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I thought this was what I wanted but when I got it I was terrified. Having someone mirror my effort showed me my dysfunction, it was so overwhelming. The effort that I put into relationships was unhealthy, I made a martyr of myself when partners did not meet my impossible standards. Now I don't want to be matched, I want to participate in relationships at a reasonable level and to allow the other person to do the same. Love is not transactional, I'm not going to Love you just to get Love bac...
for once, i want to talk to you again, just like the old times.
It's hard not to miss someone who was a constant 24 hour presence in your life and then one day just cuts you out.
In short, I just want you. Nobody else will do. You are all of these things and…
Maybe when we are slightly older and have our shit together, i do miss you more then you'll ever know
Bits of Truth... all quotes
so true for my close guy friend Joe and I… I've tried messaging him, tweeting him and texting him but he hasn't answered me and he was one of the closest friends i ever had on campus
We Heart It
I want to but you don't like who I have become....so I have to keep leaving and let go