


Streaming Guide

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Thought Catalog Books


4 Zodiacs With Magic In Their DNA

The universe is an effervescent miracle that transcends human understanding, but at least it’s kind enough to give us some hints.…

42 Things To Do In Your 20s Besides Chase After Love

First, let’s make something abundantly clear: Wanting love does not make you weak, it makes you human. That said, chasing love and partnership is different from seeking love and partnership.

Don't Date The Girl Who Feels Intensely

The One Thing Women Get Wrong About Men 

I’m going to share a story because I find stories to be the best way to illustrate a point. Years ago, I met a guy who I thought was absolutely perfect for me.

Your Worst Days Do Not Define You

Your worst days don’t define you. Yes, you’ve gone through tough times. No, you haven’t always responded in the best possible way. However, you should never let your past define you.

44+ Horror Movies Based on Video Games

Explore this definitive list of horror movies adapted from video games to experience a different side of the games you love, and maybe even find a few you never knew existed.

15 Horror Movies That Are Surprisingly Feminist

Young women in their sorority house being hunted down one by one by a deranged killer with a predilection for making lewd phone calls—sounds exploitative, right? Wrong.

TC Writers


Issue 10

Summer 2024

Issue 09

Spring 2024

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Winter 2024

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December 2023

Issue 06

November 2023
