Memories of, quotes, music: use Youtube if cannot view 4 copyrights/support artists

FAMILY PHOTOS ARE COPYRIGHTED! DO NOT PIN MY FAMILY!/dedicated my dad, family. - Mari Marxuach Parrilla A precious trove of memories. Dedicated to dad. & made for mom: Missed by his wife, 5 daughters, 1 son, a sister, family/friends.
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Love never ends...& we don't lose our identity in see u in heaven Papa...
Jar of Hearts....
Sending hearts to heaven, to you dad...& to God & Jesus. Remember last time we talked: we said "no good-byes, I see you later, in heaven". Knowing I'll see u again in heaven makes me so HAPPY. ❥ Mari
❥Mari...Because of you, dad...honoring your wishes...smiling & & pushing myself on my dreams & living in the moment...thank u dad...I hope God/Jesus show u my messages...I feel happy when I talk to u...❥-Mari
Because Every Picture Tells a Story Vinyl Lettering Wall Decal Sticker (9"H x 28"L, Black)
Because Every Picture Tells a Story AND HOLDS A MEMORY ❥ -Mari...Photos of dad & children in our family copyrighted to his wife & my mom, Vivian Carrion Marxuach.
My dad...Raul Marxuach. Went to Texas A&M as u see from photo. His father was also an engineer. I love my dad so much: he raised us with his wife after my parents divorced. Another man of honor like my 2 grand-fathers (Jose Luis Carrion and Raul Marxuach Senior, my dad's father). My dad always made sure we were taken care of. That's what a dad does. -Mari Marxuach Parrilla
Blog is the deepest secret nobody knows, here is the root of the root, and the bud of the bud, and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide, and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart ~ I carry your heart. I carry it in my heart... ~author E.E. Cummings
Parents' former house in Texas- my best Christmas was years ago in that house (when I took this photo). So many beautiful memories there and other homes. Gates of those homes' memories will never close. & "Home is not a place: home is where your loved ones are". And so our real home is heaven -Mari
For Papa's loved ones: Good-byes don't exist because there's heaven, where we shall meet again (Papa). Earth is part 1 of life & heaven is part 2 & it heaven never ends, so best is always yet to come, thank God & Jesus, who r best of heaven. & we don't lose our identity in heaven, that's Biblical. So see u in heaven Papa! -Mari
Memory Quotes - Quotation Inspiration
Dad: mom is not letting the gates of memories close. She send us photos & videos when she can. We r saving them & cherishing them forever. & I love hearing your voice on video. We know u r smiling at mom from heaven for that & also cuz u love her. We will see u in heaven & make more memories, in eternal heaven, our real home. -Mari
#Hurt #Quotes #Love #Relationship #dandelions4emma #miscarriage #grieve #mourn #mourning #loss #poem #quote Facebook: Google+ Twitter: #Depressed #Life #Sad #Pain #TeenProblems #Past #MoveO
My right to mourn...yes, my dad wanted all his kids & wife to remain happy & go on, but he did NOT want to be forgotten. When I showed him his favorite picture of himself in Texas A&M uniform & told him every single family member getting that photo to remember him, he smiled from his soul. Yes we will smile even laugh, dad wants it so. But to never cry or forget him, never. Not possible ❥ -Mari
My dad, Raul Marxuach, at Texas A&M. My dad was a man of honor. & my mom described him perfectly in her precious eulogy of him. He was: loving, kind, compassionate, NON-DISCRIMINATORY of ANYONE, taught us God is love/loves everyone, showed us what love means, & was bravest man we've known. He taught me & all his family that. As mom eloquently said, we r better people because of him. ❥ -Mari
My mom (mom Vivian's) & dad's wedding. Mom,: he awaits u & all of us in heaven. But I know u miss him most. So I pray for u mom more than I pray for me..❥ -Mari
What my mom & dad will look like walking together again in heaven one day. Mom: I pray more for u than for me, for u r most affected by dad's passing. But I will keep reminding u he is yours, & u r his, Bible says love never dies, & u will see him again! -love, ur daughter Mari