Goat Shed Feeder

30 Pins
I LOVE what they have done for their goats, things think this have been in the plan ever since I found this last winter.
Rain shelters
10x12 barn with 8x10 open-air loafing area. I like this because it blocks a lot of wind from entering the shelter in the winter
DIY Hay Feeder
Scarlet & Esmeralda eating from hay feeder
DIY hay & mineral feeders for goats
goat hay feeder - Google Search
Milking area with machine. The goats enter from the right and step up 3 levels to the stand. They are then the perfect height to clean and milk while standing in comfort.
goat muscle building toys!
goat muscle building toys! - The Goat Spot - Goat Forum
Horse Run In Shed
It is a single stall horse barn but would be excellent for a chicken coop just enclose the front area completely.
The Website Quilter
An ideal goat milking parlor- so clean Do not underestimate the importance of cleanliness! !!!! Much easier to sell and show off
Horse barn with lean to roof modular barn
Lean-to Goat Barn
Nigerian Dwarf Goat, goats, Goat Farm Georgia
like the ramp... they'd love this in their stall!