Thrust (G1)
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The name or term "Thrust" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Thrust (disambiguation). |
- Thrust is a Decepticon from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Thrust wants you to know he's coming. The other Decepticons have learned there's no being sneaky when he's around. He's a loud-mouthed braggart who will claim victory before he's even taken the field. He tries to terrify and demoralize the enemy with loud rumbling roars from his engines and boasts from his vocal circuits. The truth is that Thrust is mostly bluster with little to back it up. Any sort of strong resistance can send him flying back the way he came.
“ | Bein' a Decepticon's about psyching out your opponent... | ” |
—Thrust, "Transformers: Earth Wars" |
Generation 1 cartoon continuity
The Transformers cartoon
- Voice actor: Ed Gilbert (English), Yutaka Shimaka (Japanese), Masashi Ebara (Japanese, "Dinobot Island, Part 2"), Toshiro Ishii (Japanese, "Auto Berserk" & "Ghost in the Machine"), Ken Shiroyama (Japanese, "The Movie"), Yoku Shioya (Japanese, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5"), Chen Weiqun (Chinese'), Hans-Rainer Müller (German, "The Girl Who Loved Powerglide", "Hoist Goes Hollywood" & "Ghost in the Machine"), Christoph Jablonka (German, Generation 2, "Dinobot Island, Part 2"), Willy Schäfer (German, Generation 2, "The Golden Lagoon"), Tonio von der Meden (German, Generation 2, "Auto Berserk" & "Kremzeek!"), Ulf-Jürgen Wagner (German, Generation 2, "Triple Takeover"), Niko Macoulis (German, Generation 2, "Starscream's Brigade"), Georges Atlas (European French), Albert Augier (European French, "Megatron's Master Plan" episodes), Unknown (European French, "Hoist goes Hollywood" & "The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1"), Jacques Ferrière (European French, "Dinobot Island, Part 2"), François Leccia (European French, "Auto Berserk"), Unknown (European French, "The Girl who loved Powerglide"), Thierry Kazazian (European French, "Child's Play"), Carlos Seidl (Portuguese), Luiz Feier Motta (Portuguese, "Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1"), Dario de Castro (Portuguese, "Megatron's Master Plan, Part 2" & "Quest for Survival"), Marcos Miranda (Portuguese, "The Golden Lagoon" & "The God Gambit"), Mário Jorge Andrade (Portuguese, "Triple Takeover"), Ionei Silva (Portuguese, "Hoist Goes Hollywood")
When the mighty Autobot Dinobots relocated to the time-displaced prehistoric Dinobot Island, Thrust was one of several Decepticon warriors who accompanied Megatron to the island in the hopes of exploiting the land's vast energy resources. After the Dinobots made their presence known, Thrust stood by to guard the energon cubes while Megatron conspired to eliminate their adversaries. Dinobot Island, Part 1 Thrust, along with the others, were able to hold off the arriving Autobots who were trying to save the isle. However, when the Dinobots later convinced the native dinosaurs to attack the Decepticons, Thrust and Ramjet were trampled in a stampede. Ouchies. Dinobot Island, Part 2
Thrust participated in an attack on the Autobots as they transported the Negavator to their headquarters. They was disoriented by Smokescreen and crashed. Later, he helped back Megatron up when the Decepticons confronted Starscream and a mentally impaired Red Alert at the Autobot bunker for control of the Negavator. However, Red Alert had set the Negavator to self-destruct, sending all of the Decepticons into retreat. Auto Berserk
Thrust went with Dirge, Ramjet, and Starscream to raid Shawn Berger's new solar tower only to discover the whole thing was a setup by the wealthy industrialist to destroy Decepticons and gain good publicity. Starscream was able to easily defeat Berger's artillery, but Thrust had to rescue him from the arriving Autobots. Thrust participated in some staged videos that made it appear that the Autobots were really the ones stealing energy, and the Decepticons were the ones trying to stop them. He also went with the rest of Megatron's forces to watch the subsequent Autobot trial. Megatron's Master Plan, Part 1

Not too long after banishing the Autobots and being embraced by the humans, Megatron revealed his true colors, and had Thrust, Ramjet, and Dirge attack Central City as a show of power. He later worked at the local power plant once the city's populace was enslaved there. Thrust was tasked with capturing the escaped human slave Chip Chase. Thrust chased Chip into the Autobot base and seemingly prevented him from saving the Autobots from a collision course into the sun by destroying Teletraan I, but actually unwittingly saved his enemies by shutting off the autopilot that was navigating their doomed ship. Thrust returned the human to the power plant, and helped fight off a fleet of human piloted jets attempting to rescue the city. He was less successful when the Autobots returned to liberate the town. All the Decepticons were outnumbered, defeated, and had to evacuate. Megatron's Master Plan, Part 2
Thrust and Thundercracker were spotted entering a secret Decepticon hideout by Spike and Bumblebee at the airport. Thrust, along with the others, were seemingly bested by the Dinobots who were sent in to clean up the place, but a surprise explosion from Megatron turned the tide. Later, Thrust, along with the rest of the Decepticons began to malfunction due to a deterioration of the element Cybertonium in their bodies. After a subsequent fight with the Autobots turned into a mess for everyone involved, Thrust was out of commission until more Cybertonium could be shipped from Cybertron. Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 1
During an attack on several Autobots, Thrust discovered a secret supply of the element electrum, which made him invincible, and allowed him to capture Perceptor and Seaspray. Unlike virtually every other Decepticon in existence, Thrust seemed to possess no dreams of personal power. He ran right to Megatron and informed him of the pool instead of using it for his own gain.
Protected by the electrum, Thrust partook in several successful assaults on the Autobot forces, even knocking down Omega Supreme. This good fortune didn't last. Despite repeated dips in the electrum pool, the substance eventually wore off, leaving Thrust and the other Decepticons vulnerable. In retaliation, they destroyed the pool itself so that no one could benefit from it. The Golden Lagoon
Thrust's cowardice was legendary among the Decepticons, and they frequently had to put him in his place whenever his bluster became too unbearable. He was particularly insipid on one occasion when he, Starscream and Astrotrain came to Saturn's moon of Titan hunting the Autobot Cosmos. When Astrotrain took advantage of the superstitious locals to force them into serving him as "greatest of the Sky Gods", Thrust quickly fell into the role of lackey instead of challenging Astrotrain like Starscream did. Later, when the Autobots Jazz and Perceptor arrived and engaged the two Seekers, Thrust was quick to flee rather than face even odds in battle. Finally, when the Autobots' transport Omega Supreme was repaired, Thrust voiced the Decepticons' slim chances at survival and they beat a hasty retreat. Not an unreasonable course of action, really—it seems a coward is a useful point of view to consult during warfare. The God Gambit
Thrust was with the Decepticons when they set up a space bridge in a baseball stadium and subsequently decided to torment the humans who were gathered there. Thrust, in particular, shot baseballs at people from his arm cannon and knocked down the scoreboard. After the Autobots arrived and the expected melee broke out, Thrust was knocked inside the spacebridge along with some other Autobots and Decepticons and accidentally sent to the planet Brobdingnag. There, they were tiny compared to the planet's inhabitants and were treated not unlike toys by the alien boy, Aron. Thrust tried to save Soundwave from Aron's cat, Nitro, but was swatted into a fish tank where he was attacked by a pet fish, and later tied to a simple string when he tried to fly away. When Aron's parents discovered the tiny Transformers, they handed them over to scientists. Thrust and the other Decepticons were strapped down for dissection but were able to escape thanks to Ravage. Although an assault on the Autobots in the sewers proved unsuccessful, the Decepticons were later able to fly back to Aron's room and commandeer the Autobots' use of Aron's telescope to return to Earth. Unfortunately they landed right in a lake and were attacked by alligators. Child's Play
Of course, Thrust also isn't much of a people person either. Megatron once gave him the simple task of explaining to the Insecticons that the Autobots had acquired some robotic insecticide to use against them, and that they were to stay clear of the battle until Megatron could destroy the weapon. Megatron actually planned to hoard the insecticide as a failsafe for himself, naturally, but he didn't tell Thrust that. The Conehead's delivery of the message lacked the slightest trace of sincerity, resulting in the two sides lobbing insults and shots at each other, and the Insecticons flew off that very instant to intercept the Decepticons. A future in politics, Thrust does not have. Quest for Survival
Thrust displayed a rare instance of mass shifting when he taxied Megatron to Autobot Headquarters, to deposit Megatron's newest creation, Kremzeek. Kremzeek!
Thrust accompanied Thundercracker, Ramjet, and Dirge to watch Astrotrain's attempt at using an army of trains to harvest energy. Thrust wasn't too impressed, especially after the trains burst a water main and flooded the city. Later, he and the other seekers flew to a football stadium Blitzwing had taken over to place bets on which of the potential combatants would win an ongoing fight for Decepticon leadership. Triple Takeover
Thrust, Ramjet, and Dirge were charged with kidnapping Astoria Carlton-Ritz, the CEO of Hybrid Technologies. However, Powerglide intervened and was able to outmaneuver the Coneheads through the city, saving Astoria. The Coneheads convinced Megatron to give them a second chance and this time were successful. After chasing Powerglide from an amusement park to the desert, they were able to get the better of him and make off with Astoria. The Girl Who Loved Powerglide
When Dirge crash landed in a studio backlot of Major Pictures with a potentially powerful weapon stolen from Wheeljack workshop, Thrust, Ramjet, and Astrotrain were sent to retrieve him. While they picked up their fallen comrade, they were captured on film by a Director and his film crew. Not surprisingly, Thrust didn't mention the screw up, and it wasn't until Astrotrain brought it up, that Megatron ordered everyone back to the studio. To his credit, Thrust showed some signs of bravery when it came to activating the mysterious device though all it did was sputter and conk out. At one point, he thought he had Spike and Carly in his clutches when they were spotted escaping in a motorboat but it turned out to be just studio prop dummies. Thankfully, Megatron wasn't as abusive to him as he was to Starscream that day. Hoist Goes Hollywood
Thrust partook in the raid on the Autobot convoy carrying experimental Superfuel. The Autobots held the advantage on the highway, and the jets all crashed into the mountainside as the Autobots raced through the tunnels. Ramjet was especially damaged and Thrust and Dirge descended to his aid, forcing Megatron to try to highjack the superfuel himself.The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1
Thrust was present when Starscream wound up in yet another of his heated arguments with Megatron and shot the Decepticon leader in the back. This was hardly enough to keep Megatron down, and when Starscream ordered "his" troops to destroy Megatron, Thrust, nor anyone else, took him seriously. After several personality components were stolen from the Decepticon Detention Center Thrust was one of the troops attacking Autobots base in retaliation. They left once Megatron concluded it wasn't the Autobots who were responsible for the theft. Along with the other Decepticons, Thrust faced Starscream and his new team, the Combaticons in the subway, but unlike Dirge and Ramjet, he was able to escape capture. Starscream's Brigade
Thrust fought in the Decepticons' attack on Autobot City in 2005, and had the distinction of being the first Decepticon to be plowed by Optimus Prime. Thrust was seen carrying the heavily injured Shrapnel as the Decepticons fled the battle aboard Astrotrain, though when the time came for the Decepticons to toss their injured comrades into space in order to save themselves, Thrust showed no further regard for them. He was one of Starscream's aids at his coronation, jumping away just in time as Starscream was reduced to ashes by newly arrived leader Galvatron. Thrust was later part of the Decepticon armada defending Cybertron against Unicron's onslaught. He, Ramjet and Dirge flew into the chaos bringer's mouth, which closed on and destroyed the trio. Ouch. The Transformers: The Movie
Except they survived.
Thrust continued to serve in the Decepticon air force after they were banished to Chaar. He was one of the Decepticons that unsuccessfully tried to stop Wheelie and Blurr from reaching Metroplex with the transformation cog. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5 He was part of Galvatron's search party after Rodimus Prime and his crew had escaped a Decepticon attack. Dark Awakening
Thrust and the other Coneheads accompanied Galvatron to Carbombya to confront Octane about his theft of Trypticon, though he apparently left once Galvatron personally took control of the republic. Thief in the Night
Along with Dirge and the Battlechargers, he made an unsuccessful attempt to stop Starscream's ghost (working for Unicron) from stealing one of Trypticon's eyes and kidnapping Astrotrain, naturally bringing about Galvatron's ire. Along with those other three, Thrust had the good fortune to be inside Trypticon when Starscream later possessed the citybot under Unicron's orders. He smashed Trypticon's interior controls, rendering him useless and throwing a wrench in Unicron's plans to make Cybertron his new body. Ghost in the Machine
Japanese cartoon continuity
Legends comic
Following Trypticon's first defeat at the hands of Metroplex, Thrust and Dirge recovered Full-Tilt from the wreckage. LG-43 Trypticon Project Chapter While participating in an attack on the Ark to steal the Transform Super Cog, he was taken aback by Triggerhappy's strategy of firing randomly in all directions. Slugslinger's Ambition
The Battle of the Star Gate
Thrust helped Megatron and Starscream fight off a squad of Autobots who had stumbled upon the Decepticons’ latest Energon-gathering scheme. After being shook-up somewhat when Megatron ordered Rumble and Frenzy to create an artificial earthquake, Thrust was ordered to give Astrotrain cover as he retreated with the Decepticons’ supply of Energon. Activation
A duplicate of Starscream then showed up and swiped the entirety of the Energon cache, before disappearing with the other Starscream. Thrust was later amongst the Decepticons Megatron brought to the Trigger to confront the two Starscreams conspiring against the Decepticon leader. When Starscream combined himself with the Trigger to create a powerful new body for himself, Thrust had to contend with the volley of asteroids thrown towards both Autobots and Decepticons from Starscream's star gate. He was then almost sucked into a portal to a black hole when Starscream neared defeat, but was instead sent plummeting down to Earth when Optimus and Megatron worked together to defeat Starscream. The Battle of the Star Gate
The Headmasters cartoon
Thrust appeared in a flashback depicting a battle between the Autobots and Decepticons on Cybertron. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky
Thrust and Dirge stood guard outside the Decepticon headquarters on Earth when Twincast was ordered to infiltrate it. The two Seekers got into a firefight with the Autobot and his Mini-Cassettes, and were too distracted to notice Rewind sneaking past them and into the base. Explosion on Mars!! MegaZarak Appears
Generations Selects Special Comic
In 2050, Thrust and the Decepticons lent their support to the Earth-born Selectors, robots eager to rebel against their human makers who enslaved them. Volcanicus comic 2
Ask Vector Prime
In a universe where the Decepticons were at war with the Guardians, Thrust participated in the attack on Guardian City and killed Wrong Way. When Leader-1 arrived, he shot down Thrust. Echoes and Fragments
In an alternate universe where Megatron died at Autobot City, Thrust was one of the many Decepticons who were forced to retreat aboard Astrotrain. Back on Cybertron, Thrust was present to witness Starscream's coronation. The ceremony was interrupted by Unicron, who chose to reformat Starscream into his new servant "Megascream." As part of Starscream's bargain, Thrust was one of the warriors who received enhancements.
During Unicron's final attack on Cybertron, Thrust accompanied Megascream when the Decepticon leader attacked Optimus, and merged with Megascream to form a massive combiner. Thrust was presumably killed when Hot Rod opened the Matrix shortly afterwards. Deviations
Marvel Comics continuity
Marvel The Transformers comics
Thrust served Lord Straxus on Cybertron, operating out of the massive tower Darkmount in Polyhex. Along with the Insecticons and the other coneheads, he pursued another sextet of Autobots who had just carried out some sort of raid on the smelting pool, only to be forced to retreat by a torrent of liquid metal that had just been siphoned off of it. The Smelting Pool!
He was one of the elite warriors targeted by the Wreckers in Operation: Volcano, but narrowly avoided his fate after a call from Megatron summoned the Decepticons away from the lure Impactor and his team had put out. Target: 2006 As Megatron and Straxus began a partnership to share resources between Earth and Cybertron, Thrust was reformatted and sent to Earth along with Ramjet and Dirge to supervise a massive drilling operation designed to suck the power out of Hoover Dam. Their operation was invaded by the Aerialbots, but Thrust turned his disruptor engines on Skydive, forcing him to ground. Still, the Autobots outnumbered the Seekers and soon forced them into retreat. Aerialbots over America!
Thrust and his comrades began working for Megatron on Earth full-time afterwards. During Christmas 1986, he and Bombshell ambushed Jazz and Jetfire as they took care of a delivery of Transformer fuel from a Blackrock chemical plant. After Thrust took out the building with his missiles, Bombshell rendered Jazz inactive by shooting him in the back. But although the Conehead managed to knock Jetfire down as well, at Blackrock's urging the Autobot rallied and laid Thrust out cold. The Gift
Optimus Prime would later review footage of Thrust's arrival on Earth and his subsequent antics to determine that his Autobots were insufficiently prepared should he meet his demise. Prey!
Thrust helped defend the Decepticon headquarters against a joint attack of Cobra, G.I. Joe and Autobot units while Shockwave directed Power Station Alpha around the globe in an attempt to siphon tremendous amounts of energy from the Earth, which would destroy the planet in the process. ...All Fall Down!
Under Ratbat, Thrust participated in an ill-fated raid on a fleshling oil tanker alongside Ramjet, Vortex and the Insecticons. The heist went off without a hitch... except that the tanker had already emptied its cargo. Not the Decepticons' finest moment. Buster Witwicky and the Car Wash of Doom
Later, he was among the Decepticons present when Galvatron attacked their new underwater headquarters, ready to try and gun down their near-invincible opponent as he breached their defenses. However, upon doing so, Galvatron told the Decepticons that he had only wished to talk to them, and that Shockwave's choice to respond to his arrival with violence had taken that option off the table. Thrust turned to Shockwave, none-too-impressed with how he had handled the matter as Galvatron took off. Enemy Action! Shockwave dispatched Thrust along with Dirge, Ramjet and Blitzwing to London to collect the inert bodies of Centurion and the Megatron clone after Jawbreaker swiped them from under Richard Branson (or Mister Johnson)'s nose. Salvage!
Later, he was part of the Decepticons' major assault on the Autobots on the surface of the moon. He was disabled (and seemingly exploded) due to a blast from Blaster's electro-scrambler gun during the battle. Totaled! Thrust was glimpsed later, however, transporting humans to the Decepticons' holiday resort. Club Con!
Transformers Annual 1985
Thrust was among the troops Megatron brought to the Amazon to excavate rare crystals which could bring new Decepticons to life. Thrust and Starscream were posted as aerial guards, and opened fire on Bumblebee when the little Autobot breached the excavation's perimeter. After Bumblebee's back-up managed to down Starscream, Thrust buried the lot of them by triggering an avalanche with a sonic boom. This failed to keep the Autobots down for long though, and the Decepticons retreated, the mining enterprise a bust. Hunted!
With Soundwave in command, Thrust joined a massive Decepticon offensive against the Autobot Earthbase. Their goal was to kill some Autobots, while also distracting them as Starscream looted a human oil tanker in the Gulf of Mexico. Both goals proved fruitless, and the Decepticons were driven off. Divide and Conquer!
Marvel UK future timelines
By 2008, Thrust had risen in the Decepticon ranks to become leader of his own albeit unidentified team. At Soundwave's command, he led them to a planned assault on the Autobots, only to be intercepted by Quintesson shock troopers and Trident Attack Craft. The Decepticons were forced to join forces with their Autobot opponents in order to chase the Quintessons off Cybertron. Thrust was last seen pursuing the remaining Quint ships as they fled atmosphere. Space Pirates!
More than fifteen years after he was last seen, Thrust was the last Decepticon of Megatron's fallen warriors to be rebuilt. BotCon 2007 Thrust profile card Some believe that this had something to do with why Thrust defected to Bludgeon's command. Thrust was later assigned to work with the mysterious Bug Bite on Earth along with Dirge and several others. Games of Deception
Thrust was eventually compelled into serving Megatron again. He attacked a human city on Earth with his old wingmen, Ramjet and Dirge. At Fight's End
Some time later, Thrust had fallen in with Gigatron on Earth, and was present when Gigatron's team attacked the Autobots' Ironworks headquarters for their hidden Rarified Energon reserves. Invasion Prologue He was also around for the second attack, directed at the evil Autobots of the negative polarity universe. Thrust and the evil Decepticons were unable to overcome evil Ultra Magnus in combat, though. Invasion
Regeneration One
Following his deactivation on Earth, Thrust was reanimated and lobotomised by Megatron to form part of his zombie army. Thrust was pressed into service as part of a unit alongside Octane, Razorclaw, Skalor, Bugly, Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Ratbat, charged with exterminating a convoy of escaping humans that included Buster and Jesse. Less Than Zero
In 2012 after Megatron's defeat, all of the deactivated zombies were piled into a large pit by the Autobots and obliterated from orbit. Natural Selection, Part One
Transformers '84
Thrust was among the troops assembled by Megatron to crew the newly built Nemesis. Shortly before launch, Shockwave went missing and Megatron ordered Thrust, Dirge, and Ramjet to go and retrieve him, acting on Counterpunch's suggestion that he could probably be found at the Project Dreadnought control hub. They arrived to find Shockwave standing over the wrecked bodies of Skyfire and the Dynobots and the scientist returned with them to Nemesis. Secrets & Lies #1
Thrust, Dirge, and Ramjet went on to take part in the assault on the Ark as it emerged from the Stellae Cimeterium but were ordered by Megatron not to board the vessel with the rest of the Decepticons, instead remaining in flight mode to prevent any Autobots escaping. After the Ark crashed into prehistoric Earth with everyone aboard, the Coneheads returned to the Nemesis to confront Shockwave over his inaction regarding their comrades' fates but Shockwave incapacitated them with a derivative of the Scraplet virus before heading down to the surface of the planet himself to clear up some "loose ends". Secrets & Lies #2
Upon awakening, Dirge, Ramjet, and Thrust travelled to Earth in pursuit of Shockwave but on arriving at the Ark they were instead confronted by five drones, constructed in the images of Grapple, Hoist, Skids, Smokescreen, and Tracks by the Ark's computer AUNTIE to defend against the impending threat of Grimlock. The three Decepticons engaged the drones in battle but found them tough to outmanoeuvre, unencumbered as they were by Autobot morality. Secrets & Lies #3
They were then shocked to see Grimlock burst out of the Ark, locked in combat with Megatron, who was also being controlled by AUNTIE. Realising that the Decepticon leader was channelling pure anti-matter from a black hole through his eyes, Thrust picked up the injured Dirge and the Seekers retreated back to the Nemesis. Subsequently, they reported back to Lord Straxus that they had located Megatron and the Ark, but that their ship was too badly damaged to return to Cybertron. Straxus agreed to send a rescue ship for them and offered them places in his new hierarchy if they conveniently forgot all about the location of the Ark; given that the alternative was a slow and painful death, all three readily agreed to his terms. Secrets & Lies #4
Milton Bradley mini-comic
Thrust was among the Decepticons under Megatron's command who ambushed the ark and was knocked offline when it crashed into Earth. He and the others were repaired four million years later when a volcanic eruption caused the ark's systems to spring into life. The Transformers
Find Your Fate Junior
Dinobots Strike Back
Thrust was one of many Decepticons at a somewhat premature victory bonfire celebration atop Mount Lomas after four of the Dinobots had joined their forces, courtesy of Bombshell's cerebro-shells, and reportedly crippled the Autobot ranks, assuring the success of Operation Black Coral. When their new recruits saw their teammate Swoop fly a loop-the-loop overhead, the Dinobots remembered that was the signal to begin mopping the mountaintop with the Dectpticons, prompting Thrust to transform and take off. Unfortunately for him, Swoop had finished giving the signal and was free to give Thrust a missile before he could flee or counterattack. Dinobots Strike Back
In one possible series of events, Ramjet handed Thrust and Soundwave the human Jessie, who had been snooping around the Decepticons’ newest secret base. The two Decepticons put the girl away in a holding cell.
Later, Thrust might have come upon Buster and Beachcomber hiding in a closet within the Decepticon's fortress. After engaging Beachcomber in a brief firefight, Thrust was stunned by a bullet glancing off his head, allowing for Beachcomber and Buster to escape. Buster and Beachcomber's luck soon ran out, however, and Thrust happened upon them once more, this time backed up by Megatron, Starscream and Dirge. Buster and Beachcomber were taken prisoner and led to Megatron's lab.
In another possible scenario, Megatron invited Thrust to enjoy the spectacle of destruction that was Central City's annihilation once the Decepticons had defeated the Autobots.Earthquake
Desert Flight
Thrust was part of a Decepticon deployment stationed in a desert base. The Decepticons plotted to lure the Autobots in a trap through the use of an anti-gravity beam. Using the beam on a nearby human settlement, the Autobots would be duped into coming to the fleshliness’ rescue, only to be themselves trapped by the effects of the beam.
If the Autobots fell into the Decepticons’ trap, Thrust, alongside Buzzsaw, Dirge, and Ramjet would swoop down upon their helpless prey for the kill. The Autobots destroyed, they would then turn off their gravity weapon, and force the townsfolk to drill oil to fuel the Decepticon army.
If the Autobots bypassed the anti-gravity field, Thrust managed to get a few shots on Powerglide, who was flying ahead of the Autobot convoy. Undeterred, the Autobot plane charged straight for Thrust, in a daring game of Chicken. Powerglide defeated Thrust and went on to battle the other Decepticons.
Later, in a possible scenario wherein the Autobots had infiltrated the Decepticon base and were battling the Autobots for control of the anti-gravity gun, Dirge spotted Optimus Prime sabotaging the device. He attempted to cripple Optimus Prime with one of his bombs, but the Autobot leader managed to repair himself before the anti-gravity gun self-destructed.
In a completely different possible sequence of events, Thrust, Dirge, Buzzsaw and a small squadron of other Decepticons spotted a squadron of Autobots driving towards the Decepticon base. The Autobots, in a disadvantageous position as they had no weapons in their vehicle modes, were easy pickings for Thrust and the others.
In one possible ensuing scenario, the Autobots were able to create cover for themselves with their exhaust fumes, allowing them the time to transform and fight back. In one possible scenario that followed, Cosmos then shot Dirge out of the sky, forcing the rest of the Decepticons to retreat back to their base. Desert Flight
Decepticon Poison
In one possible sequence of events, Thrust attacked the Autobots’ base, accompanied by Megatron and a number of Decepticon warriors. The squad met with the recently cured Autobots, and a fierce battle began between both sides. Thrust could be seen fighting until the very end of the battle, but the Decepticons were forced to retreat nonetheless due to the damage they suffered in combat.
In another possible scenario, Megatron and his Decepticon squad were tricked into thinking that the Autobots were already dead, and strode into the Autobots’ base. The Decepticons lay down their weapons in order to carry out the Autobots’ "corpses," but were ambushed once they had disarmed themselves. Thrust and the others were then quickly defeated.
In another possible scenario, Thrust was led by Ramjet in a full-scale Decepticon assault. The Autobots, having miscalculated on how much antidote they had taken to cure themselves of the Decepticons’ poison, found themselves falling apart, leading to an easy victory for the Decepticons.
In yet another possible scenario, where the Autobots weaponized the tainted fuel and created a toxic cloud by burning it, the Decepticons were forced to retreat before their attack was fully underway. Decepticon Poison
Autobot Alert!
Thrust took part in a Decepticon mission to take over Earth's communication satellites. He was aboard Astrotrain when the Decepticon shuttle was performing an ammunitions delivery to the Decepticons’ ship out in Earth orbit.
If Bumblebee and Hot Rod had infiltrated Astrotrain, Thrust happened upon the pair, but was fooled by their disguises, as the two Autobots were garbed in Decepticon space gear.
In a completely different scenario, Thrust accompanied Galvatron on a campaign to retrieve an ancient sphere of cybertite that contained the secrets to an ancient Autobot power-booster. Learning that the sphere was located within a sunken ship off the California coast, Thrust and the others headed for its location.
If they found the Autobots in the middle of retrieving it, the Decepticons destroyed both the ship and the sphere, and proceeded to rain superior Decepticon firepower upon their foes.
If the Decepticons found the coast deserted, they retrieved the ship themselves, using the might of Devastator.
If Ironhide, Brawn and Grapple attempted to snatch the ship away from the Decepticons, Thrusts and his comrades destroyed the ship and the sphere contained within to keep it out of Autobot hands. The Decepticons then proceeded to pin down the Autobots in their hiding spots, leaving the heroic robots at their mercy.
If Springer, Topspin and Seaspray executed their plan to retrieve the sphere from Decepticon clutches, they successfully distracted the evil robots for long enough to whisk the cybertite sphere back to Metroplex. Autobot Alert!
Project Brain Drain
Thrust was involved in a Decepticon plot to use a Brain Drain device on the crowd goers of a rock concert to syphon their intelligence into Decepticon fuel.
In one possible scenario, Galvatron had to recall his troops from the concert at the last minute when Ultra Magnus and his troops began a timely assault on the Decepticons’ headquarters. Thrust participated in the battle that ensued, which ended in a loss for the Decepticons when Ultra Magnus triggered an avalanche, burying Galvatron and shattering the Brain Drain device.
In another possible scenario,Thrust and the rest of the Decepticons were surprised to find the Autobots hiding amidst the parked vehicles surrounding the concert just as they were about to put their plan into action. Having been tasked in setting the parking lot aflame to prevent the concert-goers from escape, Thrust and the other Decepticon jets continued with the plan, dumping down gasoline onto the Autobots.
If the Autobots moved towards the crowd to protect them once the parking lot was set ablaze, Thrust and the other Decepticon jets continued their assault, able to bypass the inferno that kept the land bound Decepticons away from their enemies.
In a completely different possible scenario, Thrust was posted as a guard to keep safe the Decepticons’ lab housing the Brain Drain device.
In the event that Sparkplug and Wreck-Gar attempted to infiltrate to lab and were caught by Soundwave, Thrust was called over to block off the duo’d escape, alongside a whole detachment of Decepticons. If the pair surrendered, the Decepticons blew them up anyways. If Wreck-Gar and Sparkplug made a run for it, Thrust gave chase. Though he and Laserbeak managed to send Wreck-Gar and Sparkplug skidding into a lake, the Decepticons were forced to retreat when Hot Rod, Jazz and Kup showed up to defend their allies.
In one possible scenario that followed, the Autobots returned to storm the lab shortly after. Thrust was one of the few Decepticons too afraid of Galvatron's wrath to desert his post, and attempted to fend off the Autobot aggressors. He was defeated when Sparkplug threw a hefty rock at him, causing Thrust to crumple to the ground. Project Brain Drain
The Invisibility Factor
In one possible scenario, Thrust accompanied Galvatron on a patrol in a desert at night. Upon spotting a spaceship that flickered in-and-out of sight, the patrol investigated. Finding the Autobots Kup and Hot Rod conversing with a woman at the ship's landing site, Thrust and the others fired upon them, causing them to scramble away. Though Thrust wanted to continue their pursuit of the Autobots, Galvatron ordered they stay and scrutinize the spaceship instead.
If Hot Rod and Kup decided to attack immediately, Thrust was hit by a laser blast courtesy of Hot Rod. The Autobots were easily defeated and destroyed by the Decepticons nonetheless.
If Hot Rod and Kup silently followed the Decepticons back to their hide-out in a nearby canyon, they managed to tricked Thrust and the others into thinking that they were being ambushed by a whole squadron of Autobots. Panicking, the Decepticons attempted to retaliate by firing in all directions. Amidst the confusion, Thrust began arguing with Ravage, both of them insisting that the Autobots were attacking from a different direction.
If Hot Rod snuck down and successfully snatched the Invisibility Device from Shockwave, the Decepticons gave chase to the young Autobot. They were unable to catch him before Kup fired down onto the canyon's walls, causing it to collapse and burying the Decepticons under an avalanche of earth and rocks.
In an alternate scenario, Thrust and the other Decepticons decided to take off into space in Sarah Sander's ship after acquiring the Invisibility Device. Whether the Decepticons succeeded in mastering the Invisibility Device and subsequently destroyed the Autobots, or were destroyed or defeated themselves depended on what choices the Autobots made from this point on.
In another possible scenario, Thrust was one of the Decepticons that happened upon Sarah Sanders’s ship when it landed in the desert, before the woman had any contact with the Autobots. While Scavenger held the woman captive, Thrust and the other Decepticons dragged the ship itself to a hidden location. In whichever scenario that followed, the Autobots managed to steal the Invisibility Device from the Decepticons, either dazzling Thrust with their headlights while Hot Rod took it right out of their hands, or tricking them into leaving the spaceship behind while they pursued the young Autobot on a wild goose chase. The Decepticons did not succeed in catching Hot Rod no matter what scenario ensued. The Invisibility Factor
The Special Teams
Thrust was summoned by Megatron to raid a power plant of its energy, after it had been evacuated of its human occupants due to the danger of landslides in the area. The Special Teams
Ladybird Books continuity
Thanks to a new surveillance system, the Decepticons were alerted to the fact that the Autobots were searching an old battleground for cybernite. Thrust was among the jets led by Starscream who went to attack the scavengers, however the Autobots drove into a narrow part of the canyon, and unable to follow them, the Decepticons returned to base. Galvatron's Air Attack
Dreamwave Generation One continuity
Thrust was one of many Decepticon warriors who joined Shockwave in the assault on Iacon shortly after Optimus Prime rose to power. The War Within #3 He was soon reassigned to the unit of Decepticons guarding Cybertron's planetary turbines for Megatron's plans to turn the planet into a mobile war world. When Starscream seemingly killed Megatron, he was forced to serve under the treacherous Air Commander The War Within #5 and was deactivated during the subsequent battle with Optimus Prime and Grimlock's strike team. The War Within #6
He was relatively loyal to Shockwave, and served under the one-eyed tactician during the Dark Ages when Megatron disappeared in a space bridge accident with Optimus Prime. During this time, he was one of several Decepticons that launched an offensive on the minions of The Fallen in Protihex, in a bid to prevent the ancient Transformer's plans from coming to fruition. Conflagration He was also present with the Decepticons at the peace treaty signing at Tyger Pax, which would have put an end to Cybertron's civil war if not for Megatron's dramatic return mid-ceremony. The Age of Wrath
Thrust served under Shockwave again after Megatron, aboard the Nemesis, vanished in deep space. The Micromasters were thereafter developed, and recruited to both side of the conflict. But When Barricade joined the Decepticons, he soon learned that his larger compatriots didn't treat him with much respect; Thrust and Ramjet were among those who made it clear that they didn't see him as a true warrior. Victims of the Revolution When Skystalker took over the Decepticons and posed as Shockwave to retain command over the other full-sized Transformers in the ranks, Thrust was among the troops duped by the diminutive 'bot into launching an all-out offensive, despite their resources being at an all-time low. Recipe for Hate In the ensuing brawl, he was shot to scrap by Fortress Maximus. Victims of the Revolution
After the Great Shutdown, Shockwave awakened to find a Cybertron thoroughly depleted of its energies. Given insight to greater machinations at work on his homeworld, he set about reactivating several Autobots and Decepticons to help him rebuild their world, and prepare it for an inevitable confrontation with a greater enemy. Thrust was among the Transformers first awakened to this end. Revelation Thrust served under Shockwave's command on Cybertron, after the Autobots and Decepticons were unified their efforts to control the planet and consolidate on energon reserves. He was one of a select group of Decepticons chosen by Ultra Magnus to be "rehabilitated", and operated under the Autobot's direction when they traveled to Earth to collect the Ark and Nemesis' crews. Brothers' Burden After the Autobots uncovered Shockwave's malevolent plans for the future, they launched an all-out assault on his headquarters. Thrust and Dirge attempted to fend them off, and nearly managed to obliterate Huffer, only for Optimus to come to the rescue of the smaller Autobot. Countdown to Extinction The Autobots eventually overpowered Shockwave's forces, and Thrust was escorted away from the battlefield in energy cuffs following the conflict's conclusion. Revelation Following the dismantling of Shockwave's government, the war began anew and Thrust fled to the wastelands with a small contingent of Shockwave's forces. They were assimilated into Megatron's command once the great Decepticon leader returned with the Predacons and imposed his will on Shockwave. Lost and Found
The Beast Within
Thrust participated in a savage Decepticon offensive against the Autobots. He attempted to sneak up on Optimus Prime, only to be punched through the chest by the Autobot leader. This presumably killed him. The Beast Within
G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers
As part of Serpent O.R.'s forces, Thrust defended the newly unified Decepticon army's base against a combined Autobot/G.I. Joe strike force. In the course of the battle, he and Barrage were shot by Lady Jaye. The art of War #5
2005 IDW continuity
- First appearance: Stormbringer #2
During Megatron's initial uprising in Kaon, Thrust took part in the violence, and was seen being strangled by Ironhide while Trailbreaker wrestled with Starscream. Megatron Origin #4
Thrust and several other Decepticons later ambushed Orion Pax's team of Autobots near the borders of Kaon, stopping them from apprehending Soundwave. The Hunt for Soundwave Megatron led him and several other Decepticons to Nyon, where they prevented Zeta Prime from killing Orion Pax. Choices After Megatron and Orion joined forces to overthrow Zeta, the Seekers participated in the attack on his Citadel. Overthrown With the death of Zeta Prime, Megatron took control of Cybertron and had his troops hunt down and arrest any Autobots who tried to resist. Thrust took Bumblebee, Ultra Magnus and Ironhide into custody following their capture in Ultrix. Transformation
Under the command of Scorponok, Thrust attacked the Toraxxis mega-refinery only to be taken out of action by Slag. Faces of Darkness He later participated in an attack on civilian ships at Starsreach Spaceport. Massacre
Some two hundred years ago, Thrust was part of Starscream's unit and helped invade and pillage a remote planet in the Huni System. No sooner had they finish laying waste to the planet when they encountered a swarm of Dire Wraiths led by Vekktral. The alien proposed an alliance of convenience: if the Decepticons helped them attack the Solstar Order, their hated foes, the Decepticons would be free to steal the energon synthesizer that belonged to the orphaned Cybertronian Space Knight Stardrive. Shining Armor #2

The Decepticon-Wraith force subsequently used Astrotrain as a Trojan horse to infiltrate the Orchid Crossing over Xetaxxis, and dropped the ruse shortly afterwards to assault the Space Knights Rom, Livia, Auxin, and Stardrive. They were unprepared, however, for the arrival of Bumblebee, Ultra Magnus, and Sky Blast. Shining Armor #1
In the chaos, one of the Wraiths attempted to merge with Sky Blast, but the resulting fusion only created an out-of-control monster; to kill it, Ultra Magnus disabled the space station's force field in the hopes that atmospheric reentry would burn it to bits. Thrust and the surviving Decepticon fliers easily escaped the flaming wreckage and helped evacuate the Wraiths, Shining Armor #2 tracking the monstrosity to a Xetaxxian village where it finally burned itself to bits. Vekktral was eager to try again, though Thrust was unsettled by the his propensity to sacrifice his own men in pursuit of his evolutionary schemes and offended when the Wraith called him a "drone." Thrust joined the other Seekers as they flew to the wreckage of the Orchid Crossing and dogfought with the Space Knights. Shining Armor #3
The three Coneheads continued to grapple with their organic enemies, and held out long enough for the Space Knights to refocus on dealing with an emotional Stardrive. Though it appeared that help had arrived when a Vekktral-possessed Ultra Magnus intervened, the shapeshifting organics betrayed their Decepticon allies and attempted to possess them. Shining Armor #4 The Decepticons briefly accepted the help of the Autobots in getting rid of the Wraiths, but, as soon as the immediate threat had passed, the Seekers flew off to provide backup to Starscream as he battled Stardrive. Unable to make off with the energon synthesizer, the Decepticons settled for having their commander set the device to blow—so that the Autobots couldn't get their hands on it either—as they retreated to orbit. Shining Armor #5

In the modern day, Thrust was a part of Darkwing's command on the planet Nebulos when the Pretender Thunderwing attacked the planet. Stormbringer #2 Though he was eager to join the fight, Thrust was instead put in charge of the hidden Decepticon command bunker for two purposes. First, to alert Megatron of the reborn threat of Thunderwing. Second, to destroy the bunker, leaving no trace of their presence. Thrust presumably did both as Darkwing told Dreadwind that they were picking the Seeker up before leaving the planet. Stormbringer #3
At some point he ended up on Earth in time for the Decepticon invasion of the planet. When the Decepticons were defeated, Thrust was damaged and left behind in the ruins of New York City. The Man of Steel He was found crippled by the local police, who dealt with him by setting fire to the building and letting it collapse on him. Prowl, who witnessed the event, considered it an "execution of a wounded combatant" and proof that the humans would never forgive the Transformers for the invasion. Ride-Along
Thrust's body made its way into the possession of G.B. Blackrock and the Earth Defense Command, who used it, and Ramjet's remains, to create an army of Seeker clones. I Dream of Wires
Hearts of Steel
Thrust was among the Decepticons who awoke in the 1860s after fighting the Autobots on prehistoric Earth. He was present when Starscream swayed the human Tobias Muldoon to their cause. Hearts of Steel #2
Lil Formers
Thrust watched Snakes on a Plane with Thundercracker and Skywarp. All three Decepticons were pretty freaked out by the premise of the film.
After being told he was useless, Thrust vehemently protested, and claimed he could be threatening if given the chance! Lil Formers
Universe cartoon
Thrust participated in a battle alongside Soundwave during the early days of the Autobot/Decepticon war. Action Blast 1
Transformers: All Spark
The Fated Rival, Once Again... Plans of the Emperor of Destruction Revenge Ray of Hope Great Aspirations
Kre-O online manga
Thrust was part of a massive Decepticon invasion force intended to ruin the Autobots' picnic. However, Optimus Prime plowed through them with his truck and left them scattered... and then left. Returning to the scene after.. ahem, taking care of some pressing business, Optimus gathered up the still-wiped-out Kreons, bound them up on a flatbed trailer, and took them to the picnic. Emergency! Hurry to the Base, Optimus!
Transformers vs. G.I. Joe
When Scarlett's team of G.I. Joes attempted to bomb the mobile city of Trypticon with their "green bombs," Megatron sent out a team of flyers to counter-attack, with Thrust among them. Though the Decepticons managed to destroy the Joes' ship, the humans escaped capture. Targetmasters
Thrust was among the Decepticon army that rallied to the defence of Trypticon as Megatron ordered Primus to consume the Sun. Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12
Star Trek vs. Transformers
When World War III consumed Earth, the Decepticons fled the blighted planet aboard Trypticon, trailing the Autobots aboard Fortress Maximus. When the two Titans reached Cygnus Seven, the Decepticons attacked, the battle sending Maximus hurtling into the planet and causing everyone to fall into stasis lock. Eventually, the Federation moved onto Cygnus Seven with a survey team accidentally rousing Maximus's autonomic systems. By random chance, the repair beam first struck Megatron who proceeded to revive the other Decepticons and lead an attack on the surface. Prime's Directive, Part Two Thrust joined his fellow Seekers in attacking the mining colony before the Decepticons were scared away by a photon torpedo barrage from the USS Enterprise. Prime's Directive, Part One
After the Decepticons had reunited with Trypticon and allied with the Klingon Empire, they resumed their attack on Cygnus Seven. When Fortress Maximus resurfaced, the Coneheads swarmed him before the two Titans began fighting. Prime's Directive, Part Three As the duel continued, Megatron caught sight of Starscream deserting, ordering the Decepticons away so they could pursue the traitor. Prime's Directive, Part Four
Catching up to the traitor on the planet Kronos, the Klingon homeworld. Despite managing to defeat the Autobot/Starfleet alliance, the Decepticons were caught unawares by a warbird fleet, being taken into custody by the Klingons for study. Prime's Directive, Part Five
War for Cybertron Trilogy continuity
War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material
With Cybertron's fate sealed and the Autobots gone, the Decepticons followed them closely through space aboard the Nemesis in pursuit of the AllSpark. Earthrise webpage[1] Thrust was an Air Force Infantry Sergeant and a member of the Seeker Elite team. After crash landing on Earth, the Seeker Elite battled the "Autobot Alliance", consisting of Ironhide and Prowl. Seeker Elite marketing material[2]
War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon
- Voice actor: Michael Jones (English), Gerzon Torres (Latin-American Spanish), Julián Rodríguez (Castilian Spanish)
Thrust was a member of Doubledealer's crew of Mercenaries, hired by Quintesson Judge Deseeus to bring in the Autobots aboard the Ark to Chaar. Earthrise episode 2
Aboard the Fool's Fortune, the crew flew to the adrift Ark and infiltrated the ship. Earthrise episode 1 While reactivating the ship, Bumblebee went online and took fellow Mercenary Bug Bite captive as a shield, though Thrust and Exhaust fired at them anyway. The Mercenaries successfully brought the Autobots to Chaar, though after Deeseeus refused to pay them and Doubledealer made a new deal with Megatron, Thrust and the others battled the Quintesson's forces and helped the Autobots escape. Earthrise episode 2
After Deseeus took control of Doubledealer's mind, Thrust and his fellow Coneheads left the crew. Exhaust later stated he was going to do the same as them. Earthrise episode 6
2019 IDW continuity
Dirge, Ramjet, and Thrust were hired enforcers enlisted by Thunderwing to increase security at the Hexagon outpost, security for Thunderwing's...personal pursuits. Matters became tense when a rogue Titan named Vigilem docked at Hexagon, and Colonial Security's Technical Solutions Team insinuated themselves in the situation to apprehend him. Lightspeed's snooping around a secure area led the Seekers to open fire on the visitors. The Technical Solutions Team located Airachnid's laboratory where she sought to artificially recreate the Enigma of Combination. They absorbed the power of her Combination Core, becoming a new Combiner named Computron that Dirge, Ramjet, and Thrust tried to contain. Thunderwing ended up ejecting that section of Hexagon, and it's unclear whether the Seekers were able to navigate their way back inside as Computron was forcibly jettisoned out into space. Light/Star
Energon Universe
Thrust served as a guard for the Well of Sparks on Cybertron. Transformers #16
Spoiler warning: Plot details for Transformers (2023) issue 17 follow. |
Just as he was complaining to fellow guard Ratbat that they hadn't seen any action for years, a group of Autobots led by Elita One attacked. The two Decepticons attempted to respond, but were quickly taken down by Elita herself. Transformers #17
Commercial appearances
- During a battle against Megatron, Optimus summoned Smokescreen, Tracks, Hoist, Inferno, Red Alert, and Grapple to his side. Megatron responded by calling down Thrust and Dirge. Autobot cars plus Thrust and Dirge commercial
- Starscream led Thrust over the desert to attack the Autobots' new defense base, brushing off Thrust's concerns about the whereabouts of the Autobots themselves. Both Decepticons were caught off-guard when the base transformed into Omega Supreme. Omega Supreme commercial
- Thrust was led by Starscream in another attack against the Autobots, this time at their launch station. Ultra Magnus emerged from the station to defend it with his troops. Ultra Magnus commercial
Transformers: Mystery of Convoy
Thrust was among the Decepticon troops who sought to destroy Ultra Magnus on his journey, confronting him in the Subspace Zone... in theory. Transformers: Mystery of Convoy
The Transformers (PS2)
Transformers Legends
Thrust was amongst Megatron's forces ages ago, long before the Cybertronian war found its way to planet Earth. The War Within
Thrust was involved in a battle between the Decepticons and the Dinobots when the later went berserk and set out to attack the Decepticon base. Day of the Dinobots - Part 1 While pursuing Beachcomber, Thrust stumbled on a Golden Lagoon of Electrum. After coating himself and becoming invulnerable, he informed the rest of the Decepticons. Unfortunately the Autobots found it too, and in the battle that ensued, the lagoon was destroyed. The Golden Lagoon Thrust and Skywarp encountered Autobot X, a patchwork beast with the mind of Spike, and managed to convince him that the Autobots were his enemy. The alliance lasted until Spike's father was injured in battle, at which point Spike turned on the Decepticons and drove them off. Autobot X
Thrust was among Galvatron's Decepticon troops who attacked a small group of Autobots, forcing them into hiding in the Autobot Mausoleum. Dark Awakening
Angry Birds Transformers
Thrust appears as a character unlockable in Challenge Events. He is portrayed by a Minion Pig. Angry Birds Transformers
Transformers: Battle Tactics
Thrust participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was an Uncommon character who could be recruited after collecting 55 units of Cybermetal and 24 units of Transmetal. Transformers: Battle Tactics
Transformers: Frontiers
Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive
Thrust is the fifteenth base commander defeated during a series of raids by the Autobots. He appears once the player reaches 23,200,000 points. Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive
Transformers: Earth Wars
Thrust joined the Earth Wars at the same time as Strafe. Barrel Roll
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Thrust was a loudmouthed braggart who spent more time talking himself up than fighting. Decepticon Directive On Skywarp's instructions, a group of low-ranking Decepticons played a prank on Thrust by stealing the sonic vortex optimizer he used to amplify the noise of his engines. Catch a Falling Starscream
- Thrust is one of the few Decepticons in the Generation 1 cartoon who did not have red eyes, rather having yellow eyes instead. This is likely because his predominant body color is red, something of a rarity in the cartoon for Decepticons.
- The original character models of the coneheads all feature design elements simplified from Dirge's robot mode stickers—which were themselves originally recolored from Thundercracker's robot mode stickers.
- In both the original commercial advertising him, and any episodes animated by the unknown Generation 1 animation studios, Thrust appears with an outdated model that renders his pectorals and shoulder-intakes the same wine-red as the rest of him, instead of a darker gray/black. While the colors of this model are the most noticeable difference, some of the line work is a lot boxier in places, notably round his shoulder intakes as well.
- Due to dodgy coloring consistency pervasive in the Generation 1 cartoon, Thrust mistakenly appeared in all-black in a few episodes; decades later, this was retconned into a separate character, "Blast".
- It appears Thrust's Generation 1 toy was, at one point, intended to have different bomb-like shoulder-mounted weapons like his conehead brethren, as evident by his finalized robot and vehicle mode character models, either that, or the toy was posed with the wrong weapons in the toy images given to the model creator/s (this wouldn't be the first time). In vehicle mode he outright features bombs shaped like Ramjet's under his wings, while in robot mode, the remnants of a bomb weapon is protruding from his right forearm below the null-ray, often colored in the color of his VTOL fan, hiding it away (see his Marvel comic model at the top of this article).
- Similarly, another element of an older model remains in the finalized model, the long, stripe-patterned point at the bottom of his left wing in robot mode. In official Toei-approved color guides and colorings, that part of the wing is left uncolored entirely. Rather than redrawing the wing—or at the very least—removing those lines entirely, they kept it on there for whatever reason. Luckily, it appears the animator's mostly used Thrust's rear-view robot mode model for interpreting his wings and how they attach to his legs (which is noticeably different to the front-facing model, by the way), so this weird cut off or uncolored detail doesn't show up in the cartoon itself. In the Marvel comics model (top of this article), however, that part is colored dark gray with the rest of the wing.
- A 1986 Panini stickerbook sold in Belgium and the Netherlands gave Thrust the alternate French language name "Trust". Whether this name was used in any other media made for French-speaking regions is unknown.
- Thrust was supposed to appear in the Beast Wars episode "Nemesis Part 2", alongside Ramjet and Dirge, and have a kickass mid-air fight scene with the Maximals, but this didn't happen due to budget constraints.
- Rather than being based directly off of his Earthrise toy, Thrust's War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon character model only retains the toy's head, with the rest of his body being a carbon copy of the Siege Seeker model.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Thrust (スラスト Surasuto)
- French: Fatalo (Canada)
- Italian: Rapax
- Mandarin: Chōngfēng (China, 冲锋, "Charge"), Tuījìn Qì (China, 推进器, "Thruster")
- Portuguese: Impulso (Portugal and Brazil comics, "Impulse"), Empuxo (Brazil comic, "Thrust")
- Russian: Kolun (Колун, "Axe")
- Character stubs missing fiction
- Character stubs missing video games
- Classics Decepticons
- Dreamwave Generation 1 Decepticons
- Generation 1 cartoon Decepticons
- Generation 1 combiners
- Generation 1 Mercenaries
- Generation 1 Seekers
- Generations Selects Decepticons
- Henkei! Henkei! Decepticons
- IDW (2005) Decepticons
- IDW (2019) Transformers
- Energon Universe Decepticons
- Kre-O Decepticons
- Kreons
- Legends Decepticons
- Marvel Generation 1 Decepticons
- Mystery of Convoy Decepticons
- Regeneration One Decepticons
- Regeneration One zombies
- Second Cybertron Alliance
- The Headmasters Decepticons
- Transformers Roleplaying Game Decepticons
- United Decepticons
- War for Cybertron: Earthrise characters