Etsuko Oishi
Etsuko Oishi is a professor of linguistics at Tokyo University of Science. She has been developing Austin’s speech act theory, focusing on context and contextualization, discourse analysis, modality and evidentiality, indexicality, and implicature. She has published articles on context, appropriateness, apologies, evidentiality and modality, referring and predicating, expositives, indexicality and discourse markers. She contributed her paper of apologies to Handbooks of Pragmatics, The Pragmatics of Speech Actions (edited by Marina Sbisà and Ken Turner). She is the co-editor (with Anita Fetzer) of Context and Contexts: Parts Meet Whole? (Benjamins 2011). As a guest editor, she co-edited (with Anita Fetzer) the special issue of evidentiality in discourse in Intercultural Pragmatics (2014).
Phone: +81 (0)480 21 7647
Address: School of Management
Tokyo University of Science
500 Shimokiyoku, Kuki,
Saitama 346-8512
Phone: +81 (0)480 21 7647
Address: School of Management
Tokyo University of Science
500 Shimokiyoku, Kuki,
Saitama 346-8512
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Papers by Etsuko Oishi