
80 Pins
How To: Standing Hammer Curls - Monster Longe
Learn how to do standing hammer curls with these detailed instructions to help you step your arm game up.
Exercise Gloves - Monster Longe
Learn what exercise gloves are with these detailed details.
How To Have Fun Working Out - Monster Longe
Hate going to the gym? Then what you should definitely do is click through to learn how to have fun working out!
Healthy Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe - Monster Longe
Here's a healthy Thanksgiving turkey recipe for you to impress all of your guests with. Try it!
How To Balance Fitness With Life - Monster Longe
Learn how to balance fitness with the demands of your life with these tips you'll be more appreciative of yourself for having the foresight to read by clicking through!
How To: Standing Plate Front Raises - Monster Longe
Learn how to do plate front raises with these detailed instructions to help you step your shoulder game up.
How To Do Push-Ups For Beginners - Monster Longe
Step-by-step instructions and tips to help you learn how to do push-ups correctly, whether you're a beginner or somebody who should be ashamed at not knowing how to do them properly by now.
How To Improve Lagging Muscles - Monster Longe
Almost everyone has a lagging muscle. Click through to learn how to fix it. That is, if you want to stop being like everyone!
How To Choose Gym Shoes - Monster Longe
You're wearing that to the gym?!?! Sorry, buddy, but I think you need to go grab something else! Don't have anything else? Then go shopping with this brief guide on how to choose gym shoes. As for the rest of your get-up, that's an issue for a much, much larger guide to help you through!
Exercise Mat - Monster Longe
Learn what an exercise mat is with these detailed details.
Signs That it's Time To Lose Weight - Monster Longe
Is it time to lose weight? Click through to find out the signs before it's too late!
How To Track Weight Loss With Your Clothes - Monster Longe
Did you know that you can track weight loss with clothes? Well, now ya know because that's what I'm tellin' ya!!! To find out how, all you have to do is click through!
How To Track Workouts With A Training Log - Monster Longe
Forget what supplement or stupid fitness product you can buy to see results. I have something that's cheaper and better. What is it, you ask with growing interest? It's a workout journal, something that you don't have, which goes a long way in explaining why you look the way you look and are as weak as you are. So you should probably click through to find out why a training log is so important, plus how to keep one!
How To Barbell Squat Correctly - Monster Longe
Learn how to barbell squat correctly with these detailed instructions to help you step your leg game up.