Parenting Teenagers

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They need this when they are small, teenagers, and adults. We need this.
This takes effort. I mean, we always love our people from our heart. But to walk in love regardless of moods and needs takes effort.
Be like this for your teen! They hear from all over how important it is not to make a wrong decision or their whole life will come crashing down. Come on now! We know that is not the truth!! They just need to make a few different turns and get back on track!
My biggest critics, the ones who have said the most negative things about me; are people who are not happy. Want to teach your teen to be able to stand in a room with those who plot their downfall? Teach them to understand those people. Actually first, teach them to see if they really need to be in that room! But if they do, understanding goes a long way. It takes a lot more to truly be upset because I feel pity for those people, not anger. They won't stop me. They hurt themselves more.
Talk about empowering! You choose to be your best version today. What that entails is up to you. Sometimes my best is tackling a huge project. Sometimes my best is resting. Sometimes my best is helping others. Each day is different. Each day is a choice. Your best version of you is the making the best choice you can within the capacity that you have at that day, at that moment; intentionally and with genuine intentions.
This is so rewarding. Whether you see something light up in the other person or not, it is just good for the soul to spread sunshine. Try this! For a week, do this with strangers. But especially, do this with your teenagers!! Three things a day for a week. Call it a trial period. See what happens! Maybe try for two weeks. You'll see something start moving!
This is actually very true. I've been living this for the past several weeks. It takes your attention off of yourself and heals you a little bit at a time. ❤️
So Much This! At the beginning of this year, I had some much different plans than what happened, especially for Escalate Love. And that is ok! Life threw curve balls this year. I lost two people who are very important to me after months of decline. I wouldn't trade the time spent for them for any of the business goals in the world!
This is true. So, I focus on the pride and the love for who they are becoming. I try not to let the sadness stay too long. ❤️
Merry day after Christmas! I hope these real luxuries are high in your heart as the season slows down.
This is huge. You know better now. You would make different decisions now. You didn't know that then. This is a good reminder to you AND your teenager. Remind them of this. This is how people grow and mature.
Why is this important with parenting? Because it is true. I know parents who operate in complete fear with their teenagers. If their teenager is sleeping too much, they must be doing drugs. This is not true. They are actually growing people who sometimes need more rest, and sometimes stay up late listening to music or playing video games. As long as trust hasn't been broken or rebuilt, have a little faith!