Provision of information


Schedule changes by railway and bus operators

When a change is made to the schedule of any public transportation agency, depending on conditions such as the time that the new information was provided to us, the timetable data within our service may not be updated in time.

Route search based on private railway, subway, and airline schedules

Some lines are unsupported.
(J)02-7 timetable data is based on issue of "JTB timetable" This timetable data shall not be reproduced, copied or processed into any electromagnetic medium, without the express written consent of JTB Publishing.

Route search based on JR Timetable

KOSHO No.158 in 2017.

JR timetable data is based on October 2017 issue of "JR JIKOKUHYO" published by KOTSU SHIMBUNSHA CO., LTD.
This timetable data shall not be reproduced, copied or processed into any electromagnetic medium, without the express written consent of KOTSU SHIMBUNSHA CO., LTD.

Information About The Transport Service

The data of the information about the transport service is based on the operating information of JR, private railroads, the underground and the monorail provided by Rescuenow Inc. NAVITIME JAPAN reserves all rights and unauthorized reproduction, copying and processing of this data into electromagnetic media is prohibited.
This service does not report on all accidents, delays and resumptions of service so the information we provide may sometimes differ from actual information. This information is only for your reference.
Basically this service provides only information on local trains and does not support information on express trains. It will indicate information on service resumptions for the corresponding line if a local train line has resumed service; however, the information may be different from the operating conditions of express trains.
All rights including the copyright to its contents are attributed to Rescuenow Inc. or NAVITIME JAPAN.
NAVITIME JAPAN shall bear no responsibility with regard to any damage or loss arising in any way out of the use of this information.

Information provision time

Information will be provided from the first train to the last train for all lines.
*The service may be put in suspend mode due to system support etc.

Standard of information provision

We provide information in the case of a delay of over 15 minutes on a JR line within the Tokyo metropolitan area and a delay of over 30 minutes on other lines, and in the case of a suspension and a closure or expected closure.
We provide information when a delay occurs in a wide area (for lines and zones for which information is provided, and other areas).
We provide the time, lines, zone and operating condition relating to accidents and delays.
Information on operating condition basically relates to suspensions, resumptions and delays as well as expected resumptions, cancellations.
*A refresh (reload) will be required sometimes.
*Even though the service reloads data at intervals ranging from every 10 minutes to 1 hour, the information may be different from the actual operating conditions.