
179 Pins
Book of Hours, MS M.56 fol. 52r - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
Book of Hours, MS M.56 fol. 52r - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts - The Morgan Library & Museum - Courageous Christian Father
The 7 I Am Statements of Jesus. There are seven statements where Jesus said what He is in the book of John. #7IamStatementsofJesus - Courageous Christian Father
The Bible in 50 Words | Courageous Christian Father
Guide to the art of illuminating and missal painting : Audsley, W. (William), 1833-1907 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Guide to the art of illuminating and missal pai...
Illuminated Manuscript, Van Alphen Hours, Initial H with Souls cast into Hellmouth, Walters Manuscript W.782, fol. 113r
Illuminated Manuscript, Van Alphen Hours, Initial H with Souls cast into Hellmouth, Walters Manuscript W.782, fol. 113r | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
St. Mary Magdalene meeting the risen Christ in the garden, a page from a Flemish Illuminated Manuscript created in the 14th Century.
Bible of Borso d’Este — Viewer
The magnificent Bible of Borso d’Este represents the zenith of Ferrarese miniature painting and one of the highpoints of Italian Renaissance manuscript illumination. It was commissioned by Borso d’Este (1413–71), the first duke of Ferrara, who intended it as a demonstration of the splendor of the House of Este, which at the time was competing with Florence and the court of the Medici for international status. The manuscript was completed between 1455 and 1461
Treasury of Ornament027
Middle-Ages Enamel and Illumination of Manuscripts "The Romanesque ornament found its freest display in the illumination of manuscripts, where particularly the large initials were magnificently treated.The ground of the paintings in the earlier times was gold, later on many-coloured.
Breviario de Isabel la Católica
Breviario de Isabel la Católica. Manuscrito — 1495?
Libro de horas, según el uso de Rouen
Libro de horas, según el uso de Rouen. Manuscrito — 1401-1500?
(#54) Book of Hours, Use of Reims, in Latin and French, illuminated manuscript on vellum [northern France (Paris), c.1440]
Book of Hours, Use of Reims, in Latin and French, illuminated manuscript on vellum [northern France (Paris), c.1440] | Lot | Sotheby's
A London Salmagundi
aramathea: Creation of the Birds The Hours of Giangaleazzo Viconti, Duke of Milan. c. 1388-95