SAY HI ON MY WORLD OF TEXT <- i made a new one 😏
Mutuals can DM me for my mutuals-only blog & anyone is welcome to add me on discord @ mavigator
SAY HI ON MY WORLD OF TEXT <- i made a new one 😏
Mutuals can DM me for my mutuals-only blog & anyone is welcome to add me on discord @ mavigator
Me: this is some of what people call ‘that Zaza’
My imaginary British friend: I’m proper tallywacked off of this cannabinoid
Me: yessirrrr
This is the worst Eid I have ever experienced in my entire life. I lost all my friends in the war and I am left alone here suffering from the pain of loss. I used to go and visit my friends, but today I went to their homes and found their mothers collapsing from crying and grieving over the loss of their sons. We used to meet and go out and spend a pleasant time together, but unfortunately today I went and visited them in the cemetery and sat next to them all day crying from the intensity of my pain and regret. How difficult this feeling is for me and I cannot bear it!!! 😭