Lake Iseo

27 Pins
Visit Lake Iseo - 🇮🇹 Oggi ci piace la foto di @berriestagram a cui vanno i nostri complimenti! 👍😉 Veduta delle piramidi di Zone (BS) Lasciati ispirare dal #Lagodiseo; anche per questi panorami, è la tua scelta romantica! Scopri #Trekking e #Passeggiate: Usa il Tag #Visitlakeiseo nei tuoi post @Instagram per essere selezionato nella nostra gallery. #visitlakeiseo after #TheFloatingPiers. Lakeiseo, #TheRomanticChoice #inLombardia! #inLombardia365 #visitBrescia #VisitBergamo #Franciacorta #TastingFranciacorta _____________________________________________ 🇬🇧 These pyramids are found in the lake iseo region in Italy. They represent a real nature masterpiece and are the result of a rare erosion phenomenon in partly cemented clay-gravel deposits, including big rocks of petrified sediment. The rainwater rapidly washed away the clay matrix of the deposits from the mountain slopes thus isolating little by little the rocks which are left to protect the material below like umbrellas- I was blown away by the beauty of this natural reserve! | Facebook
Oggi ci piace la foto di @berriestagram a cui vanno i nostri complimenti! Veduta delle piramidi di Zone (BS) Lasciati ispirare dal #Lagodiseo; anche per questi panorami è la tua scelta romantica! Scopri #Trekking e #Passeggiate: Usa il Tag #Visitlakeiseo nei tuoi post @Instagram per essere selezionato nella nostra gallery. #visitlakeiseo after #TheFloatingPiers. Lakeiseo #TheRomanticChoice #inLombardia! #inLombardia365 #visitBrescia #VisitBergamo #Franciacorta #TastingFranciacorta _____________________________________________ These pyramids are found in the lake iseo region in Italy. They represent a real nature masterpiece and are the result of a rare erosion phenomenon in partly cemented clay-gravel deposits including big rocks of petrified sediment. The rainwater rapidly washed away the clay matrix of the deposits from the mountain slopes thus isolating little by little the rocks which are left to protect the material below like umbrellas- I was blown away by the beauty of this natural reserve! -
Monte Isola by gencostefano. Please Like and Follow @go4fotos Thank You. :-)
Vista da Montisola al Tramonto
Vista da Montisola al Tramonto, Italy / photo by Pierpaolo
Val Camonica, Italy
Prehistoric rock carvings in the Val Camonica just north of Lake Iseo
Petroglyphs, Val Camonica, Italy (one of the oldest ?)
Le Piramidi di Zone... by Mirko Costantini on 500px )
European travel and art
Zone Pyramids by Lake Iseo in Italy:
Unlike Their Egyptian Counterparts, the Pyramids of Zone Are Naturally Occuring
Pyramids of Zone – Cislano, Italy | Atlas Obscura
Amazing Places on Earth, Places to visit
Beautiful neo-Gothic castle located on Lake Iseo north of Montisola, Italy. #travel #Italy