Dual Language 🏫 📚

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POCKET CHART BUILDING WORDS ~Spanish~ ****Building words has become an integral part of today's reading instruction. I created this activity for my intervention, it is perfect for small group or whole class to develops word-building skills by focusing on syllables. ***My Pocket Chart Building Words includes 99 syllables and 86 illustration cards for visual support, it also comes with 2 different sets of cards to differentiate learning, two syllables mat and three syllables mat.
WORD WORK~~ BUILD AND WRITE in Spanish~~ by sruizkinderbilingual | Teachers Pay Teachers
Kinder Sight Word Sentences
Practice forming sentences in literacy centers or writing centers with these Spanish sentence stem or Spanish sentence starter cards with Spanish high frequency words.Ideal for students in Kindergarten or 1st grade in a bilingual, Spanish immersion or dual language classroom. Includes 51 sentence stem cards. Use in pocket charts as a center or as fluency practice independently. Centro de formar oraciones con palabras de alta frecuencia. Ideal para kinder o primero.
DUAL LANGUAGE HEADERS: LOD Sign, WordWall, Content Wall, etc..
Getting ready for a dual language classroom? This is a great way to label the all important areas of your classroom Gomez and Gomez Style. This includes word wall headers, helpers headers, content wall headers LOD Signs student generated alphabet headers
Interactive Notebook for High Frequency Words in Spanish palabras del uso
Interactive Notebook for High Frequency Words in Spanish
Super Classroom Decorative Set. Variety of resources to welcome, work on skills and decorate the learning space.
Super Decorative Set for Classroom. This set features a beautiful combination of 7 bright colors, which will give your teaching space an energetic and welcoming atmosphere. It also has some super cool images that give it a touch of good vibes: disco ball, happy face, daisy flower, aadio, aassette, camera, skates, school bag. It is a complete set, with a wide variety of resources that will help you prepare your classroom. It is a set completely in SPANISH and in digital format that you only BUY, DOWNLOAD, PRINT, CUT AND DECORATE. INCLUDES: - WELCOME Banner (8.5''x11'') - Welcome Banner (3.7''x5'') - Letters for phrase - Cut-Outs (figures) approximately 40 different sizes - Calendar set (days of the week, months and years) - Climate poster - 5 Posters with positive messages (8.5''x11'') -
Este producto te brindará la facilidad de hacer muchas actividades con tus estudiantes. IMAGINATE! . Primero completan la oración usando las ilustraciones y luego leen la oración en voz alta. Hay muchas variedad de donde escojer. *** Te brindo 9 oraciones con palabras de alta frecuencia y 24 ilustraciones con palabras. TODO estudiante podrá leer; unos usando la palabra y otros mirando la ilustración. Perfecto para lectura guiada ( guided reading) by sruizkinderbilingual
Spanish attention getters - call and response rhymes
Spanish attention getters - call and response rhymes
Anchor charts in Pre-K