's prehensile tentacles are reminiscent of "movie series" Soundwave, although they are significantly less naughty. Another similarity that "Aligned" Soundwave has with his movie namesake is that, as mentioned in the Transformers Hall of Fame biography, he is susceptible to too many sonic booms.
  • According to the Hall of Fame Biography, Soundwave deleted his emotions to process information more quickly, something that is actually based off Animated Perceptor.
  • Soundwave's body parts are available to use in the Hub website's Vector Sigma Bot Builder online game. Normally, you cannot configure a generic 'bot using all Soundwave parts, but you can see what one would look like at right through the magic of Photoshop.
  • The manner in which Soundwave deploys Laserbeak in Prime is similar to that the Breastforce from Transformers: Victory.
  • In one of the rare noticeable instances of physical change within the "Aligned" continuity family, Soundwave's appearance in Combiner Force is heavily influenced by his War for Cybertron body, though he retains his head design from Prime.

Arms Up Modes

In the Japanese Prime toyline, Soundwave has named powered-up modes when given various Arms Microns in certain configurations:

  • Night Attack Mode (ナイトアタックモード Naito Atakku Mōdo)
    • Arms Microns: Balo, Jida, Zori
In this mode, shown on his box-back photo, Soundwave uses the two-Micron weapon Spike Hammer Rod, while Jida in "Defense Shield" mode hangs on his left shoulder. What exactly makes all this ideal for nighttime attacks is anyone's guess.
  • Jet Mode (ジェットモード Jetto Mōdo)
    • Arms Microns: Gora (x2), Zori
Meant simply for flying in fast and blowing crap up, this heavily modified version of Soundwave requires some real work. Because of all the recycled non-Transformers parts in this mode, TakaraTomy designer Takashi Nakase has nicknamed this version "Recycle Mode". Two jet thruster/fuel tanks are created using bottles from a Japanese "common yogurt drink" and a pair of Goras painted up silver, with snipped Arms Micron sprues added on for detail. Soundwave also carries a large weapon made from Zori, a plastic fork, and more sprues. Yes, a plastic fork. You read that correctly.
There is also a vehicle mode configuration for this Arms Up Mode, with the massive turbines on the end of Soundwave's wings and the weapon on top of the main body. The whole shebang can be seen in this TakaraTomy developer video on YouTube.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Soundwave (サウンドウェーブ Saundowēbu), Soundblaster (サウンドブラスター Saundoburasutā)
  • Mandarin: Shēngbō (Taiwan, 聲波; China, 声波, "Soundwave")
  • Russian: Barkhan (Бархан, "Dune")


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