Papers by Natalia López-Sánchez
El descubrimiento casual del sarcófago antropomorfo sidonio en 1887 despertó una gran expectación... more El descubrimiento casual del sarcófago antropomorfo sidonio en 1887 despertó una gran expectación tanto entre la población y las autoridades gaditanas como en los especialistas contemporáneos, hasta el punto de que fueron muchos los investigadores que se interesaron por su estudio, así como por el del esqueleto hallado en su interior, aunque nunca se dudó que correspondiera a un varón como presagiaba la representación esculpida en su tapa. Nuestro objetivo con este trabajo es demostrar, por una parte, que la exhibición del esqueleto y los continuos traslados de la pieza provocaron el deterioro irremediable de los restos –del que dan cuenta los estudiosos del momento– y la sustitución de los huesos originales por otros. En segundo lugar, intentaremos determinar el sexo del individuo inhumado mediante el análisis de las fotografías tomadas durante la apertura del féretro y de los primeros estudios antropológicos llevados a cabo en los años inmediatamente posteriores a su hallazgo, ant...
La relación entre el hábitat urbano y los santuarios de Gadir (Cádiz, España). Una propuesta de análisis de visibilidad mediante SIGs, 2020
Esta publicación se ha beneficiado de las siguientes ayudas para su financiación:
The Shrines of Gadir (Cadiz, Spain) as References for Navigation. GIS Visibility Analysis, 2019
This work analyses the influence of the visibility factor on the configuration of th... more This work analyses the influence of the visibility factor on the configuration of the archaic landscape of the Phoenician city of Gadir (Cadiz, Southern Spain) using the three shrines mentioned by classic sources as a reference. Theoretical or cumulative viewshed analyses are the methods used to investigate the visibility relationships each of the shrines has with the sea and the surrounding territory, as well as with each other. Based on these analyses a series of theoretical interpretations regarding the function of these shrines as references for navigation in Antiquity are established.
Mineralogía y microfósiles como impulsores clave para la caracterización de la Loza Fenicia Red Slip de Cádiz (Andalucía, España), 2022
Este estudio examinó un conjunto de Loza de Engobe Rojo (RSW) procedente de Cánovas del Castillo ... more Este estudio examinó un conjunto de Loza de Engobe Rojo (RSW) procedente de Cánovas del Castillo y un sector de la necrópolis fenicia de San Severiano/Guardia Civil (Cádiz, España), datadas entre los siglos VIII y VI a.C. Microscopía óptica ( OM), difracción de rayos X en polvo (XRPD) y microscopía electrónica acoplada con el sistema EDS (SEM-EDS) permitieron caracterizar su mineralogía, química, contenido de microfósiles y condiciones de cocción, así como explorar el procedimiento tecnológico y la selección de materias primas. El análisis petrográfico indicó la ocurrencia de dos tejidosy una muestra solitaria. El análisis paleontológico de microfósiles bien conservados reveló que los organismos bentónicos prevalecían en los dos tejidos principales , mientras que los especímenes planctónicos dominaban en el solitario. La desestabilización de las cámaras de microfósiles combinada con los datos de XRPD sugirió temperaturas de cocción en el rango de 750–850 °C y el uso de arcillas ilíticas ricas en Ca. Los mapas de rayos X mostraron un enriquecimiento de Fe en la superficie Red Slip . Este estudio mostró una interesante correlación entre los óxidos de hierro framboidales, monacita, microfósiles y materias primas, y así apoyó el uso de rocas sedimentarias de la bahía de Cádiz, excluyendo las solitarias para las que se sugería un origen foráneo. Finalmente, los resultados destacaron la influencia de los fenicios en una de las colonias más occidentales, produciendo su lápida cerámica entre dos siglos.
MACÍAS LÓPEZ, M. M., NIVEAU DE VILLEDARY Y MARIÑAS, A. M., LÓPEZ SÁNCHEZ, N., & SICRE GONZÁLEZ, P. (2021): ¿Quién fue enterrado en el sarcófago antropoide masculino de Gadir (Cádiz)?Zephyrus, 87, 11, pp. 45-166. DOI:, 2021
Resumen: El descubrimiento casual del sarcófago antropomorfo sidonio en 1887 despertó una gran ... more Resumen: El descubrimiento casual del sarcófago antropomorfo sidonio en 1887 despertó una gran expectación tanto entre la población y las autoridades gaditanas como en los especialistas contemporáneos, hasta el punto de que fueron muchos los investigadores que se interesaron por su estudio, así como por el del esqueleto hallado en su interior, aunque nunca se dudó que correspondiera a un varón como presagiaba la representación esculpida en su tapa. Nuestro objetivo con este trabajo es demostrar, por una parte, que la exhibición del esqueleto y los continuos traslados de la pieza provocaron el deterioro irremediable de los restos –del que dan cuenta los estudiosos del momento– y la sustitución de los huesos originales por otros. En segundo lugar, intentaremos determinar el sexo del individuo inhumado mediante el análisis de las fotografías tomadas durante la apertura del féretro y de los primeros estudios antropológicos llevados a cabo en los años inmediatamente posteriores a su hallazgo, antes del reemplazo del esqueleto. A pesar de las di cultades, creemos que contamos con datos su cientes para proponer que, frente a la idea generalizada, los restos originales podrían corresponder a un individuo de sexo femenino.
Palabras clave: fenicios occidentales; tafonomía funeraria; antropología física; determinación del sexo; determinación de la edad; paleopatología.
Abstract: e unexpected discovery of the Sidonian anthropomorphic sarcophagus in 1887 raised great expectation among the population and the authorities of Cadiz, as well as contemporary specialists. us, many researchers became interested in the study of both the sarcophagus and the skeleton found inside. e skeleton was presumed to be male as the representation sculpted on its lid presaged. e purpose of this work is to evidence that the exhibition of the skeleton and the piece’s continuous transfers caused the irremediable deterioration of the remains over time as it was reported by scholars and the replacement of the original bones for others. Additionally, we aim to determine the sex of the buried individual by analyzing photographs taken during the co n opening and the rst anthropological studies carried out in the immediate years after the discovery before the replacement of the skeleton. Despite the di culties, we believe to have enough evidence to propose that, in contrast to the widespread perception, the original remains could correspond to an individual of the female sex.
Key words: Western Phoenicians; Funerary Taphonomy; Physical Anthropology; Sex Determination; Age Determination; Paleopathology.
Actualidad de la investigación arqueológica en España, III . Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte, pp. 341-360, 2021
This project focuses on the analysis and critical review of a characteristic type of deposits loc... more This project focuses on the analysis and critical review of a characteristic type of deposits located in the city of Gadir (Cádiz), known in the scientific literature as “ritual wells”. They are underground structures that appear clogged with materials and organic remains as a result of the celebration of different ritual acts.
The main objective is to explain the cultural and historical reasons why these deposits arise, develop and disappear, and the actions that generate them. To this end, it is necessary, on the one hand, to fix the chronology of the contexts and, on the other hand, to identify and isolate the different steps of the “ritual operative chain”.
The results obtained allow us to suggest that it is an ancestral ritual from Cádiz en- hanced by the arrival of the Carthaginians, possibly as a means of channeling latent or manifest social conflict that the situation should have generated in the city; disappearing when the conflict ends.
Papers by Natalia López-Sánchez
Palabras clave: fenicios occidentales; tafonomía funeraria; antropología física; determinación del sexo; determinación de la edad; paleopatología.
Abstract: e unexpected discovery of the Sidonian anthropomorphic sarcophagus in 1887 raised great expectation among the population and the authorities of Cadiz, as well as contemporary specialists. us, many researchers became interested in the study of both the sarcophagus and the skeleton found inside. e skeleton was presumed to be male as the representation sculpted on its lid presaged. e purpose of this work is to evidence that the exhibition of the skeleton and the piece’s continuous transfers caused the irremediable deterioration of the remains over time as it was reported by scholars and the replacement of the original bones for others. Additionally, we aim to determine the sex of the buried individual by analyzing photographs taken during the co n opening and the rst anthropological studies carried out in the immediate years after the discovery before the replacement of the skeleton. Despite the di culties, we believe to have enough evidence to propose that, in contrast to the widespread perception, the original remains could correspond to an individual of the female sex.
Key words: Western Phoenicians; Funerary Taphonomy; Physical Anthropology; Sex Determination; Age Determination; Paleopathology.
The main objective is to explain the cultural and historical reasons why these deposits arise, develop and disappear, and the actions that generate them. To this end, it is necessary, on the one hand, to fix the chronology of the contexts and, on the other hand, to identify and isolate the different steps of the “ritual operative chain”.
The results obtained allow us to suggest that it is an ancestral ritual from Cádiz en- hanced by the arrival of the Carthaginians, possibly as a means of channeling latent or manifest social conflict that the situation should have generated in the city; disappearing when the conflict ends.
Palabras clave: fenicios occidentales; tafonomía funeraria; antropología física; determinación del sexo; determinación de la edad; paleopatología.
Abstract: e unexpected discovery of the Sidonian anthropomorphic sarcophagus in 1887 raised great expectation among the population and the authorities of Cadiz, as well as contemporary specialists. us, many researchers became interested in the study of both the sarcophagus and the skeleton found inside. e skeleton was presumed to be male as the representation sculpted on its lid presaged. e purpose of this work is to evidence that the exhibition of the skeleton and the piece’s continuous transfers caused the irremediable deterioration of the remains over time as it was reported by scholars and the replacement of the original bones for others. Additionally, we aim to determine the sex of the buried individual by analyzing photographs taken during the co n opening and the rst anthropological studies carried out in the immediate years after the discovery before the replacement of the skeleton. Despite the di culties, we believe to have enough evidence to propose that, in contrast to the widespread perception, the original remains could correspond to an individual of the female sex.
Key words: Western Phoenicians; Funerary Taphonomy; Physical Anthropology; Sex Determination; Age Determination; Paleopathology.
The main objective is to explain the cultural and historical reasons why these deposits arise, develop and disappear, and the actions that generate them. To this end, it is necessary, on the one hand, to fix the chronology of the contexts and, on the other hand, to identify and isolate the different steps of the “ritual operative chain”.
The results obtained allow us to suggest that it is an ancestral ritual from Cádiz en- hanced by the arrival of the Carthaginians, possibly as a means of channeling latent or manifest social conflict that the situation should have generated in the city; disappearing when the conflict ends.