Sober Inspiration

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Quit Drinking for Real This Time
You never know when your last hangover will be. If you need help getting started or keeping your momentum going, then check out my free email series 7 Tips for Your Next 7 Days
Sober Powered
Making the decision to quit drinking is a big one. We’re surrounded by alcohol every single day. Not only is it shown regularly on TV and in movies, but it’s also infused into most of our lives. In some circles, it’s not normal to say “no” when being offered a drink, regardless of your reason. If you’re just starting: - Find support - Prioritize your sobriety - Embrace sober culture - Connect with other sober people - Adjust your expectations - Get alcohol out of the house
Once Sobriety Clicks...
I could tell you that sobriety is “so worth it” and that it’s “incredibly rewarding.” Both are true. But the reality is… It’s also super hard and uncomfortable. And sometimes, dealing with all the feelings makes you wonder if quitting drinking was even the right move. 🤔 But there’s a moment when it clicks, and you realize you want to start taking your sobriety seriously.
You create your happiness
If you had told me that I’d be happier without alcohol in my life, I might have laughed directly in your face. 🙄 But you know what they say—You don’t know what you don’t know. And that is SO true when it comes to ditching booze. I didn’t believe I’d be happier without drinking because alcohol was working…until it wasn’t. And I was comfortable. I was too scared to make a change. Then I realized I didn’t have to live that way. And you don’t have to either.
Comparing doesn't change your reality
When it comes to drinking, comparing yourself does absolutely nothing for you. You might not think your drinking is “as bad as” someone else, but are you living their life or yours? Ask yourself 👇🏼 Is drinking adding to my life or taking from it? Would my life be better without alcohol? Sure, it’s scary at first. And it might get harder before it gets easy. But remember, there’s no award for hitting the lowest rock bottom. So, why not start now?
Don't waste your weekend being wasted
I used to spend my whole weekend with alcohol. It was my reward for surviving another week of work. And it went like this 👇🏼 I’d drink my face off all weekend, get to Monday morning, and wonder where my hard-earned “days off” went. A new week would start, and my alcohol-filled life cycle would start all over again. I hated that cycle. Until one day, I finally realized nothing would change if I didn’t change the one thing that was causing me the most problems. And I’m so glad I did.
The freedom of sobriety
😎 Pretty cool, right? For so long, alcohol was completely running (and ruining) my life. But now that I don’t drink, I’m the one in charge. 💪🏻 And I’ve made my sobriety a non-negotiable. So when it comes to how I spend my time— The question of drinking never comes up. And this makes me feel so FREE. 🙂 If you’re going back and forth between quitting drinking or not, why not just give it a 30 day try? Live your life the way YOU want, not controlled by alcohol.
Sobriety is just ONE piece of the puzzle
Am I right? 🙌🏼 Listen, quitting drinking isn’t waving a magic wand over your life, and suddenly, every problem is solved. (but wouldn’t that be nice?!) 😂 Sobriety is just one piece of the puzzle. Once I quit drinking, I was so much better equipped to take on everything that my life threw at me. Yes, even the really hard stuff! 🚫 Without the haze of alcohol, I learned healthy ways to cope and unwind after a stressful day.
Living a Sober Powered Life Community — Sober Powered
🥰 There’s something special about talking to someone who understands what you’re going through. Sure, I can talk to my friends and family about not drinking, but it’s not the same. Sorry husband... ♥️ A healthy support system: - gets what you’re dealing with - supports you no matter what - gives you a safe space to be yourself - and encourages you without judgment As an added bonus, some of my sobriety connections have led to beautiful friendships!
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Freedom From Drinking
I believed that not drinking was the worst possible thing that could happen to me When I quit, a few things happened: -I stopped letting myself down every day -I stopped thinking about my drinking 24/7 -I was able to feel and think clearly All of this allowed me to live a life I’m proud of That’s available for you too
I'd rather be bored than hungover
We think alcohol is required for fun, but are you really having fun? It may be fun for the first hour or 2, but then you may forget the end of the night, jolt awake at 3am with massive anxiety, feel regretful and ashamed, and wish you didn’t drink so you could have felt proud of yourself Being sober isn’t instant fun, but there’s no pay back later. You can actually find things you enjoy doing and hang out with people that you like socializing with
Living a Sober Powered Life Community — Sober Powered
It’s very hard to quit something that is socially accepted and encouraged It’s very hard to quit something that you can use to INSTANTLY feel the way you want to feel, numb out, or have fun and enhance a situation It’s very hard to quit drinking, but you’re on the right path. Keep going. No one gets it perfect right away. As long as you don’t give up you’ll get there If you’re having trouble making sobriety stick, then reach out and get some support. I’d love to support you in my community
Stay Sober for the Holidays — Sober Powered
Every year for the holidays I would alternate between drunk or hungover. That’s not a fun way to celebrate the holidays and spend time with family and friends Plus, it’s exhausting A hangover free holiday season means you have time to do whatever you want No embarrassment, forgetting the night, feeling sick every morning, or obsessing about alcohol the entire time How do you feel about a hangover free holiday season?
But that doesn’t mean you have to drink.
It’s ok to be envious of drinkers and wish you could participate. What helped me the most was to accept that I just can’t drink that way no matter what. I can’t have 1 drink and move on with my life.