B.O.S. Magickal herbs

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Herbalism for Spirit Work
Beyond spells and potions... deepen your spiritual practice with herbs. From offerings to smoke cleansing, these sacred plants can bridge the world. ✨ What are your favorite herbs for spirit work?
Crossing the Veil Tea
Connect with the spirits using this blend. Junpier for banishing the unwelcome within and without, especially any doubt. Mint for honoring the dead, and calling them forth. Mugwort for opening the third eye so that we may truly see. Yarrow for healing and welcoming spirits. Excellent for Samhain.
Coffee: Spiritual Meanings & Magical Uses In Spells & Witchcraft
Magical Properties of Coffee | Coffee Materia Magicka » Plentiful Earth
Sages - Information Card
A small description about the healing and magickal properties of Sage. Visit www.lovelightheal.co.uk/blog to read the full description.
Bay Leaf - Information Card
A small description about the healing and magickal properties of bay leaf. Visit www.lovelightheal.co.uk/blog to read the full description about this herb.