365 fabrics

Like most people I know that sew, I have a closet FULL of fabrics. Overwhelming! I decided that I am going to use 365 DIFFERENT fabrics in (I HOPE) 12 months. I will be counting remakes of t-shirts, etc. as well because they take up space as well. This is a journal for me more than anything. I tend to forget how much I do make. I am setting my start date as the Ides of March because I started sewing while my in-laws were here and I haven't stopped.
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My daughter saw this fabric and immediately thought of a classmate who had brought his birds for the class to enjoy. She wanted to make him a bandana. I think it worked out nicely with a feather in the front. (Pictures of different eggs are on the sides.) This is fabric #70.
A coverup I threw together for my niece during her visit. It has 2 loops, one in the back and one in the front, so it forms full straps over the shoulder, but can still be worn as a skirt. #67. #68 and #69 is another joining of 2 t-shirts to make a pajama top long enough for my sister.
The same Room Seven fabric as my top. I made this shirt/skirt for my daughter. Fabric #32
Not officially fabric, but I made a bag from a HUGE pile of plastic bags. It reduced the clutter in my house and made something new...so I count this as #66.
This is a fabric I bought years ago in The Netherlands. It is now a shirred tunic for the summer...for me. Fabric #65!
(Fabrics #58-64)
A minibag in light blue/pale yellow/pale green. (Fabrics #58-64).
Oops, I forgot a fabric. I made my niece Ansley yet another shirred dress and FORGOT to take a picture. This fabric is a soft jersey and the dress is a long one. But this dress brings my total up to 51! A minibag in black/yellow/white with a Tom's bag scrap for the top. (Fabrics 52-57)
This log cabin patch brings me to a total of 50 fabrics! I made it into a mini bag, but forgot to take a picture before I gave the bage away.
Notice how sneaky I was at getting that 10th fabric in! This brings me to 43 fabrics!
The next 10 fabrics are scraps put together to make a gift for an upcoming baby.
# 33 is a shirred dress for my sister.