Labor & contractions

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Do you massage your C-section scar? Massage helps to avoid adhesions - scar tissue which binds organs together causing serious problems later in life. Its never too late to start!
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Unlike the Victorian contraptions most of us (okay, I) imagine upon hearing the word girdle, the postpartum support undergarments on the market today will probably not cause you to swoon every time…
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Items for After Delivery - Dermoplast ® -- The hospital sent me home with a can but my mom had to pick another from the grocery store. Wish I had know about it before so I could have stocked up. ***An extra can would have been nice for the diaper bag.
Parent Props | Hospital Bag Packing List- Part 2 - copycatchic
Everything you need and nothing you don't when packing your bag for the hospital for giving birth. ALSO a few items you didn't even think of!!!
Breastfeeding: How to Establish a Good Milk Supply
12 Tips for Establishing a Good Breast Milk Supply #infographic #breastfeeding
20 (Practical) Things Dads Can Do During Labor - Trimester Talk
20 Practical Ways Dads Can Help During Labor
Printable Maternity Hospital Bag Checklist - Wit & Wander
This Printable Maternity Hospital Bag Checklist from Wit & Wander will help you get organized before you head to the hospital to give birth.
Parent Props | Hospital Bag Packing List- Part 2 - copycatchic
Everything you need and nothing you don't when packing your bag for the hospital for giving birth. ALSO a few items you didn't even think of!!!
Obstetrics - Virginia Women's Center
True Labor versus False Labor | Virginia Women's Center blog