Lewis R. Gordon is a philosopher, political thinker, educator, and musician (drums, other percussive instruments, and piano) who achieved his Ph.D. in philosophy with distinction from Yale university and his undergraduate degrees in philosophy and political science with honors, which included phi beta kappa and pi sigma alpha, through the Lehman Scholars Program at Lehman College of the City University of New York. Gordon’s research in philosophy is in Africana philosophy, philosophy of existence, phenomenology, social and political philosophy, philosophy of culture, race, and racism, aesthetics, philosophy of education, philosophy of science and technology, philosophy of human sciences, philosophy of psychiatry, philosophy of medicine, psychiatry, and psychoanalysis, teleological suspension of disciplinary studies, and multidimensional theory. Gordon is Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Global Affairs and Head of the Philosophy Department at the University of Connecticut, where he also has affiliations in Global Studies, Judaic Studies, Caribbean and Latinx Studies, and Social and Critical Inquiry. He was previously the Laura H. Carnell Professor of Philosophy at Temple University (2004–2013), where he also founded and directed the Center for Afro-Jewish Studies and the Institute for the Study of Race and Social Thought. His books are Bad Faith and Antiblack Racism (Humanities, 1995), which will appear in a 30th Anniversary edition in the Rowman & Littlefield’s/Bloomsbury’s Humanity Books Classics series; Fanon and the Crisis of European Man (Routledge, 1995), whose 30th Anniversary edition will appear in 2025; Her Majesty’s Other Children: Sketches of Racism from a Neocolonial Age (Rowman & Littlefield/Bloomsbury, 1997), which won the Gustavus Myer Award for Outstanding work on Human Rights in North America; with T. D. Sharpley-Whiting and R. T. White, Fanon: A Critical Reader (Blackwell, 1996); Existence in Black (Routledge, 1997); Existentia Africana (Routledge, 2000); Disciplinary Decadence (Routledge, 2006), with Spanish trans., Decadencia disciplinaria (Ediciones Abya-Yala, 2013; San Cristóbal de Las Casas, 2014); with Jane Anna Gordon, A Companion to African-American Studies (Blackwell, 2006) and Not Only the Master’s Tools: African-American Studies in Theory and Practice (Routledge, 2006); An Introduction to Africana Philosophy (Cambridge UP, 2008); with Jane Anna Gordon, Of Divine Warning (Routledge, 2009); What Fanon Said (Fordham UP; Hurst Publishers; and Wits UP, 2015), with Swedish trans., Vad Fanon Sa. (Stockholm: TankeKraft förlag, 2016), Spanish trans. forthcoming; La sud prin nord-vest: Reflecţii existenţiale afrodiasporice ( Cluj, Romania, by IDEA Design & Print, 2016); with Jane Anna Gordon, Aaron Kamugisha, and Neil Roberts, Journeys in Caribbean Thought: The Paget Henry Reader (Rowman & Littlefield International/Bloomsbury, 2016); with Fernanda Bragato Frizzo, Geopolitics and Decolonization: Perspectives from the Global South (Rowman & Littlefield International/Bloomsbury, 2017); Freedom, Justice, and Decolonization (Routledge, 2021); Fear of Black Consciousness (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, and Penguin Books, 2022), German trans., Angst vor Schwarzem Bewusstsein (Berlin: Ullstein Verlag, 2022) and Portuguese trans. Medo da Consciência Negra (Lisbon: Penguin-Portugal, 2022); Brazilian Portuguese trans., São Paulo: Todavia, 2023; Black Existentialism and Decolonizing Knowledge: Writings of Lewis R. Gordon, eds. Rozena Maart and Sayan Dey (London: Bloomsbury, 2023); “Not Bad for an N—, No?”/ «Pas mal pour un N—, n'est-ce pas? » (Daraja Press, 2023), with translations also in Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Portuguese, and Spanish (by December 2023); and 论哲学、去殖民化与种族 (“On Philosophy, Decolonization, and Race”), trans. Li Beilei (Wuhan, China: Wuhan University Press). He co-edits, with Jane Anna Gordon and Nelson Maldonado-Torres, the Rowman & Littlefield International/Bloomsbury book series Global Critical Caribbean Thought, and, with Rozena Maart, Epifania Amoo-Adare, and Sayan Dey, the Routledge-India book series Academics, Politics and Society in the Post-Covid World (Routledge-India). He also edits, with Jane Anna Gordon, the journal Philosophy and Global Affairs. He is Honorary President of the Global Center for Advanced Study; Distinguished Scholar at The Most Honourable PJ Patterson Centre for Africa-Caribbean Advocacy at The University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica; and a former president of the Caribbean Philosophical Association, for which he now serves as its chairperson of awards and global collaborations. In 2022, he received the Eminent Scholar Award from the Global Development Studies division of the International Studies Association, and in 2024 he was elected to the Royal Society of the Arts in the UK.
His public Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/LewisGordonPhilosopher/ and he is on Twitter @lewgord.
Supervisors: Maurice Alexander Natanson (main advisor, mentor), John E. Smith, and M. Shawn Copeland
Phone: (860) 486-9118
Address: Philosophy Department
205 Manchester Hall, 344 Mansfield Road
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06269-1054
His public Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/LewisGordonPhilosopher/ and he is on Twitter @lewgord.
Supervisors: Maurice Alexander Natanson (main advisor, mentor), John E. Smith, and M. Shawn Copeland
Phone: (860) 486-9118
Address: Philosophy Department
205 Manchester Hall, 344 Mansfield Road
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06269-1054
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Papers by LEWIS R . GORDON