MATTHEW LILLARD Senseless, 1998
Remember we are dust and to dust we shall return.
RAHUL KOHLI as Sheriff Hassan MIDNIGHT MASS (2021)
Midnight Mass Book II: Psalms | 1.02
SEBASTIAN STAN Destroyer, 2018
I have too many words. 8K followers, and it’s my birthday! We’re only given so many life moments during our time and this is absolutely one of them. You all have completely changed my life. — @captass, @saoirseronan, @deckerschloe, @danisclayton, @lucifersmorningstars, @spookydecks, @clarks-kent, @maziken, @gregory-peck, @mazesmiths, @captainmorningstar, @tonitopaz, @spelliarmus, @letitiawrights, @chloexdecker, @chloesdecker, @chloedeckr, @gambito, @coulter, @gretagerwisg, @selinas, @joel-miller, @beccs, @bills-skarsgards, @lucifer-chloe, @morningstr, @phoebesbridgers, @phoebewallerbrige, @madeline-kahn, @martymcfly, @beyonceknowless, @theavatar, @lilysjames, @joewright, @juliastiles, @beckylynch, @antoniosbanderas, @galgadots, @evanzbuck, @stydixa, @kylos, @tatsmaslany, @nyx4, @tzaharasykes, @luojins, @detectivemorrningstar, @aliswong, @buffysummers
You’re the most amazing persons, thank you for opening up a new world to me. This ones for all of you. ❤❤💞
hi all!🤍 i wanted to celebrate this little milestone by showing my appreciation for all the amazing people i’ve encountered on tumblr (some of you may know me from @michaellangdons before i remade)
it’s not much but it’s honest work!
i apologize for not interacting with you guys more since my anxiety only lets me appreciate y’all from afar but i consider us friends nevertheless 🤍
Well, 2020 was a year for sure. I’m not gonna lie, it wasn’t a very fun year, but I want you to know that I appreciate each and every single one of you. YOU all made this year worth it and I love you so much, thank you. Merry Christmas to you, whether you celebrate it or not. Merry Christmas to the ones who spend Christmas with family or alone. Merry Christmas to the ones who can’t celebrate Christmas. MARRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL. I wish you all the happiest New Year, and the ones yet to come. May all your dreams come true, you guys are honestly the best. Sending you all the love, health and happiness. 🎄🎄🎄❤️❤️
@adeles, @antoniosbanderas, @alfred-borden, @aliswong, @anakin-skywalker, @bellblake, @batwan, @buffysummers, @beckylynch, @beyonceknowless, @beccs, @bills-skarsgards, @bishmonts, @chloedeckr, @collinear, @chloesdecker, @chonis, @chloesdeckerstar, @carla-roson, @chloedecks, @chris-evans, @chalamets, @daenerys-stormborn, @detectivemorrningstar, @eggogorgon, @ewan-mcgregor, @evanzbuck, @ferrisbuellers, @florences-pugh, @gregory-peck, @gaelgarcia, @gretagerwisg, @galsgadot, @galgadots, @henricavyll, @hiraismomo, @hermionegrangers, @juliastiles, @jeanqrey, @joewright, @javierpcna, @kylos, @kamalaskhans, @katpatrova, @lucifer-chloe, @lighbringer, @luojins, @learntobealright, @madeline-kahn, @myellenficent, @maevesmilay, @morningstr, @macperalta, @maziken, @natasharomonoff, @nyx4, @nicollekidman, @ohrackham, @phoebesbridgers, @patel-dev, @quellcrist, @rinasupremacy, @simplymanuela, @stydixa, @seeleybooth, @stars-bean, @samaraweaving, @selinas, @saoirseronan, @twilightly, @tzaharasykes, @userjen, @undomiels, @witch, @witchinghour, @wandamaximoffs, @will-lyra, @yocalio
With love, Gabby
I never thought I would reach this milestone! 🎉 Thank you all for following my multifandom mess of a blog lol. And a special thanks to my mutuals I’ve gained over the years, I don’t talk to many of you but I really appreciate you 💕💕 mutuals 💖
@anthonyshopkins @panwriter @brilliancetheory @leztat @ourteeth @hollywoods @lexkent @shane-west @dushku @jugheadjones @collinear @gownegirl @magnusedom @pedros-pascal @timothyolyphant @neocitys @redbaretta @talesfromthecrypts @joker-theclown @the-darkling @kreeves @bladesrunner @samaraweaving @richardmadens @leofromthedark @onemissedcall @classichorrorblog @loicnottets @caryled @violetfuchsia @jokerous @dindjvrins @castieler @astarkey @fabfrnkie @andermuunoz @bethanyesda @wroteclassicaly @winterswake @roismaudits @violadvis @sofialambs @neillblomkamp @samarweaving @lilycollinss @henrycvill @wjldsage @dunwallcourier @wanda-vision21 @mytrash-mylife @ansonmount @aragcrns @labyrinth @jakechillenhaal @witch @bills-skarsgards @kylos @hellaballs @mooonsherbet @1peach @simplyderek @oyrii @dearlybelovely @canyouhearmyfandoms
some more awesome blogs 💖
wow so can we give ourselves a round of applause for making it through the shitfest that was 2020? i mean, i could not be happier that this year is ending. i know we’ve all been through a lot but coming on here, especially during lockdown, really has been one of the bright spots for me. even after 12 years on this hellsite, y’all continue to amaze me every single day with your creativity and make this one of the best websites to escape to, even if it’s a hot mess sometimes. your incredible gifsets and graphics, funny text posts, and lovely messages are what make me want to keep logging on day after day. i know it’s not the same as years past, but this site would be nothing without all of you, you all make my dashboard gorgeous and you inspire me all the time. now, i know i don’t talk to all of you or know a lot of you personally, but i want you to know that i appreciate you and i can’t even begin to express how grateful i am for you guys. every single one of you mean the world to me, and i truly hope and pray that 2021 is good to you. so before i really start rambling on and on, i present to you my list of fabulous blogs who made my tumblr experience incredible this year!
well i can’t quite believe i’m saying this but 2020 is finally over! we made it! it hasn’t been an easy ride by any stretch of the imagination, but here we are, 2021, and i hope for nothing but peace, love and joy for you all. i honestly cannot thank you all enough for following me, you put up with a lot and i probably don’t always stick to the theme that you followed me for (especially when i get on my f1 bullshit) but your kindness and patience means more to me than you could ever know. i am by no means a popular blog, and i am very shy (i’m sorry we don’t talk) so your continued support gives me the strength to keep this blog alive and make edits that i enjoy where i can, and i hope i provide that for you all in return.
love you all guys, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
hey guys! i just wanted to make a little appreciation post after this long year. hopefully all of you are well!
💘 my lovely mutuals! 💘 i appreciate every single one of you. i wish i was better at communicating with you guys, but i’m just a gal pal trying to figure out how to speak coherently without making a fool out of myself. we may have never even spoken before, but despite that, i think very highly of you. i wish you this year full of love, health, and happiness. i love you and have a happy new year!
gotta give some extra love to these people 💞 @esmeralda @hunterschafer @wandasmaximoff @boutella-sofia 💞 and my wonder woman fanatics 🖤 @dakotajohnsons @wonderwomans @galsgadot @dianadethemyscira @gracie 🖤 you inspire me so much
@aliswong @anakin-skywalker @arwenevenstar @bills-skarsgards @boutella-sofia @carriefisher @chalamets @chastainjessica @chris-evans @cindymoon @dakotajohnsom @dakotajohnsons @dianadethemyscira @dindjvrins @esmeralda @ewan-mcgregor @florences-pugh @forbescaroline @galsgadot @gracie @hunterschafer @iokoye @javier-pena @jeanqrey @joewright @kamalaskhans @labyrinth @lady-hidekos @leia-organa @luke-skywalker @madeline-kahn @maggierogers @marcus-moreno @maxwell-lorenzano @mercurialhigh @natasharomonoff @pedros-pascal @ritahayworths @sharonscarter @thegifs @univcrse @wandamaximoffs @wandasmaximoff @wonderwomans @zendadya
💘 and some blogs i admire from afar 💘 you guys rock! i hope you all are well!
@beyonceknowless @buffysummers @chloezhao @gregory-peck @ledger-heath @mank2020 @pedropascals @phoebesbridgers @vanessacarlysle @vivienvalentino
💌 Special shoutout to the pedroclowns!! i love you all, you freaky bastards ;) 💌
I’m having way too much fun with photomode in Cyberpunk 2077 lmao
This is my corpo-hating, Johnny Silverhans worshipping, street kid V:
V + Bae:
“You’re breathtaking, Johnny”:
DIR EN GREY [ ANDROGYNOS (day 2)] 激しさと、この胸の中で絡み付いた灼熱の闇