
because i like it when you're happy

@daltoneering / daltoneering.tumblr.com

cabbage, she/they, 25+ // kinnporsche // fic, meta and the occasional gifset

“how did you get into writing” girl nobody gets into writing. writing shows up one day at your door and gets into you

"how did you get into writing" girl i've been tormented by the visions since i was eight years old

This list was created consulting Year in Reviews, Fanlore articles, user feedback, vintage pinterest posts, and my own knowledge. Don't worry about not seeing the shows in their entirety, vote based on your judgement. Enjoy!

jury-rigged. even keel. by the board. three sheets to the wind. loose cannon. son of a gun. pipe down. taken aback.

Give me some leeway, hit the head, learning the ropes, the cat is out of the bag, get underway, the cut of your jib, true colors, hand over fist

under the weather, in the doldrums, long shot, toe the line, groggy, aloof, overhaul, mainstay, pooped, keel over, in the offing, give a wide berth, footloose, flying colors, press into service, shake a leg

Chock-a-block. Scuttlebutt. By and large. Above board. Slush fund. Batten down the hatches. Shot across the bow. At loggerheads. Squared away. Dead reckoning. Down in the doldrums. Touch and go. Fathom/plumb. Leading light. Overwhelm, overreach. Skyscraper (originally a sail at the very tip top of a mast!). The bitter end.

we’re all in the same boat

me keeping myself awake to keep writing because I’m in such a productive state but i can feel the tiredness coming but i haven’t written like this in days but my body aches but I’m getting so much done but i have work tomorrow but this is the best writing I’ve ever written but…

More favourite numerical memes:

  1. Implicit or implicit enumeration of uncountable things (example: taking inventory of the fucks which one gives)
  2. Suggesting the divisibility of things which are not customarily thought of as able to be subdivided (example: "six whole people")
  3. Using words that aren't numbers as numbers (example: "one William dollars")
  4. Technically correct but contextually misleading estimates (example: looking at a group of several thousand things and observing that there are "at least three")
  5. Incongruous qualifiers for apparently simple sums or tallies (example: she was twenty-seven years old, not counting 2014)

in the newsletter today: clearing up some misconceptions about the ides of march, plus the romans q&a! if you have seen that post on here that said “i’m taking the ides of march away from this site until you guys understand anything about roman history” and thought to yourself “but i DON’T understand anything about roman history,” this is the newsletter for you. also, i talk about phallic art for a hot minute

crazy to me that I've been on tumblr long enough to see the vast majority of posts i see on a daily basis evolve from superwholock and fandom shit to this

spring is coming. Spring IS COMING. You will stand on soft grass again, and feel the sun kiss your cheeks and shoulders. you will eat of the same berries as the animals returned from their hibernation. you will hear the air alive with your collective breathing.

laura’s endless list of favourites  movies ➼ lord of the rings: the two towers "What are we holding onto, Sam?" "That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo… and it's worth fighting for."
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