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'In The Box' Wedding DIY Photo Ideas
Get everyone included in your special day with this super cute DIY 'In The Box' trend using a cardboard box. Great for birthdays and weddings, this fun photography challenge is a great way to get everyone involved
Создаю уникальные интерьерные цифровые картины на заказ. Все арты в моем Пинтересте являются моей интеллектуальной собственностью. Для коммерческого использования артов необходимо их приобрести. Для своих работ использую ai и графические программы. Напишите мне Email I create unique interior digital paintings to order. All art on my Pinterest is my intellectual property. To use art commercially, you must purchase it. For my work I use AI and graphic programs.
If “Where the crawdads sing” was a painting 🧡 100 x 100 cm of acrylic paint 🪶 One of my favorite books! It took me a while to get into it but once I was, I was hooked. I had left the ending unread before I saw the movie and imagined my chock inside the cinema! #acrylicpainting #studiocelinew #wherethecrawdadssing #semiabstract #art