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Handwashing Song Poster for Preschool
This is a one-page color PDF handwashing song poster. This can be sung to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat."Teach your toddlers and preschoolers how to wash their hands and sing this song while washing their hands to scrub them nice and clean.I recommend laminating this poster or putting it in a sheet protector and hanging it next to your bathroom sink and classroom sink for students to reference.You can also send it home to families to sing and practice with their children at home.
Toddler Lesson Plans - 10 Free PDF Printables | Printablee
Infant Toddler Lesson Plan Template
Luces de navidad de colores de papel
Plantilla gratuita para descargar para hacer una guirnalda de luces de colores de navidad. Decoracion de navidad alegre y colorida. Manualidad para niños navideña. #manualidadesinfantiles #manualidadesoriginales #manualidadesnavideñas #navidaddetalles