Papers by Yolanda Masnita
![Research paper thumbnail of Purchase Behaviour Meningkat Akibat Adanya Dampak Spirituality, Purchase Intention Terhadap Makanan Halal](
Jurnal Ekonomi Trisakti (e-journal), Apr 2, 2024
Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner yang dibuat dengan Google Forms. Data dikumpulkan meng... more Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner yang dibuat dengan Google Forms. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner yang telah diuji dan disebarkan secara online kepada 126 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah non-Probability sampling. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis SEM. Hasil pengujian Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh positif Spirituality terhadap Satisfaction, terdapat pengaruh positif Spirituality terhadap purchase intention, Tidak terdapat pengaruh Spirituality terhadap Purcahse Behaviour, tidak terdapat pengaruh Satisfaction terhadap Purcahse Behaviour, terdapat pengaruh positif Purchase Intention terhadap Purcahse Behaviour. Implikasi manajerial pada penelitian ini adalah pada industri yaitu dengan memberikan lebel halal pada produk makanan. Sehingga dapat meningkatkan kesadaran akan kebutuhan Spirituality dan memotivasi konsumen dan mencapai tujuan hidup mereka. Serta hal ini juga akan menimbulkan Satisfaction dalam diri konsumen karena merasa aman saat mengkonsumsi makanan berlebel halal.
![Research paper thumbnail of Peran Produk Kecantikan dalam Memediasi Pengaruh Social Media Influencer Terhadap Sikap Konsumen Generasi Y](
Bisma: Jurnal Manajemen/Bisma, Apr 30, 2023
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran produk kecantikan dalam memediasi pengaruh soci... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran produk kecantikan dalam memediasi pengaruh social media influencer terhadap sikap konsumen generasi Y. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dengan kuesioner. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah teknik accidental sampling dengan jumlah 33 sampel. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah uji normalitas dan uji asumsi klasik. Metode pengujian yang digunakan adalah Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Dilakukan uji durbinwatson, uji regresi linear berganda, dan uji T. Hasil penelitian pertama, koefisien estimasi 1.320 dan p-value 0.000 membuktikan bahwa meningkatnya pengaruh social media influencer akan meningkatkan sikap konsumen dan social media influencer berpengaruh positif terhadap sikap konsumen. Kedua, meningkatnya social media influencer akan meningkatkan produk kecantikan dengan dibuktikan koefisien estimasi 0.821 dan berpengaruh positif terhadap produk kecantikan dengan p-value 0.021. Ketiga, nilai koefisien estimasi -0.298 dan p-value 0.120 yang menunjukkan bahwa meningkatnya sikap konsumen akan meningkatkan produk kecantikan dan tidak adanya pengaruh positif dari sikap konsumen terhadap produk kecantikan.
Advances in economics, business and management research, Dec 31, 2022
Jurnal Abdikaryasakti, Apr 1, 2024
Global research review in business and economics, Mar 1, 2024
In online communities, the resulting brand community can encourage consumers to increase Brand Lo... more In online communities, the resulting brand community can encourage consumers to increase Brand Love and strengthen the affective relationship between consumers and brands . So, the hypothesis is proposed as follows: Fast fashion has experienced rapid development and change. The market value forecast of fast fashion shows an annual increase. This research examines Brand Page Satisfaction on Instagram involving fast fashion brands such as Zara, Pull&Bear, and Bershka to achieve Brand Loyalty through Brand Love and Positive Word of Mouth. The study collected responses from 200 participants using a purposive sampling technique. The data analysis method used in this research is SEM-AMOS.
Global research review in business and economics, Mar 1, 2024
The contribution of this study is to analyze the effects of price, subjective knowledge, and perc... more The contribution of this study is to analyze the effects of price, subjective knowledge, and perceived behavioral control on purchase intention. Additionally, this research aims to examine the positive influence of purchase intention on purchase behavior. The benefits of this study are expected to provide additional references for future researchers regarding the topics of price, perceived behavioral control, subjective knowledge, purchase intention, and purchase behavior. Furthermore, this research is expected to be valuable for marketing managers in developing and managing factors that can influence purchase behavior in commercial cat food.
![Research paper thumbnail of The Mediating Role of Brand Trust: Is Enhancing TikTok Marketing Activities Important to Create Loyalty?](
Jurnal Komunikasi/Jurnal komunikasi, Dec 31, 2023
Indonesian people are becoming more aware of the significance of skincare, increasing the demand ... more Indonesian people are becoming more aware of the significance of skincare, increasing the demand for beauty care products. As a result, the frequency of purchasing skincare products in Indonesia has also risen. Local Indonesian skincare is a popular choice among the public. The variety of local skincare products encourages competition among companies to market their products. In the times, marketing through social media is increasingly popular to interact directly with customers. Indonesia ranks second in the world, with the number of TikTok users reaching 109.90 million. This research uses the S-O-R Model to analyze the positive influence of Marketing Activities on social media on Brand Loyalty, with the mediating role of Customer Brand Engagement and Brand Trust. The hypothetical relationships in the proposed model are tested using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Of the total respondents who were TikTok users for six months or more, 87.3% were women. This research aims to understand how social media marketing activities (SMMA) impact brand loyalty (BLO) for local skincare brands in Indonesia. It also considers the mediating roles of customer-based equity (CBE) and brand trust (BTR) in this relationship. The results of hypothesis testing showed a significant positive influence on all variables tested. The role of mediation has also proved significant, albeit with varying degrees of influence. Some variables tend to have a low influence on Brand Loyalty, while the most significant influence is seen in the influence of SMMA on Brand Trust. Thus, this study has important implications for local skincare companies in developing effective marketing strategies to build strong brand loyalty and increase customer trust in the brand.
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Kesatuan, Feb 1, 2024
![Research paper thumbnail of Customer Engagement: Is It Important to Housing Purchase Intention?](
Social media platforms have added new ways to get information that can influence the purchase int... more Social media platforms have added new ways to get information that can influence the purchase intent, including housing purchasing. Since there is a paucity of research that investigates the relationship between consumers' access to social media and their intention to purchase a house, the aim of this study is to determine whether social media activities as marketing tools influence the intent of people in house purchasing, especially when comes to customer engagement. The results of this study are expected to give marketing managers of real estate companies different ideas about how to run each of the official social media platforms to get people to buy the houses. The data collection process involved the participation of 284 individuals who completed online questionnaires. The collected data was subsequently analyzed using statistical software packages such as SPSS and AMOS to derive meaningful findings. This study found that SMMA activities positively influence brand trust, as well as Brand Trust and Purchase Intention, but the primary focus of this research is to investigate the impact of these variables on house purchase intention, with a particular emphasis on the role of customer engagement.
Advances in economics, business and management research, Dec 31, 2022
![Research paper thumbnail of Peluang Repurchase Intention Pada E-Commerce Websites Dengan Meningkatkan Brand Leadership](
Jurnal bisnis terapan, Dec 22, 2023
E-commerce is a form of trading carried out online using the internet. E-commerce can be done via... more E-commerce is a form of trading carried out online using the internet. E-commerce can be done via computers, laptops, and even smartphones. This research aims to test and analyze the influence of Brand Leadership on Satisfaction, Satisfaction on Repurchase Intention and Brand Leadership on Repurchase Intention on e-commerce websites. The population of this research are people who use or buy products on e-commerce websites. The sampling procedure used in this research to collect relevant data was the use of a questionnaire. A total of 131 samples were collected and the method in this research used a purposive sampling method. Data were analyzed using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) and AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structure) methods. The results of this research show that Brand Leadership has a positive influence on Satisfaction, Satisfaction has a positive influence on Repurchase Intention and Brand Leadership does not have a positive influence on Repurchase Intention and Brand Leadership does not have a positive influence on Repurchase Intention.
Advances in logistics, operations, and management science book series, Sep 24, 2023
![Research paper thumbnail of The Consumer Behavior (Church Congregation) Towards the Ayo Sejahtera Program: Does Religion Influence the Moral Behavior of Consumers to Enhance Collective Well-Being?](
Global Research Review in Business and Economics, Jul 31, 2023
Warung Ayo Sejahtera" or Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that are part of PAS. This program i... more Warung Ayo Sejahtera" or Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that are part of PAS. This program is expected to improve the economy of less privileged individuals within the congregation . Intrinsic religiosity refers to an individual's belief in embracing and wholeheartedly practicing their religion. On the other hand, extrinsic religiosity involves individual participation aimed at achieving collective goals Allport & Ross, 1967). Intrinsic religiosity has a positive influence on economic motivation. Individuals with high intrinsic religiosity to be more motivated to care about the economic well-being of society. Furthermore, extrinsic religiosity has an increasingly positive impact on economic improvement. Every member of the Church is encouraged to enhance collective prosperity . Consumers with high levels of religiosity are perceived to be more engaged in sustainable behaviors within the context of Christianity Minton et al., 2015). This relates to the role of religion as a motivating force, encompassing the values and beliefs of an individual Allport and Ross, 1967). The question of whether religion should be invited and involved in managing and organizing economic life is a subject of debate. If asked to followers of secularism, it is clear that they would disagree with the involvement of religion in economic matters. They view religion as only necessary for matters concerning the relationship between individuals and their deities and not relevant to other aspects such as political and economic affairs. However, the Catholic Church provides an alternative perspective. Religion should be involved to provide motivation for improving economic life. It is considered one of the essential factors in human life Kotler-Berkowitz, 2001; Liddle and Mujani, 2007). Religion serves as a foundation for action and sets norms for human behavior. Consumers with high levels of religiosity are expected to be motivated to shape a better economic life.
![Research paper thumbnail of How Do the UTAUT and IS Success Model Create Mobile Payment Loyalty?](
Global Research Review in Business and Economics, Sep 30, 2023
To contribute to knowledge, research is expected to produce new knowledge and overcome gaps in th... more To contribute to knowledge, research is expected to produce new knowledge and overcome gaps in the existing literature. The hope is that by identifying the internal and external factors that interact with each other, this research can provide new and deeper knowledge about loyalty to the use of mobile payments. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Satisfaction Satisfaction means when customers feel happy with the product or service customer are using and all their expectations are met (Ranjbarian et al., 2012). IS Success Model: System quality System quality is the ability of a system to meet user expectations in terms of performance, reliability, security, and ease of use. This includes speed, efficiency, and troubleshooting or error handling (Yuan et al., 2020). System quality is very important in e-Learning systems because it positively affects satisfaction. To ensure user satisfaction and intention to continue using the system, it is necessary to maintain and repair regularly. By paying attention to the quality system, users will feel more satisfied and motivated to use the e-Learning system (Dreheeb et al., 2016). Therefore, for now raised hypotheses: Hypothesis 1: Mobile payment system quality has a positive impact on satisfaction. UTAUT: Effort expectancy Effort expectancy measures how easy it is to use a system (Esawe, 2022). Effort expectancy means an experience that makes users feel like customer don't need much effort and time to use the system (Thompson et al., 1991). The system or innovation should provide good results and not make users feel difficult when using it (Odoom & Kosiba, 2020). Research in e-Government technology explains that the easier it is to use and the less effort it takes, the higher the level of user satisfaction (Chan et al., 2010). However, in another study of e-wallet services, there was no strong relationship between ease of use and user satisfaction (Syifa, 2020). Therefore, for now raised hypotheses: Hypothesis 2: Mobile payment system effort expectancy has a positive impact on satisfaction Loyalty In the mobile services industry, loyalty means that customers always support and reuse the services offered, even when there are competing companies trying to advertise the product. The goal is for customers to keep choosing services from companies that provide the best alternatives (Lubaba et al., 2022). Research has found that satisfied users tend to use mobile payment services regularly and have high levels of loyalty. This is because high satisfaction discourages customers from switching to another provider and helps form long-term relationships with businesses that provide a satisfying customer experience (Bhattacherjee, 2001). Therefore, for now raised hypotheses: Hypothesis 3: Mobile payment satisfaction has a direct positive influence on loyalty. Improving the quality system in online customer service makes loyalty higher. A good system helps customers have a pleasant experience, such as easy transactions, fast processing orders, and clear and complete information ((Schwake et al., 2015). Hypothesis 4: Mobile payment system quality has a direct positive influence on loyalty. LinkAja's ease of use positively affects loyalty, because the easier it is to use, the higher the likelihood of loyalty and increased usage (Tamara et al., 2020). Hypothesis 5: Effort expectancy of mobile payments has a direct positive influence on loyalty. High-quality mobile payment systems provide users with a positive experience, such as fast, reliable, and easy-touse transactions. This satisfaction makes users more loyal and satisfied, which ultimately improves the overall user experience (Yuan et al., 2020).
![Research paper thumbnail of Komunikasi Merek Online dan Konten Digital pada Sosial Media dalam Peningkatan Brand Loyalty](
Jurnal Locus Penelitian dan Pengabdian
Informasi yang tersedia online untuk diunduh atau didistribusikan di media elektronik. Komunikasi... more Informasi yang tersedia online untuk diunduh atau didistribusikan di media elektronik. Komunikasi merek online dan konten digital merupakan salah satu bentuk metode dalam peningkatan sebuah Brand Loyalty. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh komunikasi merek online dan Konten digital, Self Brand Connection, Brand Experience, Brand Loyalty. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner google form dalam mengumpulkan data yang dilakukan secara online. Responden dari penelitian ini memiliki sebanyak 141 responden. Responden didominasi sebagian besar diisi oleh laki-laki. Dari segi usia kebanyakan diisi oleh kalangan milenial. Penelitian ini memiliki keterbatasan dari segi pengisian kuesioner pada daerah pengisian kuesioner lebih didomasi di daerah DKI Jakarta sehingga tidak dapat mewakili daerah lainnya. Saran untuk peneliti selanjutnya agar dapat memperluas daerah penelitian nya agar dapat mewakili berbagai daerah lain.. Hasil penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh antar...
![Research paper thumbnail of Antecedents of Purchase Intention on Electric Vehicles: Investigating the Mediating Role of Brand Experience](
Global Research Review in Business and Economics
Current global issues are environmental problems and climate change which are increasingly critic... more Current global issues are environmental problems and climate change which are increasingly critically important. Global warming is projected to reach 1.5°C in the next few decades (The United Nations, 2019), and the transportation sector is a significant contributor to this. The transportation sector is responsible for contributing 23% of CO2 emissions through fuel contamination. The sustainable use of fossil fuels has led to a steady increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere to 400.26 ppm in 2015 . Many cities are facing energy consumption problems and air pollution caused by the increasing number of vehicles, especially cars . Jakarta, as the capital of Indonesia, contributes 11% of Indonesia's total Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in the transport sector and has the worst air pollution in South East Asia. Referring to the Asia Development Bank report in 2022, vehicle emissions are responsible for 32%-57% of Jakarta's air pollution (Asia Development Bank, 2022). Thus, developing countries are currently developing new renewable energy to overcome this problem. In recent years, new energy has gradually entered our lives and has been widely used in several ways, and one of the main ones is electric-based vehicles . Or we called it Electric Vehicle (EVE). Referring to Asian Development Bank in 2019, EVE can reduce GHG emissions by 20-40% compared to fossilpowered vehicles, significantly reduce local pollutants, and reduce fossil fuel imports (Asia Development Bank, 2022). Sales of EVE have increased drastically, in part due to government policy support . In 2019, EVE's global sales reached a sales record of 2.1 million, surpassing the previous year's record. However, even though sales of EVE have increased significantly, they are still very limited and not evenly distributed in One of the long-term problems facing the world's people today is the problem of climate change, where the air temperature in the world is increasing over time. One of the main causes is in the transportation sector. For this reason, Indonesia has made a long-term plan to replace fossil fuel transportation units with electric vehicle (EVE). But, due to EVE are still relatively new, many people are hesitant to switch to EVE. For this reason, ongoing studies are needed that encourage people to be interested in using EVE. The research aims to apply and extend the relationship between UTAUT, environmental concern, and price on purchase intention, which is mediated by brand experience among Indonesian customer. The novelty of this research is adds brand experience as a mediation, due to Indonesian consumers are attached with their experience with brand. Limited research solely evaluated the link between Technology System Benefit and purchase intention, with no discussion of the combination with brand experience. An online survey was conducted among 265 respondents in Indonesia, with the respondent target are people who already own vehicles and are interested in the in EVE. A partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM) is used to analyze the influential relationship, and the results are that performance expectancy, environmental concern, effort expectancy, and price appear to have a significant relationship, but facilitating conditions do not have a significant effect on purchase intention mediated by brand experience. The results of this research are quite unique and show that consumers care about the technology, convinient, environment and price associates with brands, but do not really care about the infrastructure of EVE associates with brands. Consumers want to feel comfortable from within, therefore rather than focusing on the support infrastructure a company provides for an EVE, they will prioritize environmental factor, EVE technology, and pricing when acquiring EVE.
![Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of Digital Music Platforms’ Social Media Interaction on Advertising Trust Using Cognitive Aspects](
Manajemen dan Bisnis, Mar 19, 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic-related economic crisis made many firms to switch their advertising strateg... more The COVID-19 pandemic-related economic crisis made many firms to switch their advertising strategy to digital media, with social media being one of the most popular choices due to its lower cost. As a business with rapid growth and being the most popular form of entertainment among internet users, digital music platforms is no exception. Regarding the current phenomenon, it is unknown at this time whether social media marketing is one of the numerous crucial variables causing this service's expansion. Therefore, this research seek to reveal the impact of social media interaction towards advertising trust of digital music platform through knowledge and affection as the cognitive aspects used. This research conducted on a quantitative method with data collection using questionnaires (Google Form), collected from 190 respondents in Jabodetabek whose having subscriptions for at least on one of digital music platform available in Indonesia. The data is analyzed using Partial Least Squares (PLS). The result shows that social media interaction has a significant impact towards advertising trust, both directly and indirectly through knowledge and affection. Among variables tested, the perception of affection is the lowest. It is desired that digital music platform services companies will look into this matter more.
![Research paper thumbnail of Peran Moderasi Halal Brand Awareness Terhadap Makanan Dalam Kemasan Yang Mempengaruhi Purchase Decision Making](
Jurnal Ekonomi Trisakti
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan Product Knowledge dan Product Involvement terh... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan Product Knowledge dan Product Involvement terhadap Purchase Decision Making melalui Halal Brand Awareness sebagai variabel moderasi di hubungan antara Product Knowledge dan Product Involvement dengan Purchase Decision Making. Penelitian ini melibatkan 141 responden serta menggunakan teknik convenience sampling dengan batasan area JABODETABEK dan luar JABODETABEK. Hasil empiris dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Product Knowledge dan Product Involvement memiliki hubungan yang positif dan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Purchase Decision Making serta Halal Brand Awareness merupakan variabel moderasi. Penelitian ini hanya berfokus pada penelitian makanan dalam kemasan halal secara umum. Pada penelitian selanjutnya, dapat memilih menggunakan salah satu merek produk makanan dalam kemasan halal atau dengan membandingkan beberapa merek produk makanan halal lainnya.
![Research paper thumbnail of The Determinants of Purchase Intention in Social Commerce](
Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis, May 13, 2023
Research aims: The research aims to determine the determinants of purchase intention in social co... more Research aims: The research aims to determine the determinants of purchase intention in social commerce. Design/Methodology/Approach: The population of this study was online shoppers. Questionnaires were distributed in Google Forms through various platforms. The sampling technique employed purposive sampling by drawing samples from 372 respondents. The data had been confirmed for their reliability and validity. The data analysis methods utilized were both quantitative and descriptive. Then, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used for quantitative analysis. Research findings: The research uncovered that trust, attitude, and perceived usefulness significantly affected purchase intention. Then, the trust had a significant effect on attitude. Perceived ease of use also significantly affected subjective norms and perceived usefulness. However, this study highlights that subjective norms and alternative evaluations did not affect purchase intention. Theoretical contribution/Originality: This research enriches the reading of researchers on related subjects. Another contribution is that this research demonstrates that strengthening trust, attitude, and perceived usefulness in social commerce will increase purchase intention. Practitioner/Policy implication: This research will help other researchers, managers, investors, and government consider how social commerce opportunities can drive customer purchase intention. Research limitation/Implication: Since this research only discussed social media popular today, further research can discuss other developing social media. In addition, this study only discussed several variables affecting purchase intention. Hence, subsequent research can explain the role of artificial intelligence in encouraging purchase intention in social commerce.
Papers by Yolanda Masnita