En razón del impacto que generan las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación en diferentes á... more En razón del impacto que generan las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación en diferentes ámbitos de la sociedad entre ellos el educativo y cultural en donde es preciso apoyar la solución de problemas a través de esquemas de transformación; se propone el presente trabajo que concibe la arquitectura y componentes de un modelo tecnológico para la productividad de un campus virtual y el desarrollo de estudios en línea en el contexto de la educación superior en el Ecuador. Para ello, se toma como referencia el marco regulatorio vigente en Ecuador, y se elaboran las principales recomendaciones que debe cumplir el documento técnico que se presenta ante el Consejo de Educación Superior (CES) por parte de las instituciones de educación superior públicas y privadas, que presentan ofertas de carrera en modalidades en línea o que requieran de un campus virtual para mejorar su productividad. La metodología se fundamenta en la revisión del marco regulatorio, la estructuración de los requer...
El presente documento analiza la percepcion de los/las estudiantes de la Universidad Catolica de ... more El presente documento analiza la percepcion de los/las estudiantes de la Universidad Catolica de Cuenca en Ecuador sobre un conjunto de factores asociados al concepto de ciudadania digital. Estudio de corte cuantitativo mediante la aplicacion de instrumento con 47 indicadores evaluados a traves de una escala de Likert, contrastado con un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (MEE) aplicando la tecnica de minimos cuadrados parciales conformado por ochos variables: (1) pertenencia, (2) derechos, (3) privacidad, (4) seguridad, (5) acuerdos de nivel de servicio, (6) etiqueta en linea, (7) interaccion y (8) competencia digital. Los resultados arrojan dos variables (6 y 7) con alto valor de significancia, dos con bajo nivel de significancia (5 y 2), y tres variables reportaron no influir en la competencia digital del estudiantado universitario (1, 3 y 4). Por lo tanto, se concluye que los elementos que contribuyen al constructo de la manifestacion de la ciudadania digital en la juventud univ...
El trabajo propone determinar un conjunto de indicadores acerca del desempeño de las empresas pro... more El trabajo propone determinar un conjunto de indicadores acerca del desempeño de las empresas productivas del Cantón La Troncal, provincia del Cañar, Ecuador, para usar la “Inteligencia de Negocios” (Business Intelligence BI) como una mejor práctica que apoye la gestión organizacional y la consecución de los objetivos estratégicos. Para ello primero se levantó información en empresas locales, en base a una muestra específica, con instrumentos del tipo cuestionario y entrevista. Luego, a partir de la información obtenida se diseñó un cuadro de mando integral (Balanced Scorecard) con los indicadores claves de desempeño más significativos para las empresas de la muestra, de modo que se puedan implementar con los servicios multidimensionales que ofrecen las herramientas de Inteligencia de Negocios. Finalmente, los informes se representaron en tableros de control, con un rango de granularidad fino, que permitan a los directivos tomar decisiones claras, reduciendo el grado de incertidumbr...
In Latin America, cities are characterized by uncontrolled urban growth and locations in critical... more In Latin America, cities are characterized by uncontrolled urban growth and locations in critical geographic areas. This factor affects an individual's ability to react efficiently to an action known as resilience to disasters caused by natural phenomena or catastrophes that involve human participation. This study proposes a method for detecting vulnerabilities in urban road systems in large, intermediate, and small cities in Latin America, so that resilience can be better supported. Depending on the structural characteristics of a city, measurement techniques can be used to combine the topological, geographic, and spatiotemporal indicators. Several measurements, such as mesh and connectivity, betweenness centrality, closeness centrality, robustness of networks with interruption attacks, location of dead ends, measurement of travel times between origin and destination, elevations and fusion of indicators with clusters on the same map, were applied using network graphs from OpenStreetMap (OSM) to estimate the resilience of road networks. The results are exposed to clusters of fused geospatial maps, which show that intersections and streets tend to be classified as vulnerable, with morphological structures of growth, resistance to degradation of the urban network, marginal urban sectors with high conglomeration, and mobility. The results highlight the importance of applying resilient practices in the region and generating urban management options to strengthen the response capacity of cities in Latin America.
This article analyzes elements that determine the entrepreneurial intention (EI) in electrical an... more This article analyzes elements that determine the entrepreneurial intention (EI) in electrical and computer engineering students of a private university in Ecuador. Background: There is a lack of studies examining the entrepreneurial intention at university students in electrical engineering and computing sciences, where entrepreneurial intention (EI) is influenced by elements, such as personal attributes and the student's social assessment of the characteristics of entrepreneurs and the perception of professions in society, including business activity.
In organizations, part of sustainability is manifested through green information technology (GIT)... more In organizations, part of sustainability is manifested through green information technology (GIT) for the use of information technologies (IT) resources in a profitable and sustainable manner. The purpose of this study was to understand the social, individual, and contextual factors that drive actors belonging to the sector of organizations in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) context on the intention to adopt GIT to generate strategies that promote its application. A model resulting from the analysis and integration of adoption models was proposed, including the theory of planned behavior (TPB), norm activation theory (NAT), GIT adoption model (GITAM), and environmental sustainability variables. To determine the predictive factors, the research team collected data from organizations belonging to Mexico,
2019 IEEE 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA)
At the beginning it is not known which are the factors thatmotivate the development of digital co... more At the beginning it is not known which are the factors thatmotivate the development of digital competence in students. as requirement to recover the most critical and ideological approaches to education. the university develops appropriate strategies that allow its advancement. The research analyzes the students’ perception of the Systems Engineering career at the Catholic University of Cuenca in Ecuador. about factors associated with digital competence. This report details the various aspects of digital competence manifested by the students. For this purpose, an instrument is applied that collects quantitative data whose objective is to analyze the influence of the following variables: "sense of belonging." "interaction." "privacy." and "online tag" on the "digital competence" in the student. This is accomplished through a system of four hypotheses. whose causal relationship induces the conformation of a model of structural equations_the representative sample size is made up of students from different training stages. The output of this project determines that there is a direct influence on the "digital competence" of the university student of the "interaction" variable. On the other hand, there is not a direct influence on the "online tag", "sense of belonging" and “privacy” variables.
Para esto, se elabora un modelo de análisis de competitividad, el mismo que está formado por cinc... more Para esto, se elabora un modelo de análisis de competitividad, el mismo que está formado por cinco constructos o variables; cuatro de ellos operativizados desde el contexto de los sistemas de información, que implican: planeación, entradas, procesos y salidas; y el quinto formado por la variable competitividad. El trabajo inicia con el análisis de la literatura, la descripción de los materiales y métodos utilizados, la determinación de cuatro hipótesis, punto de partida para elaborar el modelo propuesto cuya validación y comprobación se la ejecuta con ecuaciones estructurales. Al final se levantan las conclusiones del estudio, en donde se determinan que existen dificultades en la estructura de los sistemas de información, en este tipo de microempresas pues se da mayor énfasis a la salida de información, antes que a la entrada y el proceso de la misma.
The study determines the ideal relationship between: Structures, Processes and Relational Mechani... more The study determines the ideal relationship between: Structures, Processes and Relational Mechanisms, which support a better Green Information Technology Governance in the organization. At first step, it executes a review about theoretical and referential framework, where research questions guide hypothesis. The causal relation for theoretical constructs is validated with the proof, using a case study for a public university of Ecuador: The National University of Education (UNAE). The model is testing with quantitative methods using structural equations, where two of the three hypotheses are not supported statistically, thus: in hypothesis one, no significant relationship was found between the structures and the Green IT Governance; nor between the processes and the Green IT Governance. Instead, hypothesis three is supported statistically where a significant relationship was found between relational mechanics and the Green IT Governance after qualitative data was collected through a...
Information Technology (IT) functions and departments around the world are adopting several Green... more Information Technology (IT) functions and departments around the world are adopting several Green IT practices, but sometimes not connected with the rest of the organization. Thus, a framework is needed to help organizations implement the governance and management of Green IT. In this paper, we propose a framework that allows implementing Balanced Scorecards (BSCs) for Green IT within the context of IT Governance. We illustrate our proposal through the BSC construction with a generalizable example based on the virtualization of a data center. In our example, we focus on the construction of the strategic map to the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) monitoring needed for Green IT governance. We develop the example from the sustainability objectives that we already include in the strategic map that aims to minimize the negative impact of IT operations on the environment.
2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4), 2020
This work is related to the IT (Information Technology) Governance and Green IT (Information Tech... more This work is related to the IT (Information Technology) Governance and Green IT (Information Technology), specifically practices used by organizations. Every day, a greater number of organizations around the world are implementing new practices about Green IT; however, these are not connected with organizational management and governance. For that, is necessary a new framework to implement the governance of Green IT. About these factors, the authors show a taxonomy that classify the most important investigations about governance and Green IT. The authors have studied around 100 selected researches about this theme, and this article pretends schematize that information about Green IT practices and IT Governance frameworks. In detail the steps are the following: 1. Define the themes: “Green IT” and “IT Governance”. 2. Elapsed time: last ten and twenty years respectively. 3. Search key Words about: “IT Governance” and “Green IT” 4. Build logical expressions using key words. 5. Select scientific data bases. Beginning with Google Scholar, ascending to Elsevier, IEE Explore, Springer, and so on. 6. The articles founded are filtered: Title, Abstract, Diagonal reading. 7. Of the most important articles is extracted: Publication Date, Authors, Abstract (owner words), Methodology, Useful things, Article gaps ‐‐> source for unsolved problems. 8. Create a table and propose a new taxonomy and so on. 9. Discussion.
El Ecuador es un país constitucionalista y garantista de los derechos humanos, suscriptor de vari... more El Ecuador es un país constitucionalista y garantista de los derechos humanos, suscriptor de varios Convenios y Tratados Internacionales, cuya normativa interna protege en un sentido estricto los derechos de todas las personas que viven y residen en el Ecuador, sin embargo, la práctica demuestra una realidad totalmente diferente, existe vulneración de derechos en el ámbito laboral y seguridad social. Este trabajo de investigación está dirigido a los trabajadores inmigrantes de las microempresas del cantón Cuenca en Ecuador, cuyas causas son la excesiva oferta laboral, el desconocimiento de la normativa legal ecuatoriana y la competitividad de los microempresarios. Esta vulneración de derechos laborales da paso a otros problemas que afectan directamente la vida del trabajador y su entorno familiar, se le niega la oportunidad de costearse una vida digna, ante la necesidad de obtener un ingreso fijo se vuelve esclavo de su propio trabajo, siendo ésta la única salida para sustentar su h...
En razón del impacto que generan las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación en diferentes á... more En razón del impacto que generan las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación en diferentes ámbitos de la sociedad entre ellos el educativo y cultural en donde es preciso apoyar la solución de problemas a través de esquemas de transformación; se propone el presente trabajo que concibe la arquitectura y componentes de un modelo tecnológico para la productividad de un campus virtual y el desarrollo de estudios en línea en el contexto de la educación superior en el Ecuador. Para ello, se toma como referencia el marco regulatorio vigente en Ecuador, y se elaboran las principales recomendaciones que debe cumplir el documento técnico que se presenta ante el Consejo de Educación Superior (CES) por parte de las instituciones de educación superior públicas y privadas, que presentan ofertas de carrera en modalidades en línea o que requieran de un campus virtual para mejorar su productividad. La metodología se fundamenta en la revisión del marco regulatorio, la estructuración de los requer...
El presente documento analiza la percepcion de los/las estudiantes de la Universidad Catolica de ... more El presente documento analiza la percepcion de los/las estudiantes de la Universidad Catolica de Cuenca en Ecuador sobre un conjunto de factores asociados al concepto de ciudadania digital. Estudio de corte cuantitativo mediante la aplicacion de instrumento con 47 indicadores evaluados a traves de una escala de Likert, contrastado con un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (MEE) aplicando la tecnica de minimos cuadrados parciales conformado por ochos variables: (1) pertenencia, (2) derechos, (3) privacidad, (4) seguridad, (5) acuerdos de nivel de servicio, (6) etiqueta en linea, (7) interaccion y (8) competencia digital. Los resultados arrojan dos variables (6 y 7) con alto valor de significancia, dos con bajo nivel de significancia (5 y 2), y tres variables reportaron no influir en la competencia digital del estudiantado universitario (1, 3 y 4). Por lo tanto, se concluye que los elementos que contribuyen al constructo de la manifestacion de la ciudadania digital en la juventud univ...
El trabajo propone determinar un conjunto de indicadores acerca del desempeño de las empresas pro... more El trabajo propone determinar un conjunto de indicadores acerca del desempeño de las empresas productivas del Cantón La Troncal, provincia del Cañar, Ecuador, para usar la “Inteligencia de Negocios” (Business Intelligence BI) como una mejor práctica que apoye la gestión organizacional y la consecución de los objetivos estratégicos. Para ello primero se levantó información en empresas locales, en base a una muestra específica, con instrumentos del tipo cuestionario y entrevista. Luego, a partir de la información obtenida se diseñó un cuadro de mando integral (Balanced Scorecard) con los indicadores claves de desempeño más significativos para las empresas de la muestra, de modo que se puedan implementar con los servicios multidimensionales que ofrecen las herramientas de Inteligencia de Negocios. Finalmente, los informes se representaron en tableros de control, con un rango de granularidad fino, que permitan a los directivos tomar decisiones claras, reduciendo el grado de incertidumbr...
In Latin America, cities are characterized by uncontrolled urban growth and locations in critical... more In Latin America, cities are characterized by uncontrolled urban growth and locations in critical geographic areas. This factor affects an individual's ability to react efficiently to an action known as resilience to disasters caused by natural phenomena or catastrophes that involve human participation. This study proposes a method for detecting vulnerabilities in urban road systems in large, intermediate, and small cities in Latin America, so that resilience can be better supported. Depending on the structural characteristics of a city, measurement techniques can be used to combine the topological, geographic, and spatiotemporal indicators. Several measurements, such as mesh and connectivity, betweenness centrality, closeness centrality, robustness of networks with interruption attacks, location of dead ends, measurement of travel times between origin and destination, elevations and fusion of indicators with clusters on the same map, were applied using network graphs from OpenStreetMap (OSM) to estimate the resilience of road networks. The results are exposed to clusters of fused geospatial maps, which show that intersections and streets tend to be classified as vulnerable, with morphological structures of growth, resistance to degradation of the urban network, marginal urban sectors with high conglomeration, and mobility. The results highlight the importance of applying resilient practices in the region and generating urban management options to strengthen the response capacity of cities in Latin America.
This article analyzes elements that determine the entrepreneurial intention (EI) in electrical an... more This article analyzes elements that determine the entrepreneurial intention (EI) in electrical and computer engineering students of a private university in Ecuador. Background: There is a lack of studies examining the entrepreneurial intention at university students in electrical engineering and computing sciences, where entrepreneurial intention (EI) is influenced by elements, such as personal attributes and the student's social assessment of the characteristics of entrepreneurs and the perception of professions in society, including business activity.
In organizations, part of sustainability is manifested through green information technology (GIT)... more In organizations, part of sustainability is manifested through green information technology (GIT) for the use of information technologies (IT) resources in a profitable and sustainable manner. The purpose of this study was to understand the social, individual, and contextual factors that drive actors belonging to the sector of organizations in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) context on the intention to adopt GIT to generate strategies that promote its application. A model resulting from the analysis and integration of adoption models was proposed, including the theory of planned behavior (TPB), norm activation theory (NAT), GIT adoption model (GITAM), and environmental sustainability variables. To determine the predictive factors, the research team collected data from organizations belonging to Mexico,
2019 IEEE 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA)
At the beginning it is not known which are the factors thatmotivate the development of digital co... more At the beginning it is not known which are the factors thatmotivate the development of digital competence in students. as requirement to recover the most critical and ideological approaches to education. the university develops appropriate strategies that allow its advancement. The research analyzes the students’ perception of the Systems Engineering career at the Catholic University of Cuenca in Ecuador. about factors associated with digital competence. This report details the various aspects of digital competence manifested by the students. For this purpose, an instrument is applied that collects quantitative data whose objective is to analyze the influence of the following variables: "sense of belonging." "interaction." "privacy." and "online tag" on the "digital competence" in the student. This is accomplished through a system of four hypotheses. whose causal relationship induces the conformation of a model of structural equations_the representative sample size is made up of students from different training stages. The output of this project determines that there is a direct influence on the "digital competence" of the university student of the "interaction" variable. On the other hand, there is not a direct influence on the "online tag", "sense of belonging" and “privacy” variables.
Para esto, se elabora un modelo de análisis de competitividad, el mismo que está formado por cinc... more Para esto, se elabora un modelo de análisis de competitividad, el mismo que está formado por cinco constructos o variables; cuatro de ellos operativizados desde el contexto de los sistemas de información, que implican: planeación, entradas, procesos y salidas; y el quinto formado por la variable competitividad. El trabajo inicia con el análisis de la literatura, la descripción de los materiales y métodos utilizados, la determinación de cuatro hipótesis, punto de partida para elaborar el modelo propuesto cuya validación y comprobación se la ejecuta con ecuaciones estructurales. Al final se levantan las conclusiones del estudio, en donde se determinan que existen dificultades en la estructura de los sistemas de información, en este tipo de microempresas pues se da mayor énfasis a la salida de información, antes que a la entrada y el proceso de la misma.
The study determines the ideal relationship between: Structures, Processes and Relational Mechani... more The study determines the ideal relationship between: Structures, Processes and Relational Mechanisms, which support a better Green Information Technology Governance in the organization. At first step, it executes a review about theoretical and referential framework, where research questions guide hypothesis. The causal relation for theoretical constructs is validated with the proof, using a case study for a public university of Ecuador: The National University of Education (UNAE). The model is testing with quantitative methods using structural equations, where two of the three hypotheses are not supported statistically, thus: in hypothesis one, no significant relationship was found between the structures and the Green IT Governance; nor between the processes and the Green IT Governance. Instead, hypothesis three is supported statistically where a significant relationship was found between relational mechanics and the Green IT Governance after qualitative data was collected through a...
Information Technology (IT) functions and departments around the world are adopting several Green... more Information Technology (IT) functions and departments around the world are adopting several Green IT practices, but sometimes not connected with the rest of the organization. Thus, a framework is needed to help organizations implement the governance and management of Green IT. In this paper, we propose a framework that allows implementing Balanced Scorecards (BSCs) for Green IT within the context of IT Governance. We illustrate our proposal through the BSC construction with a generalizable example based on the virtualization of a data center. In our example, we focus on the construction of the strategic map to the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) monitoring needed for Green IT governance. We develop the example from the sustainability objectives that we already include in the strategic map that aims to minimize the negative impact of IT operations on the environment.
2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4), 2020
This work is related to the IT (Information Technology) Governance and Green IT (Information Tech... more This work is related to the IT (Information Technology) Governance and Green IT (Information Technology), specifically practices used by organizations. Every day, a greater number of organizations around the world are implementing new practices about Green IT; however, these are not connected with organizational management and governance. For that, is necessary a new framework to implement the governance of Green IT. About these factors, the authors show a taxonomy that classify the most important investigations about governance and Green IT. The authors have studied around 100 selected researches about this theme, and this article pretends schematize that information about Green IT practices and IT Governance frameworks. In detail the steps are the following: 1. Define the themes: “Green IT” and “IT Governance”. 2. Elapsed time: last ten and twenty years respectively. 3. Search key Words about: “IT Governance” and “Green IT” 4. Build logical expressions using key words. 5. Select scientific data bases. Beginning with Google Scholar, ascending to Elsevier, IEE Explore, Springer, and so on. 6. The articles founded are filtered: Title, Abstract, Diagonal reading. 7. Of the most important articles is extracted: Publication Date, Authors, Abstract (owner words), Methodology, Useful things, Article gaps ‐‐> source for unsolved problems. 8. Create a table and propose a new taxonomy and so on. 9. Discussion.
El Ecuador es un país constitucionalista y garantista de los derechos humanos, suscriptor de vari... more El Ecuador es un país constitucionalista y garantista de los derechos humanos, suscriptor de varios Convenios y Tratados Internacionales, cuya normativa interna protege en un sentido estricto los derechos de todas las personas que viven y residen en el Ecuador, sin embargo, la práctica demuestra una realidad totalmente diferente, existe vulneración de derechos en el ámbito laboral y seguridad social. Este trabajo de investigación está dirigido a los trabajadores inmigrantes de las microempresas del cantón Cuenca en Ecuador, cuyas causas son la excesiva oferta laboral, el desconocimiento de la normativa legal ecuatoriana y la competitividad de los microempresarios. Esta vulneración de derechos laborales da paso a otros problemas que afectan directamente la vida del trabajador y su entorno familiar, se le niega la oportunidad de costearse una vida digna, ante la necesidad de obtener un ingreso fijo se vuelve esclavo de su propio trabajo, siendo ésta la única salida para sustentar su h...
Papers by Diego Cordero