
20 Pins
I have several items for Bastet in the shop, including incense, Anointing Oil, Devotional Candle, and Devotional Jewelry and Charms #bast #bastet #kemetic #pagan
Diosa Bastet código sagrado 521
Representada con cabeza de gata y contaba con una ciudad propia, Bubastis ubicada en el delta del Nilo. Entre los atributos de la diosa gata estaba ser guardiana de los hogares, defensora de los hijos y representante de la dulzura maternal y de la abundancia.
Bastet: 12 Ways to Work With the Egyptian Cat Goddess of the Home
Bast's Legacy: How the Cat Goddess Continues to Inspire Modern Witchcraft Practices
Discover the power and symbolism of the ancient Egyptian goddess Bast, the feline deity of protection, fertility, and pleasure. Explore her associations with cats, herbs, crystals, and more.
Bastet Altar: How to Set Up An Altar for the Egyptian Cat Goddess
Bastet Altar: How to Set Up An Altar for the Egyptian Cat Goddess