Sleep Training

Get help for sleep training baby! Sleep training helps for getting your infant, newborn, or baby on a great sleep schedule. How to get your little one sleeping well for naps and sleeping through the night. Find tips on gentle sleep training, Ferber sleep training, extinction sleep training, and various other methods.
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Babywise First Year Overview
Babywise First Year Overview. Get all of the info you need for what to expect during your baby's full first year of life when using On Becoming Babywise. Sometimes you just need a snapshot–the ability to step back and look at the big picture. On Becoming Babywise by Ezzo and Bucknam is an infant sleep book that helps you get your baby sleeping well and on a great schedule. This post is a timeline of your baby’s first year and what to expect when, along with what to implement when.
What to do when baby wakes early from naps
When my first child was a baby, I would rush to him when he woke early from a nap. I really did not want him to fully wake up and be hard to possibly get to go back to sleep. Little did I realize that was the wrong thing to do. Use this simple trick to get your baby to go back to sleep when waking early from a nap. Find out why this works as well as reasons babies often wake early from naps. Learn alternative methods to helping baby fall back asleep after waking early.
Baby Sleep Regression Causes and Ages
A sleep regression almost feels like a cruel joke. You have managed to be getting good sleep, or at least improved sleep, only to have that suddenly disappear! I remember the first time I had a baby hit a regression. I scrambled, trying to figure out what mistake I had made and where I had gone wrong. But progress in parenting is rarely if ever linear, meaning you rarely make strides without having events that also seem to be taking you backward. Sleep regressions are one of those things. Despite your consistency, they still happen. And while the cause sleep issues and even frequent night wakings, they are a sign that your baby is getting older. Everything you need to know about a baby sleep regression. Learn about baby sleep regressions on through toddler sleep regressions
Newborn Baby Sleep Patterns
Newborn baby sleep is not intuitive to parents. Understand these 5 facts for newborn sleep patterns to help your newborn sleep really well from birth. Learn why babies are so noisy when they sleep, how REM and quiet sleep work for newborns, how body temp affects newborn sleep, newborn melatonin levels, and newborn wake windows.
What to Do When Your Toddler Cries at Nap Time
After going through all of the effort to teach your baby to sleep well, it can be unsettling and unnerving if your toddler starts to cry at nap time. While solving a baby’s nap issues can be tricky, it is more straight forward than solving a toddler’s nap issues. The older children get, the more complex and individual they become. In this post, I discuss various reasons a toddler might start crying before nap time and how to respond to each scenario. What to Do When Your Toddler Cries at Nap Time. Ten common reasons toddlers cry before nap time and what to do each time.
How To Get Baby to Sleep at Night
While daytime naps are something we all want down, nighttime sleep is something we all NEED down! The better rested the baby is at night, the better rested we parents are at night, and the more emotionally stable we can be for the challenges of caring for a baby and other children. All people, babies included, wake throughout the night. The goal is to get your baby to the point where she falls back asleep into the next sleep cycle rather than waking fully and needing your assistance to get back asleep (assuming she doesn’t have a need to be attended to). There are lots of possible reasons for baby to come fully awake and request some assistance. This post will discuss reasons baby wakes and how to properly address those reasons so baby and you can sleep through the night.
What to do When Baby’s Nap Was Only 20 Minutes
What to do When Baby Wakes from Nap After Only 20 Minutes. Ideally, baby will take a much longer nap than 20-30 minutes. Read reasons baby wakes after a 20 minute nap, how to solve short naps, and what to do with that short nap in the meantime.
Wonder Week 19: Time Frame to Expect
Wonder Week 19 starts between 14 and 17 weeks old. This leap is the longest and most impactful of them all for most babies. This fussy period typically lasts through week 19. Between weeks 20-22, you should be back to calm. The age is calculated from the birth date if baby was born at full-term gestation. If baby was born early, calculate the weeks from baby’s due date. Take note this is only as accurate as your due date was accurate. Pay attention to when leaps happen so you can see your baby’s personal time frame. You might find your baby is off by a week or two. The reason this leap is much longer than any other leap had been before is that baby’s skills are now more complicated to learn. They take more time. This leap brings a huge change.
Wonder Week 19 Baby Sleep Issues Explained
Wonder Week 19 Baby Sleep Issues Explained. Find out why your baby isn't sleeping well at 19 weeks old. 4 month olds can really struggle with sleep because of wonder week 19. Everything You Need To Know About Wonder Week 19. What is wonder weeks leap 4. How to help baby through wonder week 19. What baby learns during wonder weeks. Four months old. This is also known as Wonder Week 19, Leap 4, or the 4 month sleep regression.
How Long Should You Try to Wake Up Baby?
What do you do when baby just won’t wake up to eat when it is time for a feeding? How do you get baby to wake up and what point should you be worried? Start by trying to keep your little one awake during feedings. There are a couple of posts on this blog that provide ideas for keeping baby awake during the feeding. Head on over to those posts to get the ideas.
Big List of Reasons for Early Morning Wakings
Your baby can wake early in the morning before your desired wake time for a variety of reasons. It often happens when baby is extending night sleep and making it longer between feedings in the middle of the night. Baby can also be waking up early in the morning because of a sleep regression, teething, or pain. Baby might be waking up because the dreamfeed needs to be dropped or because the swaddle needs to be dropped. There are a whole variety of reasons for early waking.
7 Different Sleep Training Methods
If you want your baby to develop independent sleep skills, you will need to do some sleep training. Sleep training helps your baby to self-soothe so that your baby can fall asleep independently, stay asleep without you helping out, and make it through sleep cycles and take full naps. There are many different sleep training methods out there. It does not matter which one you use to help your baby learn and develop independent sleep skills. All that matters is that your baby learns the skills. That means that you, as the parent, get to choose the method that will work best for your baby, your family, and your living circumstances. Find the best sleep training to use to sleep train your baby.
Strategies to STOP Night Wakings at 5-6 AM
Here are five different strategies to stop the night wakings and get baby sleeping through the night. A really difficult time to navigate is the time when your baby starts to wake in the night around 5-6 AM. Most babies will land here for some period of time as they extend their night sleep. What was once a clear night waking around 2-3 AM extends to the 5-6 AM hour, leaving many parents wondering what to do.
How to Use Extinction Method Sleep Training
If you are interested in sleep training your baby, you are probably wondering how to go about that. There are several options out there. One common method is called “Extinction.” This post outlines what the extinction sleep training method is, the pros and cons of this method, and how to use it. Healthy sleep is vital to the growth and health of your child. While some babies are born great sleepers, most have to learn how at some point in some way. How you sleep train your baby does not matter. There are many ways you can do it and achieve the same end result. Some methods are faster than others and some work better for certain babies than others. Tips for using the extinction sleep training method to get baby to sleep well. Get great naps and great night sleep for baby.
How To Get Baby to Sleep All Night
If you knew exactly when your baby would sleep through the night, you could be patient. If you knew in two weeks you would reach that magical day, you could persevere. The unknown is hard. The unknown can be soul-crushing. The unknown can make you very impatient. You want baby sleeping through the night and you want it to happen now. When your baby is not sleeping through the night, you cannot solve the night wakings without figuring out why baby is waking up. Figuring out the why can take time and often takes experimenting, but you cannot get your baby to sleep through the night without fixing the “why” for the waking. Your first step will be figure out why, then you will fix the why. Here is a list of whys and how to address each one