Steeljaw (RID)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Steeljaw" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Steeljaw (disambiguation). |
- Steeljaw is a Decepticon from the Robots in Disguise portion of the Aligned continuity family.
The silver-tongued Steeljaw is everything certain schemers wish they could be. A revolutionary on Cybertron, his aims have turned to taking over Earth and turning it into a homeworld for Decepticons... under his benevolent guiding paw, of course. A brilliant schemer, he's always planning ahead, seeking out opportunity, and unlike some, he has the patience to sit and wait for just the right moment to pounce. He carries himself with a soft-spoken, easy-going air, quick to offer compliments, but it's all an act. He'll tell you what you want to hear, carefully planting suggestions, so that you'll willingly throw yourself under the bus for him. Or, failing that, the facade will drop just long enough to show you how bloodthirsty he truly is. If you think you've found an ally in Steeljaw, think again – there's nobody he won't sacrifice for his goals.
Physically, he is a tough combatant, with razor-sharp claws and impressive speed and agility, plus his bark is certainly as bad as his bite. He's a master with sub-sonic technology, and with the right parts, can create sonic devices capable of interfering with Autobot technology, creating force fields, and more.
He leads his own pack in contrast to Bumblebee's team–fierce, formidable and as mean as mean can be. He also has a brother named Phantomjaw.
Contents |
2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon
- Voice actor: Troy Baker (English), Yūichi Nakamura (Japanese), Andrea Bolognini (Italian), Nicolas Böll (German), Arne Stephan (German, 8 episodes), Olivier Cuvellier (French), Osku Ärilä (Finnish), Carlos Hernandez (Latin-American Spanish), Felipe Grinnan (Brazilian Portuguese), Fitra Hartono (Indonesian), Grzegorz Kwiecień (Polish)
On Cybertron, Steeljaw studied sub-sonics. After trying to instigate a rebellion against the current High Council, he was arrested and imprisoned aboard the Alchemor, but escaped after Megatronus caused the prison ship to crash on Earth. Lockout
While hiding in the woods outside Crown City, he encountered Strongarm, and tried to bluff her by claiming he'd been a guard aboard the ship. When that didn't work, he knocked her out, tied her up, and tried to convince her that he intended to dwell peacefully on the planet. Sideswipe distracted Steeljaw by masquerading as another Decepticon, and as a result Strongarm was freed, though Steeljaw escaped in the confusion. Trust Exercises
After Thunderhoof was knocked into the black hole caused by his makeshift space bridge, he landed in a forest area where Steeljaw was hiding out. Steeljaw approached Thunderhoof and invited him to team up. As the Kospego Commands! The duo used the Crown River Dam as a temporary base of operations. From here, Steeljaw recruited the cyber-tick Minitron, who hijacked Grimlock's body and managed to retrieve a stasis pod containing Underbite. Minitron inadvertently led the Autobots to their base. Following the inevitable battle, Steeljaw escaped with the stasis pod and reactivated Underbite, inducting him into the gang but abandoned Minitron to the Autobots. True Colors
The growing force eventually set up shop in an abandoned steel mill. After Fracture joined the gang, Steeljaw attempted to pick up Clampdown as the next inductee. However, Clampdown turned out to have an unpleasant history with Thunderhoof, forcing Steeljaw to intervene. Thunderhoof managed to scare off Clampdown, and their pursuit led them into a confrontation with the Autobots. In the ensuing fight, Steeljaw almost trapped Bumblebee in a trash compactor; he was bested by the Autobots and captured with the rest of his Decepticons. Slipping his cuffs, he succeeded in creating a diversion by unmooring a garbage barge, then released the other Decepticons while the Autobots had their hands full. Back at their hideout, he inducted Clampdown into the gang even though Fracture questioned his loyalties but Steeljaw reassured him with the not-so-subtle threat of violence if Clampdown ever tried to betray his new benefactors. Sideways
When Fixit picked up Decepticon signals from the Crown City Tunnels, Bumblebee believed them to belong to Steeljaw and his gang. Even Robots Have Nightmares
Seeking access to the stasis pods and all their Decepticon inmates in the scrapyard, Steeljaw engineered a diversion by using Kickback as bait. While Bumblebee's team was distracted, Steeljaw broke into the scrapyard, and his gang quickly took Fixit, Russell, and Denny hostage. Steeljaw also rigged up a sub-sonic pulse that would disable the Autobots and prevent them from gaining access. Steeljaw tried to get Fixit to free the other Decepticon convicts, then ordered Thunderhoof and Clampdown to try and recapture the missing humans. Fixit managed to stall long enough, despite Steeljaw's threats to terminate Denny, for the Autobots to break in and deactivate the sonic weaponry; in the ensuing fight, Steeljaw was defeated yet again by Bumblebee.
Back at the Decepticon hideout, Steeljaw exploded at his comrades and ordered them to leave. Upon falling into a sulk he was contacted by a mysterious entity claiming to the the "first Decepticon" who also claimed to be responsible for the Alchemor's crash in order to free Steeljaw to serve him. Despite threats of violence Steeljaw was not intimidated by this entity and refused to serve him, but after the entity offered to give him control of Earth in exchange for his service Steeljaw finally agreed to build him his gateway. Lockout
Following the instructions of his mysterious caller, Steeljaw and his gang gathered various supplies to build the gateway. After the group captured Sideswipe and Strongarm, Steeljaw sent Fracture in the hopes of freeing more Decepticons from the scrapyard. Though Steeljaw attempted to delay the plan until Fracture succeeded, the entity convinced him to press on with the plan and, after capturing Windblade as well, the group headed to the Crown City Colossus to begin construction. The arrival of Bumblebee's team meant Steeljaw had to finish the gateway on his own, which he accomplished and activated the gateway. Despite the intervention of a newly revived Optimus Prime the entity made his way through the gate regardless and identified himself as Megatronus. Battlegrounds, Part 1 Though Steeljaw and his gang initially aided Megatronus, the First Decepticon revealed that he intended to use the spark fuser they'd built to merge the AllSpark and Anti-Spark from the cores of Earth and Cybertron, destroying both planets in the process. Steeljaw realized he had been used and attacked Megatronus in anger while his followers fled in fear. Steeljaw continued to fight Megatronus but he used his telekinetic powers to hurl Steeljaw away. Battlegrounds, Part 2
Intent on building a new team, Steeljaw tried to recruit Kickback, only to find that the other Con had already joined up with another group. He tailed Kickback to a swamp and the Alchemor's drive section, where he volunteered his services to Scorponok and Glowstrike. Metal Meltdown Promising his new friends some "elite warriors", Steeljaw directed Scorponok to a disused drive in before leaving a trail of energon from there to the scrapyard. Feigning an injury, he was taken into the scrapyard and sealed in a stasis pod, which he was able to escape thanks to a subsonic device. With Bumblebee, Grimlock, and Strongarm away, following the trail Steeljaw had left for them, he sealed Fixit and the Autobots' pets in a force field and freed a bunch of the prisoners before Strongarm returned. Though he attempted to obtain her Decepticon Hunter, she bested him in combat, and he was forced to flee. He was later able to present the Decepticons he'd rescued to Glowstrike. Misdirection
Steeljaw sent Springload to retrieve a high output cable for him and, in return, promised to lead Springload to Doradus. Bumblebee's Night Off
Taking advantage of a growing ideological rift among the Decepticons, Steeljaw gathered his team on the roof of the ship, where he mused about the possibility of staging a coup and overthrowing Glowstrike. He was interrupted by the return of Glowstrike and Saberhorn, who were pleased with his performance. Rather than having to take the position through force, he was promoted to sub-commander of the Decepticon forces. To prove his loyalty to the cause, he savagely attacked a Sharkticon whom Glowstrike had accused of treachery. That job done, Steeljaw joined the other two Decepticon commanders, who were hoping to gain access to the ship's armory, particularly a pair of Decepticon Hunters. Portals
After finding a way to access the armory, Steeljaw immediately took advantage of the Decepticon Hutners, using them to overthrow Saberhorn and Glowstrike and seize control of the ship and its inhabitants. When Bumblebee's Autobots broke into the ship, Steeljaw had his new Decepticon army surround the Autobots, grandly welcoming them to the first settlement of his new Decepticon empire. Decepticon Island (Part 1) Steeljaw paraded his prisoners out in front of the Autobots as proof of his victory, disarming Glowstrike using a Decepticon Hunter. The Autobots managed to make a break for it, but Bumblebee left his Decepticon Hunter behind in the escape. Steeljaw managed to incercept Bumblebee and Optimus Prime at the ship's ventilation hub, where he proudly displayed all three of his new weapons before using them to power himself up. Bumblebee and Optimus struggled against the empowered Steeljaw until a swarm of escaped Mini-Cons stormed the room, occupying the Decepticon leader long enough for Bumblebee to finish arming a cryo-gas bomb. The Mini-Cons managed to deprive Steeljaw of his weapons, reverting him to normal. Bumblebee took advantage of Steeljaw's momentary weakness to grab the Decepticon Hunters himself and power himself up as Steeljaw had just done beforehand. Thus empowered, Bumblebee melted Steeljaw into the floor before escaping, leaving the would-be Decepticon conqueror howling in rage at his failure. Unable to escape the bomb's detonation, he was placed back in stasis and later taken back to Cybertron by Optimus Prime, Windblade and Ratchet. Decepticon Island (Part 2)
Unbeknownst to the Autobots, the Decepticons that had coopted and taken over the High Council had ulterior motives for the prisoners that the Autobots brought to Cybertron. Hoping to summon Megatron so that he could restart the war and conquer Cybertron once more, Cyclonus and his underlings arranged for the release of Steeljaw, Freedom Fighters Quillfire, Clampdown, Underbite, and Thunderhoof. These five Decepticons were offered full pardons and sent back to Earth to eliminate Bumblebee's team of Autobots.
On Earth, the Decepticons tracked Bumblebee and his team to the scrapyard and opened fire on the area, forcing the Autobots to retreat. Steeljaw, however, came up with a new plan to force the Autobots out of hiding by sabotaging the Crown River Dam, which would threaten thousands of human lives and bait the Autobots into intervening. Steeljaw and his pack ambushed Bumblebee at the dam, and in the ensuing chaos the Decepticon leader escaped and blew a hole in the dam - distracting him just long enough for Sideswipe to knock him over the railing and into the river below. Exiles
Steeljaw's Decepticons would then try to capture the Autobots again, this time luring Bumblebee, Strongarm, and Sideswipe into a trap in the city's subway systems. Despite Steeljaw's torture, Bumblebee refused to give up the location of the Autobots during the interrogation, and the subsequent escape of Sideswipe and Strongarm from their improvised prison forced the Decepticons to retreat, using a passing train as cover. Breathing Room The pack was contacted by Soundwave and his Activators, who informed them that they would soon need to prepare for the arrivals of the High Council on Earth. Steeljaw decided to focus on aiding Soundwave and the Activators in their quest to release Soundwave from the Shadowzone so that the ex-lieutenant could contact his old leader. This mission required excavating some nuclear waste from a human disposal site. They towed their find through Crown City, but the Autobots caught up with them inside a hydrochloric acid warehouse. In the ensuing fight, Steeljaw lost the nuclear waste but managed to use the acid to engineer another quick escape for his team. Prepare for Departure

Still hoping to recover radioactive energy sources for Soundwave, Steeljaw led his gang in an attempt to infiltrate a local power plant; after Clampdown was taken into Autobot custody, the rest of the pack gained access by disguising themselves as nuclear waste disposal vehicles. The Decepticons quickly began robbing fuel rods from the plant, but the Autobots caught up with them. Hoping to distract the Autobots, Steeljaw sabotaged the reactor to melt down while they escaped, but the capture of the rest of his teammates prompted him to cut ties and run, taking the fuel rods with him. Some time later, he met with the Activator Stuntwing, but told him that he would only deliver his prize to Soundwave in person. Prisoner Principles
Using the stolen Decepticon Hunters, Soundwave was able to escape the Shadowzone and began working on his ultimate plan to contact Megatron: using the radioactive fuel sources Steeljaw supplied, he constructed a trans-galactic beacon generator that would contact Megatron at the cost of irradiating all life on Earth. Furious at the thought of losing the world he planned to rule, Steeljaw attacked Soundwave, but was soundly beaten by the faceless Decepticon and fled. Soundwave was soon defeated and the Autobots returned to their pursuit of Steeljaw. Collateral Damage
After catching him on a country road, the Autobots pursued him but were intercepted by Dropforge and several Autobot police officers, leaving Bulkhead to match wits against the Decepticon alone. Luring Bulkhead to a natural gas refinery, Steeljaw confounded Bulkhead with several subsonic fields before igniting the gas in the pipe. Autobot backup arrived in the form of Bumblebee and the others: join him or he'd blow up Crown City. Dropforge's arrival and his destruction of Steeljaw's detonator gave him the opening to unleash a powerful subsonic pulse on all assembled and retreat to manually prime the charges, but Dropforge managed to clout him and force him to retreat. Five Fugitives
Shortly afterwards Steeljaw — forewarned of the eventual Cybertronian invasion of Earth that would deny him the chance to rule the planet as his own — opted to stow away aboard Prime Force One when the Autobots travelled to Cybertron to confront the High Council, proposing an alliance of convenience with Bumblebee when the Autobots found him out. Though rightfully skeptical at first, Steeljaw helped Bumblebee fight off Cybertron's orbital drone defences, though Bumblebee remained skeptical and knocked him out at the first opportunity.
On reaching Cybertron, Steeljaw once again offered his assistance, acknowledging that they would need his knowledge to breach the Council tower's sonic defenses. With no other options left, Bumblebee reluctantly brought Steeljaw along during their trip through Kaon. The ruse quickly went south when the Council's police found them out, Enemy of My Enemy but were rescued and escorted to the Council by Dropforge. On reaching the High Council Tower, Steeljaw deactivated the shielding systems, but was nowhere to be found when the Autobots confronted Cyclonus' team and their combined form of Galvatronus. When Fixit located the mind control transmitters that were responsible for keeping the population of Cybertron docile and easily manipulated, Steeljaw suddenly appeared and smashed the console, telling Fixit that this was his revenge against the Council that had betrayed him — and that Earth could once again be his for the taking.
Indeed, even after Cyclonus had been defeated and the Autobots had returned to the scrapyard, their arguing was interrupted by one of Steeljaw's howls; realizing that their old foe had followed them back to Earth to make trouble, the Autobots rolled out to stop him. Freedom Fighters
2015 Robots in Disguise books
Annoyed by Thunderhoof and Underbite bickering, Steeljaw reminded them that he only tolerated them because their help was necessary in his quest to obtain the Anti-Spark. Sideswipe Versus Thunderhoof
IDW Robots in Disguise comic
Following the disastrous business with Megatronus, Steeljaw was lurking near the Sierra Ridge mountains when he spotted Optimus and Windblade out on a mission. Shortly afterwards, he stumbled on an energon mine being constructed by three abandoned Vehicons, and managed to convince them that he was their superior officer. While two of the Vehicons lured Team Bee away from the scrapyard, he and Steve kidnapped Fixit and Russell Clay, Robots in Disguise #5 as well as freeing those Decepticons Steeljaw could trust, Robots in Disguise #6 before inviting the Autobots to come find them. Robots in Disguise #5
Steeljaw had the Decepticons set about mining energon, and when Bumblebee's team inevitably turned up, Steeljaw revealed his trump card: a bomb left with the Vechicons by Starscream. During the fight, Steeljaw ordered Steve to set off the bomb, however the Vehicons realized that Steeljaw was pursuing his own vendetta and not the Decepticon cause. After Optimus Prime arrived to reveal that Steeljaw had been lying about being part of Starscream's command, the Vehicons turned on their would-be master, using the bomb to take out the other Decepticons. Steeljaw fled the scene while the Autobots were taking his men into custody. Robots in Disguise #6
Commercial appearances
- Steeljaw tried to attack a young boy with a Bumblebee toy in hand, only for the real Bumblebee to wrestle with the Decepticon and toss him into a nearby body of water. Robots in Disguise One-Step and Three-Step toy commercial
- Steeljaw burst through a billboard only to find himself facing a giant-sized "Super Bumblebee!" Though he tried to flee, Bumblebee picked up Steeljaw and transformed the Decepticon into his vehicle mode as though he was just a toy. Robots in Disguise Super Bumblebee commercial
Robots in Disguise mobile game
Version | Unlock Cost (Energon) | Unlock Cost (Ultra Sparks) |
Starter | 500 | 10 |
Titan Guardian | 1000 | 20 |
Legion | 1500 | 30 |
One-Step | 2000 | 40 |
Titan Hero | 3000 | 60 |
Warrior | 4000 | 80 |
Hero | 6000 | 120 |
Protect Crown City
There were lots of Steeljaws! They attempted to escape before the Autobots secured them back into their stasis pods. Protect Crown City
Robots in Disguise (2015)
Legion Class
- Steeljaw (Legion Class, 2015)
- Part of the first wave of Robots in Disguise Legion-class toys, Steeljaw transforms from a
yetiglanchiwerewolf-like Decepticon into an off-road vehicle. In robot mode, his hands can grasp 3mm post accessories, and he has two 3mm ports on top of his vehicle mode for mounting weapons.
- His Decepticon insignia is on his passenger-side door, which becomes his left forearm in robot mode. The symbol can be scanned while Steeljaw is still in-package.
- His stock photo is mistransformed in vehicle mode, with his legs sticking out of the front of the vehicle mode.
- Steeljaw Clear Ver (Legion Class, 2015)
- Release date: March 21, 2015
- A redeco of Legion Class Steeljaw in clear plastic, Steeljaw Clear Ver. was a promotional freebie given away at Japanese stores like Edion, Bic Camera and Kojima in March of 2015, to customers who spent ¥3000 or more on Adventure product.
- Like most of the clear-colored Adventure Legion Class promos, Steeljaw has no paint operations save for his face.
- Autobot VS Decepticon Set (EZ Collection 4-pack, 2015)
- ID number: TAV35
- Release date: December 19, 2015
- TakaraToimy's normal-retail release of the Legion Class Steeljaw toy is much more extensively painted for a greater degree of show-accuracy.
- Although stock photos for the packaging show that Steeljaw features birch grey plastic, the actual product retains the original plastic color from the Hasbro toy.
- He was available only in a four-pack along with similarly-painted-up versions of Optimus Prime, Underbite, and Grimlock. None of the individual toys have scan-badge; instead, all four badges for each individual were printed on a single small card.
- Like the rest of the Adventure "EZ Collection" sets, some online retailers like Amazon Japan were still selling it two years later at greatly reduced prices, upwards of 70% off.
Warrior Class
- Steeljaw (Warrior Class, 2014/2015)
- TakaraTomy ID number: TAV-04
- TakaraTomy release date: March 21, 2015
- Accessories: Bladed claw
- Released in the first wave of Robots in Disguise Warrior-class figures, Steeljaw transforms from a werewolf-like Decepticon, complete with articulated tail, into an off-road vehicle of made-up model. He comes with a Wolverine-like claw weapon that he can either hold in his hand or attach to the roof of his vehicle mode. His scannable insignia is on his vehicle-mode windshield, which becomes his robot-mode chest, easily scannable while still on-package.
- The TakaraTomy release of Warrior Class Steeljaw, as part of the initial assortment of Adventure product, features a flatter shade of blue-ish grey plastic, and several extra paint details on his head and wheels. His scan-badge is covered in-package by a "dummy sticker" to prevent scanning without purchase.
- Due to a lack of heel-spurs and the uneven surfaces on the soles of his feet (being made up of the vehicle-mode grill and bumper), he has problems standing upright without using his tail as a stabilizing tripod.
- This mold was also used to make Phantomjaw.
- Decepticon Island Showdown (2-pack, 2016)
- Accessories: Bladed claw, Decepticon Hunter sword, Decepticon Hunter axe, 2 Decepticon Hunter Prime Swords, Decepticon Hunter long-staff, Decepticon Hunter small-staff, stasis pod
- "Decepticon Island Showdown" Steeljaw is completely unchanged from his individual Warrior Class figure, as is the Bumblebee he comes with.
- On the other hand, this set comes with a plethora of extra unique "Decepticon Hunter" accessories, as well as a large two-piece stasis cell large enough for (most) Warrior Class figures to fit into.
One-Step Changers
- Steeljaw (One-Step Changer, 2015)
- TakaraTomy ID number: TED-08
- TakaraTomy release date: June 27, 2015
- Part of the second wave of One Step Changers, Steeljaw transforms in one step (see?) from a werewolf-like Decepticon into an off-road vehicle, triggered by his vehicle front/tail. Steeljaw can ride on Stomp & Chomp Grimlock, but does not activate any of the larger figure's gimmicks.
- His Decepticon insignia is on his vehicle-mode roof, which becomes his tail. Unlike several One-step Changers, his badge is easily scannable while still in-package.
- As per usual, the TakaraTomy release of this toy, released in the fourth wave of the Adventure "Easy Dynamic Series" subline, is much more show-accurate in its deco, with paler-blue plastic and more extensive paint applications.
- Robots in Disguise Collection (6-pack, 2015)
- A 6-pack featuring the One-Step figures of Bumblebee, Steeljaw, Grimlock, Sideswipe, Underbite (all of them unchanged from their individual releases), and a new One-Step Optimus Prime figure available only in this set. This set was exclusive to Target stores in the United States and to Toys"R"Us stores in Canada.
- Sideswipe, Steeljaw, Underbite, and Bumblebee's badges are all scannable in-package.
Hyper Change Heroes/3-Step Changer
- Steeljaw (Hyper Change Heroes / 3-Step Changer, 2015)
- TakaraTomy name: Big Steeljaw
- TakaraTomy ID number: TED-11
- TakaraTomy release date: August 29, 2015
- Part of the third wave of Robots in Disguise Three-Step Changers, this considerably larger version of Steeljaw transforms from an off-road vehicle to robot in just
32 easy steps!...yeah!
- His scannable badge is on his vehicle bonnet/robot mode chest. Like most of the Three-Step Changers, his badge is easily scannable while still in-package.
- TakaraTomy's version of this toy, released in the sixth wave of "Easy Dynamic" toys, say it with us folks, features additional paint applications for greater show-accuracy. Like his Hasbro counterpart, his scannable Decepticon insignia is in his robot mode, middle of his chest. Unlike the American release, Big Steeljaw is packaged in a windowed box, instead of an an open package.
- Cybertron Strike Steeljaw (Hyper Change Heroes / 3-Step Changer, 2017)
- Released as part of the Hasbro line's Combiner Force rebranding, "Cybertron Strike" Steeljaw is a redeco of the figure above, two years after the initial release, and now featuring detailing reminiscent of computer circuitry. His scannable badge is on his vehicle bonnet/robot mode chest. Like most of the Three-Step Changers, his badge is easily scannable while still in-package.
- His packaging advertises a "Hyper Turn" gimmick.
- Steeljaw (Custom Kreon, 2015)
- Set number: B1236
- Pieces: 26
- Accessories: Extra body parts, parts rack, buildable sword, buildable staff
- Part of the sixth wave of Kre-O Custom Kreons, and the first (and only) Robots in Disguise-themed wave, Kreon Steeljaw has extra body parts cast in transparent plastic, if you're into that kinda thing. His weapons and parts can be stored on a buildable weapons rack. Despite what the instructions say, the body piece cannot be pegged down between the leg parts installed on the display stand because the shoulder ball joints get in the way. However, this can be amended by putting a 2x1 brick piece under the torso to give it something to fit onto.
- Unlike the larger Robots in Disguise Kre-O kits, the Customs do not have any scan-badges on their packaging at all. The mobile game isn't even mentioned anywhere.
- This wave was skipped by US retailers at first, so the set only saw release in Canadian, European and Asian markets. In late 2015 they (briefly) showed up at TJ Maxx discount chains in the US.
Hero Mashers
- Steeljaw (2015)
- Pieces: 8
- Accessories: Twin-blade, tail/sword
- Part of the first wave of Robots in Disguise-branded Hero Mashers, Steeljaw is a 6-inch tall non-transforming action figure. He has pop-off forearms, thighs, lower-legs and head, which are interchangeable with any Hero Mashers figure, which includes properties like Star Wars and Jurassic World. Every body part except his head also has at least one accessory-attachment point, though only his tail/sword has the proper peg to use them. In what appears to be a budget cut, every toy in this wave has single-swivel shoulders, as opposed to double-swivels, restricting arm articulation. (The rocker-ankles from the original waves remain gone.)
- The figure itself lacks a scannable badge, but the packaging has a unique scan-badge for the mobile game that grants a randomized amount of "Energon cube" currency. The scan-badge is the same for all toys in the wave.
- Originally this wave was skipped by US retailers, seeing release only in Canada and European markets. In December 2015, they started to pop up in US discount stores like TJ Maxx and Marshalls.
Tiny Titans
- Steeljaw (Tiny Titans, 2015)
- Series: 1
- Number: 4/12
- Part of the initial assortment of Tiny Titans blindpacks, this version of Steeljaw is a very small, soft-plastic figure of him in robot mode.
- He includes a collectible card that includes a scan-badge for the Robots in Disguise mobile game, which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.
- Steeljaw (Tiny Titans, 2016)
- Series: 5
- Number: 3/12
- Part of the fifth wave of Tiny Titans, this version of Steeljaw has him in a much more aggressive, claws-ready-to-rake battle stance.
- As per usual, he comes with a collectible card with a scan-badge for the mobile game, which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.
- This assortment saw minimal-at-best distribution at "big box" retail, most reliably hitting through online outlets before filtering out through drug store chains.
- Steel Jaw[sic] (Radz candy dispenser, 2015)
- Blindbag code: E
- The Radz candy-dispenser version of Steeljaw is a plastic sphereoid with feet, spiky "hair", and a keychain fob. Pulling the hair back opens the toy's "mouth" and projects a little bowl-like tongue, dispensing a single colored sugar pellet. The hair can be taken off to refill the dispenser, and swapped with any other Radz.
- Steeljaw was only available in a blindpacked baggie, though the bag has a code number on the back under the "best by" date that tells you what's inside (only the last letter is the important part). He comes with a bag of sugar pellets, and a mini-poster with a collection checklist on the back. The packaging and poster use the generic scan-badge found on almost all toy and merchandise packaging, granting an amount of "Energon cube" currency.
- Steeljaw (McDonald's toy, 2016)
- McNumber: 7
Kinder Chocolate
- Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015)
- Only available inside a blind packed chocolate egg as part of Kinder's Transformers: Robots in Disguise series, this buildable Steeljaw mini-figure consists of a generic "cog" onto which his limbs and armor can be clipped to construct him. He has articulation on his shoulders, upper legs and tail.
- Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2017)
Dickie Toys
Die-Cast Cars
- Steeljaw (Single Pack, 2016/2017)
- Released as part of the Single Pack assortment, Steeljaw is a show-accurate, non-transforming die-cast vehicle based on his alternate mode. He features through-axle construction, allowing for super-speedy racing on smooth surfaces, and his car mode is compatible with many tracks and playsets from Hot Wheels and Matchbox.
- His other redeco variants include a Stealth-themed color.
- Steeljaw (Tin Box, 2016)
- This Steeljaw toy car is unchanged, with a new collectible tin box featured in the packaging...and a random transformation scene card.
- Steeljaw (Light Up Racer, 2016/2017)
- This Steeljaw toy car features a (pointless) blue-colored light-up gimmick underneath, which is probably meant to represent him having an LED underbody. Once activated, the light emits to a smoke grey plate underneath with Steeljaw's head sculpted on it. He also comes with his own Tech Spec collector card. Batteries also included.
- Robot Team 5-pack (2016)
- An unchanged Steeljaw car is pack with either of these two 5-pack sets.
- Steeljaw (Plastic Robots & Car 2-pack, 2017)
- This 2-pack features an again, unchanged Steeljaw toy car, but with a show-accurate, non-transforming robot mode figure as a bonus!
- Robots in Disguise 5-pack (2017)
- Robots in Disguise 8-pack (2017)
- Robots in Disguise 11-Pack (2017)
- The unchanged Steeljaw car (or his Stealth redeco) was also available in either of these multi-packs. He would probably be bundled with his robot mode figurine though.
Play Sets
- Capture Pod Track Set (2016)
- Accessories: Launcher, Track, Ramp, Capture Pod, stand
- The Steeljaw Die-cast Car is also available with the play set, which consists on launching him to the Capture Pod...which means the whole point of this set is capturing Steeljaw while he's flying off the ramp. However, any Autobot cars is also compatible if you decided to do the other way around.

- Steeljaw is the first main antagonist of a western Transformers cartoon series who is not a Megatron or Galvatron (not counting Thaddeus Morocco, the on-off overarching antagonist of Rescue Bots).
- Not long after the cartoon ended, Walter Gatus shared his portfolio for Robots in Disguise containing many early concepts for the show. Among these, there where some early sketches of Steeljaw (shown right) who looks similar to his final design, but with a much darker color scheme and a slightly different head.
- Steeljaw is noticeably taller in Robots in Disguise's final season, being as tall as Thunderhoof, someone who had previously stood head and shoulders above him.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Steeljaw (スチールジョー Suchīrujō)
- Mandarin: Gāngqián (钢钳, "Steel Clamp")
- Polish: Stalowa Szczęka ("Steel jaw" RID2015 Mobile Game)