Baby sleep

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Wake Windows
One of my BIGEST pieces of advice is to read your baby & watch their wake windows!! Wake windows are the amount of time from when baby wakes up, to when they fall asleep! INCLUDING feeding time! 👀 Watch for sleepy cues!! {yawning, red/pink eye lids, lack of interest, gazing} 😴 Create a restful sleep environment! 👶 Allow independence for self soothing to fall asleep on their own! This is on average!! Wake windows are different for every baby! Wake Windows! 0-3 Months: 45minutes-1 hour
How Much Awake Time Does My Baby Need Before Bedtime? -Taking Cara Babies
Sleep Schedule For a Baby Aged 6 Months Old | Baby Sleeping Guide
Sleep Schedule For a Baby Aged 6 Months Old | Baby Sleeping Guide #babysleeping #parenting #parentingtips #parentingguide
2-3 Month Old Baby Sample Daily Routine | Baby Parenting Guide
2-3 Month Old Baby Sample Daily Routine | Baby Parenting Guide #parenting #parentingtips #parentingguide #parentingadvice