the literal only funny tags on this entire post
the literal only funny tags on this entire post
Ted Lasso Appreciation Week
Day 3: Favorite Quotes
I’m Manly Man, the Super Rich and Famous. Son of Robby.
I’m Eternally Radiant Baby
I’m field in the west, collection of stars in the night sky, a forest.
I am Born of the the Yew Tree, who Lives Near the Ash Tree, A Flower With Many Petals and Thorns
godgiven shoemaker
Blond Leper, Protector of Men
Imitating or rivaling; the green stone; the still water
God’s judgement, the flower who is like GOd
Resurrection Captivating Pure
Defender of Mankind, slowly and gently countryside, power and authority
Fragant flower of the stars; the meadow; fortunate.
White faerie; Meadow; Fire
Spiky Ruffian, [yet] Curly and Fluffy, Daughter of the Father from a Happy Faraway Land. 🤣
Nice to meet you, I’m Peace Victory Strength
Dutch is a fake language
the CDC recommends that you return to work even if you’re showing symptoms of being a giant cockroach
On the way to my essential job like…
I think he broke a record for the amount of NSFW jokes in this one. 😂
There’s only two genres of dogs in medieval paintings and they look like this
No one is going to talk about the fact that this man just happens to have 4 full body animal onesies with bonnets???
Secret society meeting
Just after the induction of the most junior member.
High schoolers: ugh that person is weird because they have some minor superficial differences from the rest of us what a freak
College students: I saw a dude with green hair riding a unicycle around campus I would literally kill to be that cool
In a world ruled by fondant and candy melts, I consistently admire chocolate guy for continuing to actually temper real chocolate and craft smaller deserts with a consideration of layering, texture, and flavour pairings. Yes the sculptures are gaudy, yes they are unattainable if you don’t have like an entire team of students working for u in a temperature controlled room, but I don’t care. I’ve seen so many decorative deserts that are inedible and lemme be clear, I would pounce on one of those chocolate sculptures without hesitation to sink my teeth into a tempered dark chocolate ape that’s taller than I am.
It’s almost Passover :)
This has no right being this funny