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Terrormander is a Predacon-allied Seacon from the Beast Wars II portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Lazy Boy.

The youngest of the Seacon Space Pirates, Terrormander (テラマンダー Teramandā) usually gets stuck with the unenviable grunt work his seniors wouldn't be caught dead doing. You know; swabbing the deck, scraping the barnacles, hauling the mizenmast, and all that other stuff. Terrormander in turn channels his resentfulness at being the "new guy" into unmotivated laziness. His shirking of essential duties hasn't exactly improved Halfshell's opinion of him, nor has it endeared him to the rest of the crew. Another side effect of the callowness of youth, Terrormander is the least respectful of the elder Seacon Coelagon, usually being the first to ignore his meandering yarns.

Terrormander reserves any and all enthusiasm for when it's time to go to battle. His manta ray mode can generate powerful vibration waves capable of shaking apart even the hardiest of targets. It's this quality which ensures his place among the Seacon ranks, even if his refusal to pull his own weight brings his comrades to their wit's end.

Terrormander combines with his fellow Seacons to form God Neptune.



Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Beast Wars II cartoon

"My mouth is very frustratingly placed... Stupid horn thingies..."

Terrormander was a member of the Space Pirate Seacons, manning the wheel when their photon sailer first arrived on the planet Gaia. The Seacons located the amazing power source called Angolmois Energy as their latest treasure. Terrormander was a bit disrespectful towards his captain, Halfshell, about the true value of this treasure, but the other Seacons shouted him down and told him to respect his leader. Their excavation was detected by the Maximals, who wished to stop the pirates from pillaging the seas. Terrormander and his mateys formed God Neptune to defend their booty, but they were distracted when Diver and Scuba commandeered their vessel and then blew up the Angolmois Energy already on board, greatly damaging the ship. The Space Pirate Seacons!

As the Seacons began repairs on their vessel, another dispute with the Maximals began as Scylla declared her affections for Scuba, but Bighorn declared his affection for Scylla. This eventually led into a full battle between the Seacons and several Maximals, but also alerted the Space Pirates to the existence of a rival faction on Gaia, the Predacons. The Tentacular Scuba

Halfshell negotiated an Angolmois Energy bounty on the Maximals' heads from Megastorm, and dispatched his team to isolate and defeat the heroes individually. Terrormander isolated the lieutenant Maximal, Apache, on some rocky shoals. Their efforts were undone largely because Megastorm tried to cheat them out of the bounty by destroying the Maximals himself with bombs, only to have each and every bomb explode in his face instead at the battle sites. Megastorm's Reckoning

Galvatron goaded the Seacons into making a second (unpaid) attack on the Maximals. Terrormander took advantage of Tasmania Kid's lack of aquatic ability by attacking him as he rode on Scuba's back, both above and below the waves. The Maximals managed to regroup on a rock in the ocean, but that only made them a convenient target for the combined God Neptune. The Seacons were only driven off after the arrival of the Insectrons Bigmos and Tonbot, the Maximals' southern allies. Showdown in the Sea

When Scylla went missing, apparently shirking her duties again, Sea Phantom labored off to find her. While searching, Terrormander came by and alerted him to a transmission he intercepted between the Jointrons and Bighorn about some form of treasure. Sea Phantom and Terrormander decided to investigate and possibly steal the treasure for themselves. In actuality, the Jointrons had kidnapped Scylla as part of a complicated scheme to help Bighorn win her heart by rescuing her. Sea Phantom and Terrormander tried to steal the bagged "treasure" and, when a stray shot revealed Scylla was in the bag, fought back even harder to recover their lost teammate. Complications ensued, leading to a battle between God Neptune and Tripledacus, but ultimately Scylla was rescued and returned to her crew. Face the Setting Sun

Recognizing their poor fortunes on Gaia, Halfshell prepared his crew to depart. Learning of their intentions, Lio Convoy offered to give the Seacons the energy they needed to leave. Halfshell wouldn't take charity from the Maximal, but got Lio Convoy to agree to fight one-on-one for the energy. As Halfshell explained to Terrormander and his crew after the Maximal left, the "one" would be God Neptune! The Seacons arrived as God Neptune and battled Lio Convoy for the energy, but their duel was interrupted by Megastorm trying to kill Lio Convoy himself. His blast set off an Angolmois Energy chain reaction on the beach, leading the Seacons to depart, stealing Lio Convoy's energy as they ran. Sea Phantom and the crew readied the mast, and took off back into space. The Final Battle

As the Seacons left Gaia, they were confronted by the artificial planet, Nemesis. Nemesis completely overpowered the Seacons' vessel and brainwashed Terrormander and the Seacons into swearing loyalty to Galvatron with its evil energy. The Artificial Planet Nemesis

Sailing through space, the Seacons came across the Jointrons, and both teams fused into their respective combined forms. Their battle was interrupted by a mysterious spaceship that squarely collided with God Neptune and broke him up into the individual Seacons, who were sent flying off. Lio Convoy in Imminent Danger!

When the Maximals were on their way to reach the rapidly approaching Nemesis, the Seacons served as its first line of defense and forced the Maximals to crash on a nearby asteroid. There, they fought the confused Maximals. When Lio Junior, Santon, and Skywarp combined to form Magnaboss, the Seacons did their own combination in response and the two combined warriors battled. God Neptune gained the upper hand, but, with the other Maximals' help, Magnaboss was able to strike God Neptune with an Angolmois Ball, which knocked out the Seacons. Coming to, they regained their senses and Halfshell explained that the Nemesis's evil influence had made them aggressive. The Seacons saw the Maximals off and Halfshell declared the asteroid their new spaceship. Revenge of the Space Pirates

Beast Wars Neo cartoon

After the defeat of Unicron, Terrormander as part of God Neptune came to Cybertron. There, the combiner surfed on the photon sailer. Graduation Ceremony!!

Generations Selects Special Comic

During a heist with Duncan for proton energy, the Seacons were betrayed and left for dead. Seacons comic 5 An envoy for Primus appeared and made a deal with Halfshell: Play part in Primus's plan in the Precursor World and his crew would be revived. God Neptune comic 2 Joining forces with Turtler and his Seacons, Halfshell used the Angolmois Energy siphoned from Galvatron to revive the other pirates, Seacons comic 3 although the process was interrupted by the evolution of Galvatron into Super Megatron. Seacons comic 5 Nevertheless, their upgrade was completed. Super Megatron comic 2

Fulfilling Primus's plan, the Angolmois-powered Seacons went to the various colored worlds of the Precursor Universe to gather the Matrices of the Primus Vanguard's leaders. Terrormander in particular went to the Red Planet to rob Red Sentinel Prime of his Matrix Buster, succeeding despite the Red Order's efforts. Gathering in outer space, the Seacons combined into God Neptune, who then possessed the power of five colored Star Powers. God Neptune comic 1 The followed battle faced God Neptune against Megatron Omega, who blasted the combiner apart with his own Angolmois Energy. However, encouraging words from White Gallant Convoy's spirit inspired Halfshell to form the pirate gestalt again with his crew. God Neptune comic 2 After all was said and done, the Seacons were returned to their proper time by Primus. Finale

Beast Wars II comic

BWII manga Sea Phantom Terrormander.jpg

While the Seacons were stuck on Gaia thanks to being lost and their photon sailer running out of energy, Terrormander and Sea Phantom were forced to suffer Scylla's love-struck excitement over "Bighorn". Captain Halfshell took more positively to Scylla's love, making the crew put on an elaborate wedding for the squid. After much ado between the real Bighorn and Scuba, Galvatron's Predacons attacked the festivities and the Seacons combined into God Neptune to fight back. He was quickly felled by Predacon firepower, but Bighorn, Scylla, and Scuba were able to send the attackers fleeing. After Scylla gave her goodbyes to her suitors, the Seacons left the planet. Realize the Forbidden Love!


Transformers: Earth Wars


MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Earth Wars


Beast Wars

"Have you ever ran above rocks? Now, imagine that with my legs..."
  • God Neptune (Multi-pack, 1998)
  • ID number: D-21
  • Release date: August ??, 1998
A redeco of the Generation 1 Seacon Seawing, Terrormander transforms into a robotic manta ray with legs. However, he lacks the rifles and stand-pieces of the original version of the mold. Since he uses the Scramble City-style of combination, he can form the arm or leg to any combined robot of similar construction, but his nominal place is as the right leg of God Neptune.
He was available only as part of the God Neptune gift set with his teammates Coelagon, Halfshell, Skyulle, and Sea Phantom, sold in the seventh wave of Takara's Beast Wars II toys.
For unknown reasons, a great number of unboxed God Neptune sets—lacking all of their accessories, including combiner parts—ended up available on the secondary market. These went for considerably less than the "complete" releases, naturally.
This toy was later repurposed as Generation 1 Seawing in the Collectors' Club magazine comic arc Beast Wars Shattered Glass.
The Transformers combiner team mold: Seacons
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:
  • Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers D-318 Kingposeidon [sic] (GS & In)
GS = Gift set release
In = Individually released

Snaptrap (leader)
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:

  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:

  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:

  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:

  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:

  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:

Generations Selects

  • Godneptune [sic] (Multi-pack, 2020)
  • Hasbro ID number: TT-GS10
  • Release date: October 31, 2020
  • Accessories: Left & right wing-blasters, rifle, scythe, combiner hand, combiner hand gap filler
Generations Selects Terrormander is a redeco of Kraken from the same line (who himself is an extensive retool of Power of the Primes Deluxe Class Terrorcon Cutthroat, itself a Dinobot Swoop retool, whew!), transforming from a robotic manta ray monster to a robot. He is able to form a limb for God Neptune or any Combiner Wars-style Combiner, though his instructions only detail how to transform him into leg mode. His blasters/rifle and scythe combine with his teammates' weapons to form God Neptune's "Neptune Cannon" and "Neptune Sword" (respectively).
Terrormander can also assume "Targetmaster" mode like Kraken, but this is not mentioned anywhere on the packaging or instructions.
Terrormander was released as part of the God Neptune giftset, a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive in Japan. The God Neptune set was also available via Hasbro Pulse and other online retailers in the U.S. and Canada.
Power of the Primes mold: Swoop

Version 1 (Swoop):

  • Generations Selects Swoop

Version 2 (Cutthroat):

Version 3 (Kraken):


  • Terrormander's name is partly wordplay on "manta" (マンタ), if one couldn't tell.
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