Self Care for Artists

Self-Care for Artists and Creatives, Self-Compassion, How to overcome Burn-out, Art block, Self-Care strategies, Self-care exercises, Self-Compassionate Creativity
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Some thoughts on how to cope with art block - nerielart
How can we understand art block and what can we do about it? Nerielart
Self care for artists and creatives - nerielart
Some thoughts on what i feel is important and what helps me when it comes to taking care of myself as an artist and creative (and human being). Nerielart.
Why I Love Abstract Art — Nerielart
modern mixed media by nerielart. How abstract art helped me cope with my perfectionism. //art tips //perfectionism help // stop self-sabotage // artist help // #arttips #perfectionism #modernmixedmedia #artisthelp
Rituals to stay connected with your creative self — Nerielart
Exercises and rituals that can help you clear your mind a bit (but maybe not completely), before you start creating your art or craft. I like to practice some of these to help me stay connected to my art practice. //self care art // self compassion art // Artist Help // rituals of art // #selfcareart #ritualsofart #artisthelp
How to Set Boundaries as an Artist
How to Set Boundaries as an Artist. We must choose to believe our creative journey is rightfully our job and therefore treat it as such. It is important to invest in our creative practice with our time, space and vebally to others. In this post, I will explore three areas in which to successfully set boundaries as an artist. #artistboundaries #creativeboundaries #boundaries #howtosetboundaries
What To Do When You Have No Motivation
What To Do When You Have No Motivation. Nothing is harder in life when you have no motivation or drive to do anything! These are simple things to do when you have no drive or focus and can't get motivated - or especially when you have no energy!
Here's Why You Need Rest as an Artist
Here's Why You Need Rest as an Artist - discover the importance of rest and what to do to intentionally rest, importance of affirmations, honoring mind, body and spirit #restforartists #whyyouneedtorest #intentionalrest #artistrest #becomeaconfidentartist #artistaffirmations #affirmations
How to connect with your creative practice using rituals - nerielart
How to connect with your creative self using rituals. These exercises can help you foster a calm and kind state of mind before starting your creative practice. // Creative rituals // Self Care // Artist help // #creativerituals #selfcare #selfcareforartists
Art Blog combining the knowledge about psychology and Art
Hello there! I'm a clinical psychologist and a mixed media artist. My goal is to combine my knowledge from these two fields to help artists and creatives who struggle with self-judgement and perfectionism, and how we can turn it into a more sustainable and self-compassionate creative practice. //art and psychology // mental health art // self-compassion and art // Artist Help // Stop Self-Sabotage// #artandpsychology #mentalhealthart #selfcompassion #artisthelp
How Abstract Art Changed the Way I relate to myself as an artist and person - by Nerielart
How Abstract Art helped me turn perfectionism into self-compassion and mindful presence while creating art. // Creativity Inspiration // Abstract Artist // Artist Help // #creativityinspiration #perfectionism #selfhelp #artisthelp
Why I Love Abstract Art — Nerielart
Storytime, How Abstract Art helped me overcome perfectionism and contributed to a more self-compassionate creative practice. // Kindness and Compassion // Stop Self Sabotage // Self Growth // Personal Development // #stopselfsabotage #perfectionismasanartist #overcomeperfectionism
How I Overcame Perfectionism as an Artist
Oh the struggle of Perfectionism. In this blog post I share some of my own experiences with perfectionism, how it stopped me from creating for many years and How Abstract Art came to the rescue. Mental Health Art // Self Love Art // Reduce Self-Criticism / #mentalhealthart #reduceselfcriticism #perfectionism #overcomeperfectionism #artisthelp
Why I Love Abstract Art — How it helped me overcome my perfectionism Nerielart
In this blog post I talk about my struggles with perfectionism and how it contributed to me quitting art for many years. I also share how abstract art helped me to take a kinder and more self-compassionate stance towards my art practice. // Self Help, Self Care, How to Self Love, How to Stop Being Negative, Kindness and Compassion, Stop Self Sabotage, How to deal with Perfectionism // #arthelp #artstruggles #perfectionism #selfhelp #selfcompassion #abstractart
How to Deal With Art Block - The compassionate way - by Nerielart
This blog post will cover my own experiences, why art block happens, how we can understand it and what to do about it. // Art Block Ideas // Art Block Inspiration // Art Struggles // Art Prompts Ideas // Creative Block // Creative Exercises // Creativity Inspiration // Creativity Roadblock #artblock #creativeblock #artstruggles #arthelp