Solar Flare & Cold War

A solar flare on a day in May 1967 was nearly responsible for momentary heating of Cold War, breaking out bet USA & the Soviet . On May 23rd, 1967, all 3 American ballistic missile early-warning radars were simultaneously jammed. The US Air Force, believing Soviet Union was to blame, ordered nuclear-strike aircraft to take to the skies. The culprit was (later realized as)a powerful solar flare & convinced decision-makers to forego military action. Chris Stubenrauch -
31 Pins
32 Mesmerising GIFs That Will Make You Fall In Love With Science
A loop of plasma four times the size of the Earth erupts from the Sun. | 32 Mesmerising GIFs That Will Make You Fall In Love With Science
Solar Prominence on June 10, 2011
A large and beautiful solar prominence captured by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft on June 10, 2011. Scale size of Earth is shown at lower right. (Credit: NASA/SDO, AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams; Jason Major)
Solar scientists call for better space weather forecasts
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The Making of a Mind-Blowing DIY Sun Photo
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Alan Friedman's Astonishing HD Photographs of the Sun Shot from his Own Backyard — Colossal
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День Звезды | Блоги
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Secrets of the Sun by NOVA: Fascinating documentary about new tools which allow us to see and to understand as never before how the sun works, to understand how it impacts us and in particular its potential to tear down our electrical grids. #Sun #Solar_Science #NOVA #Electrical_Grids