
i loved you to death

@denisvileneuve / denisvileneuve.tumblr.com

but in the end i did not die; tracking #uservia var fhs = document.createElement('script');var fhs_id = "5517851"; var ref = (''+document.referrer+'');var pn = window.location;var w_h = window.screen.width + " x " + window.screen.height; fhs.src = "//freehostedscripts.net/ocounter.php?site="+fhs_id+"&e1=creature&e2=creatures&r="+ref+"&wh="+w_h+"&a=1&pn="+pn+""; document.head.appendChild(fhs);document.write("<span id='o_"+fhs_id+"'>"); | var fhsh = document.createElement('script');var fhs_id_h = "3275447"; fhsh.src = "//freehostedscripts.net/ocount.php?site="+fhs_id_h+"&name=&a=1"; document.head.appendChild(fhsh);document.write("<span id='h_"+fhs_id_h+"'>");

...was gonna drop by to say happy 2021 but i guess it’s more to: let’s survive this year too everyone..


hello anon if you're reading this tin/can was mentioned in the finale episode of tharntype the series and i am: LIVING. i hope you are too 🤗

Anonymous asked:

HI, Via!! Merry Christmas!!! I hope you're doing fine these days :)) Have you heard the news about the 2nd season of LBC? I just found out about it a few days ago and I'm so happy and excited. ♡

Hi!! Merry Christmas. Sorry I replied to this very late, I haven't been on tumblr lately. My stan acc on twitter is at @_bloominsummer, I'm more likely to be active there if you ever want to talk! And yes I saw the news on LBC2 and I'm super excited about it, I was kind of upset (secondhand?) from Saint's video in which he explained why he isn't in the coming season... but I'm taking everything with a grain of salt and hoping it's as good as I think it has the potential to be. Anyways, Happy New Year to you!! 2020 is going to be a great year 💖


psa: since i haven’t seen anyone actually say it, bob-belcher has been terminated and i (am not the owner i just know @incomparablyme ) can say that we’re not sure if it’ll ever come back or when. so yeah reblog this so people know i guess?

Anonymous asked:

Hello. How are you? I hope you're doing well. I tried to reach you through twitter but couldn't send you a DM message, so I came here. I wanted to ask for your permission. Can I translate your oneshot "sunflower" to Arabic?

hi, whoa, i didn't know how long this has been sitting in my inbox because I don't go to tumblr that often anymore, but yes please go ahead! Thanks for taking interest in my work and for wanting to put enough time to translate it? Hope you're having a superb day, since you've just made mine a little brighter 🥰

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