Jewelry Tutorials & Workspaces

Jewelry making and metal smithing tutorials, tips for pricing and displaying work
201 Pins
Full French Cleat Garage Organization System - All 13 items shown in this store in one purchase - Friction Fit
*THESE ARE .DXF CUT FILES ONLY, YOU WILL NOT BE RECEIVING A PHYSICAL PRODUCT, ONLY DIGITAL FILES* Organize your garage with a "pick and place" french cleat system! Your days of searching around for equipment and items in your garage are over. This "pick and place" system instantly organized my garage after years constant organizing. This purchase contains all 13 items for the same cost as only purchasing 8 items individually. The designs are all tested, durable and of course, easy to assemb
Soldering clay is a helpful tool for jewelry making beginners
Save this post!!! Wolf Clay firmly holds your metal pieces during the soldering process. The clay will not swell, deform or burn and it can easily be reestablished with water for reuse again. Wolf clay does not contain asbestos or other harmful ingredients. Not to be used on Platinum. This is the 6oz Jar and also available in a 1lb Jar. Made in USA #wirejewelry #solderingjewelry #jewelrymakingbeginners #jewelrymakingtutorials #diyjewelry
SKÅDIS Pegboard, wood, Width: 30" Height: 22" - IKEA
SKÅDIS Pegboard, wood, Width: 30" Height: 22" - IKEA