melody of tears

@jckeperalta /

marta (she/her), 1995, poland

what I'm about to say will either sound crazy or really really obvious........ but sometimes you won't understand a Taylor Swift song until you've lived through what it's about

the point still stands... the most skippable song in the blondie's discography just became a favourite just because she somehow knew exactly what I'm feeling rn...

Anonymous asked:

another anon, but what you're posting is concerning, sorry. i get the loneliness and what it makes you do, but how can you fall for a stranger you watched jerking off? the image alone is disgusting and makes me want to puke. these sex- and porn-obsessed men can be really dangerous, ESPECIALLY if you know them from the internet. they don't love you + don't care about you, no matter what they tell you. they just want one thing. be careful + stay out of there. if you can't, please kindly seek help

I know that's concerning, I'm sorry you had to read that ๐Ÿ˜ญ I didn't fall for him for seeing him jerk off, I enjoyed the conversation. it did surprise me too he could be 'normal' outside of what he's doing, which is disgusting and that's why I never wanted to partake in it anymore. I know these kinda men are gross and dangerous, I never intended to seek any of that and I certainly did not want to look for a partner this way. I was just bored one evening and then it happened. I'm positive I will never use that chatroom - or any chatroom for that matter - again. I know he doesn't love me and doesn't care about me, he was very clear about his intentions with me and when I stated my own expectations, he agreed to just talking because he said he likes me too (as a friend ๐Ÿ’€). but I know my feelings are temporary and it'll pass so I won't continue it. thank you for the concern though, I appreciate your honesty and caring for a stranger!! hopefully won't have to update anyone on my stupid shenanigans again

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