People fear abandonment for more than one reason, but everyone who fears abandonment has experienced feeling alone, either physically or with their painful feelings…..often in adulthood almost certainly during childhood. Being chronically emotionally abandoned is enough. This is the reason their bodies have learned to fear abandonment so intensely. #securelove #relationshipadvice Fear Of Abandonment Quotes, Feeling Abandoned Quotes, How To Express Your Feelings, Abandonment Quotes, Therapy Topics, Feeling Seen, Emotional Abandonment, Fear Of Abandonment, Abandonment Issues

Fear Of Abandonment Quotes

People fear abandonment for more than one reason, but everyone who fears abandonment has experienced feeling alone, either physically or with their painful feelings…..often in adulthood almost certainly during childhood. Being chronically emotionally abandoned is enough. This is the reason their bodies have learned to fear abandonment so intensely. #securelove #relationshipadvice

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