
the year is 2039 im in the middle of a 14 hour shift driving a cyber hands free semi-truck that needs a human monitor to keep it from blowing through red lights indiscriminately. since the water is undrinkable we’re back to drinking beer instead im drunk and the AI hologram personified as a non threatening woman with a computer voice in the passenger seat keeps trying to seduce me because fucking the hologram is a fireable offense and the company is trying to downsize


i fully support ukraine and hope they recieve all the help they can get to aid them and the world's response to the ukraine/russia crisis is hypocritical towards the palestine/israel situation and every other disaster involving a middle eastern or majorly muslim populated country are two statements that can and should coexist


Russia Invaded Ukraine



In 2014, Russia annexed a part of Ukraine (Crimea) and since then has been funding and arming Pro-Russian separatist and terrorist groups that have seized Donbas, an eastern region in Ukraine. Russia has been funding a civil war in Ukraine, essentially. Recently, the separatist groups have been sending civilian women, children and elderly out of Ukraine and into Russia, but leaving fighting-age men inside. These separatist are directly controlled by Kremlin (the government of Russia) and they are how Russia has been leading a proxy war on Ukraine since 2014. 

But now, Russia has sent their own troops in, which is an invasion. They are doing it under the pretence of ‘peacekeeping’, but this is an obvious lie.

Russia accuses Ukraine of aggressing on Donbas and on Russia, prompting the war on Russia and conducting genocide on its own people. None of this is true. Russia is the one arming Pro-Russian terrorists in Ukraine, Russia has been surrounding and provoking Ukraine with military, and is the one that has been spreading misleading historically-inaccurate disinformation. It’s what Russia did in Georgia in 2008 and similar to what Germany did in Poland in 1939.

Making this post cuz I don’t see anything on tumblr about this, and to spread links and information. 

If I find any more donation fund links, I will add them to this post.


man dissociation fucking sucks ass!! whole chunks of my days are gone and i don’t remember what happened, having to record my conversations with clients so i refer back to them so i know what i need to complete bc i don’t remember what we talked about, my meet-up with friends all happen as i’m behind a wall of fog. shits so scary too wtf this feeling is so new to me, i couldn’t even describe it to my therapist properly. i hate this i hate this i hate this

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