The devil trich yall into thinking yall gay


🧛🏿‍♀️ azura 🧝🏾‍♀️ | 26 | she/they cis gothic & lolita gatekeeper | marxist-leninist-greggist | 🇵🇸✊🏾🇭🇹🇧🇸 caribbean-am*rican vampire & elliott's breadwinner wife | genuine femcel & yumejoshi, serial long-haired man fetishizer & sex pervert film enjoyer | TIMHEADS DNI

new sideblogsssss

so sad that my old ones were destroyed but that's life....... here are my new sideblogz baby. sorry about the themes they're kinda just thrown together for now lmao

GOTH BLOG // @morssyphilitica

FASHION BLOG // @hydrolyzer

LOLITA BLOG // @pietroangel

VISUAL KEI BLOG // @strawberrysongorchestra

me and my 2d husband bitch. click below to donate to palestine daily and for free.

back in college i used to try so hard and be like "no one can tell im alt when i go out :(" now i get clocked as goth/alt without makeup or anything

Dark electronic projects helmed by trans people

Trans Women/Fems:

  • Throbbing Gristle / Psychic TV (RIP)
  • HAEX
  • Backxwash
  • tassel
  • Uboa
  • Black Dresses
  • Tears for the Dying
  • Them Are Us Too (RIP)
  • Catherine Moan

Trans Men/Mascs:

  • Freak Daddy
  • Machines With Human Skin

NB & Genderqueer:*

  • Mirror of Venus
  • Vexagon
  • Mirrored Fatality (RIP)
  • spiralteeth
  • Einstürzende Neubauten
  • IAMX

*Goes without saying this group may have some overlap with the ones above, just trying to broadly categorize based on how the artists within the band seem to identify—in this case, those who have not seemed to verbally state any lean towards either binary gender, no auxiliary binary pronouns, etc.

Obviously not a complete list. Trying to name artists I personally know and like from the genres I listen to. Feel free to add on your own recommendations!

trans men do better. 🫵

A.S Valentino is transmasc

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