Papers by Helvi Heinonen-tanski

Ordinary people and political leaders must know the sources of greenhouse gas emissions and their... more Ordinary people and political leaders must know the sources of greenhouse gas emissions and their effect on global climate change before they have ability to make decisions to reduce emissions and increase sinks of these gases. These people must, however, understand where greenhouse gas emissions are formed and how reductions can be made: they must understand where carbon dioxide sinks are and how to preserve or increase these sinks. North Savo is the example used in this work to describe the present emissions and sinks. There are proposals on what should and could be done to reduce greenhouse gas emissions caused by traffic, heating, forests and agriculture. There are possibilities of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases in traffic and heating in spite of the fact that the province has a low population density with long distances between homes and workplaces and schools, and a cold climate. We believe that research will also find solutions for reducing greenhouse gases and protec...
Nimekkeen selvennys: Does grassland farming pose a treat to groundwater? : a comparative study of... more Nimekkeen selvennys: Does grassland farming pose a treat to groundwater? : a comparative study of leaching from pasture and cut sward.vo

Laiduntamisen ja säilörehunurmen ravinnekiertojen eroja tutkittiin MTT:n Pohjois-Savon tutkimusas... more Laiduntamisen ja säilörehunurmen ravinnekiertojen eroja tutkittiin MTT:n Pohjois-Savon tutkimusasemalla Maaningalla sijaitsevalla lysimetrikentällä tehdyssä kokeessa vuosina 1998-2000. Maan koostumus 60 cm syvyyteen on 43 % hienoa hietaa, 21 % karkeaa hietaa ja 7 % savea. Kokeessa oli kolme laidunlysimetriä, juomapistelysimetri sekä kuusi niittolysimetriä. Lysimetrit ovat pinta-alaltaan 100 m2 kokoisia. Lysimetrien vesinäytteistä määritettiin pH, sähkönjohtokyky, kokonais-, nitriitti-, nitraatti- ja ammoniumtyppi sekä kokonais- ja fosfaattifosfori sekä suolistomikrobit. Koealue lannoitettiin kahden nurmivuoden aikana laitumille voimassa olleen suosituksen mukaisesti 220 kg ha-1 N v-1. Uusimisvuonna aluetta ei lannoitettu. Pohjavesiin kohdistuva fosforikuormitus oli täysin merkityksetöntä. Nitraattityppipitoisuudet olivat matalia eikä käsittelyillä ollut vaikutusta nurmivuosien aikana. Toisen koekesän jälkeisenä syksynä nurmi päätettiin glyfosaatilla, ja seuraavan keväänä lysimetrive...

This study investigated the performance of a bacterial product Free Flow (NCH Suomi Oy) as a bioa... more This study investigated the performance of a bacterial product Free Flow (NCH Suomi Oy) as a bioaugmentation tool at doses 0, 20 μl and 120 μl of an Activated Sludge Process on a laboratory scale. The flow rate of wastewater to the Activated Sludge Process plant was 18 l/d. Sludge settling, sludge activity, examination of composition of wastewater microbes present and biofloc formation under microscope, reductions in suspended solids, CODCr, BOD7ATU and enteric microbes were studied. The percentage performances in the BOD7 ATU removal were 99% for both 120 μl and 20 μl doses and were higher than the 0 dose (97% p ˂ 0.05). The percentage performances in the CODCr removal were 97% for both 120 μl and 20 μl doses and these reductions were higher than the 0 dose (91% p ˂ 0.05). The percentage performances in suspended solids reduction were 88% for the 120 μl dose, 87% for the 20 μl dose and 84% for the 0 dose. The log10 reductions in microbial communities covered were; E. coli 120 μl do...
Agricultural and Food Science, 1981
The herbicides chlorthiamid and dichlobenil inhibited the growth of some actinomycetes in starch-... more The herbicides chlorthiamid and dichlobenil inhibited the growth of some actinomycetes in starch-casein medium. The effect of these herbicides on the other bacteria tested was insignificant. Chlorthiamid and dichlobenil arc slowly degradable herbicides. Bacteria such as Arthrobacter, unidentified coryneforms and Bacillus could degrade the herbicides by cometabolism. 2,6-Dichlorobenzamide, 2,6-dichlorobenzoic acid, carbon dioxide, chloride, a catechol compound and many unidentified compounds were found as metabolites. Arthrobacter strains capable for dechlorination could also cleave the aromatic ring, both processes occurring in aerated cultures. More than half of the chloride was liberated in three weeks at 28°C by the most active Arthrobacter strain.

Water, 2017
Domestic wastewaters, which cannot be disposed through sewage networks, must be treated with diff... more Domestic wastewaters, which cannot be disposed through sewage networks, must be treated with different on-site treatment systems; these are usually commercial, small-scale treatment plants or built sand filters. These systems are usually maintained by the house's inhabitants. This study was achieved by analysing the chemical and microbiological data of 717 effluents collected in Finland and Sweden. There were inadequate reductions in 31% of phosphorus effluents, 22% of nitrogen effluents and 5% of biological oxygen demand compounds. The addition of a coagulant capable of precipitating phosphorus improved the performance of sand filters and biorotors. There are no legally binding limitations on the number of enteric microorganisms that can be present in an effluent, but the number of Escherichia coli and enterococci exceeded more than 100 colony forming units per 100 mL in 59% and 53% effluents studied, with the highest numbers for these indicators being more than 100,000 cfu per 100 mL. The number of E. coli and enterococci were lower when the concentration of phosphorus in effluent was less than 1 mg/L. The treatment efficiency varied extensively, even between similar plant models, possibly due to either irregular use, or after long pauses, when they were not being used. In addition, it is possible that the end users are not capable of properly maintaining these wastewater treatment plants.
Dias Report Horticulture, 2000
vokJaana Uusi-Kämppä/LU

The yield of carrots by horse manure was 66 % higher than the yield with artificial fertilizer. T... more The yield of carrots by horse manure was 66 % higher than the yield with artificial fertilizer. The yields of other plants fertilized with composted horse manure or artificial fertilizer were equal. The yields of plants fertilized with cattle manure were clearly lesser. The taste of lettuces fertilized with artificial fertilizer was assessed to be the sweetest and the cattle manure fertilization the less sweet. Potato fertilized with horse manure was assessed significantly tenderer at structure than with other fertilizers. Triangle tests showed no significant differences in tastes of other vegetables between fertilizations. Hygienic quality of vegetables fertilized with horse manure or artificial fertilizer was excellent. Small amounts of faecal microbes were found in the vegetables fertilized with cattle manure. Amounts of nitrate in cucumbers and lettuces were relatively high when fertilized with artificial fertilizer. The amounts of nitrate were low in all the other vegetables, and very low and equal when fertilized with horse or cattle manure.

Journal of Water and Health, 2016
Chlorine disinfection is a globally used method to ensure the safety of drinking water. However, ... more Chlorine disinfection is a globally used method to ensure the safety of drinking water. However, it has not always been successful against viruses and, therefore, it is important to find new methods to disinfect water. Seventeen different coliphages were isolated from the treated municipal wastewater. These coliphages and MS2 were treated with different dosages of chlorine in drinking water, and a combined chlorine/ultraviolet irradiation treatment for the chlorine-resistant coliphages. Chlorine disinfection with 0.3–0.5 mg/L total chlorine (free Cl-dosage 0.12–0.21 mg/L) for 10 min achieved 2.5–5.7 Log10-reductions for 11 sensitive coliphages. The six most resistant coliphages showed no reduction with these chlorine concentrations. MS2 was intermediate in chlorine resistance, and thus it is not a good indicator for viruses in chlorine disinfection. In the combined treatment total chlorine of 0.05–0.25 mg/L (free Cl-dosage 0.02–0.08 mg/L) and ultraviolet irradiation (14–22 mWs/cm2) ...

Eco-toilets (human urine and faecal matter collected separately) are one of the best ways to solv... more Eco-toilets (human urine and faecal matter collected separately) are one of the best ways to solve sanitation problem, and this practice also improves the environment and increases the food production. This study focuses on experimental demonstration of use of urine, wood ash and poultry droppings (PD) as a fertilizer in central Nepal and in Accra, Ghana. In Nepal; Fertilizer value of urine+ash was compared with animal manure and no-fertilization in the cultivation of radish, potato, broadleaf mustard, cauliflower and cabbage. The urine + ash or manure fertilized plots received 54 kgN/ha for radish, 51 kgN/ha for potato, 81 kgN/ha for broadleaf mustard and 77 kgN/ha for cabbage and cauliflower. Similarly in Ghana; urine was compared no fertilization and urine + PD (poultry dropping) was compared with NPK (mineral fertilizer)+PD as a dose of 121 kgN/ha. In Nepal; the urine+ash fertilizer produced significantly (P<0.05) higher broadleaf mustard biomass than obtained from animal manure and without fertilization. It was demonstrated that urine+ash can produce higher yields than manure fertilizer; the differences being >24 t/ha radish tuber, >95 kg/ha potato tuber, >19 t/ha cauliflower total biomass and >15 t/ha cabbage total biomass. In Ghana; urine produced 1.2 ton/ha more cabbage head biomass compared to no fertilization and urine+PD produced 0.82 t/ha more cabbage head biomass compared to NPK+PD. Furthermore, in Nepal; N-fertilizer value of 4 litres urine is equal to the 1 kg of dry manure and in Ghana N-fertilizer value of 2 litres of urine is equal to 1 kg of poultry droppings. In conclusion, human urine can be used as fertilizer alone or combined with wood ash and poultry droppings and this can produce similar or even more vegetable biomass than can be achieved with no fertilization, manure fertilization or NPK+PD.

Methods in Microbiology, 1991
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the maintenance of ectomycorrhizal fungi. When starting ... more Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the maintenance of ectomycorrhizal fungi. When starting a collection of ectomycorrhizal fungi, it is desirable to obtain cultures from well-known collections or from other ectomycorrhiza research workers. To reduce labor and to allow comparisons between old cultures and fresh isolates, safe, easy, economical, and ecologically acceptable methods are needed for maintaining ectomycorrhizal fungi. The physiological diversity of these fungi means that they can adapt themselves to very different environments. A single method may not always be the most suitable for maintaining many different ectomycorrhizal strains. The method selected will depend on the facilities available in a particular laboratory. For maintenance of a small collection serial transfer would be the simplest solution, although the strains are susceptible to genetic changes; a risk which could be reduced by making regular plant-mycorrhiza syntheses. In larger collections if there is a shortage of laboratory technicians the suitability of sterile water or maybe oil as maintenance methods should be investigated. There is a pressing need for further development of safe and reliable maintenance methods for ectomycorrhizal fungi.

Microbiological Research, 2002
The effects of pesticides on 64 ectomycorrhizal fungi of boreal forest trees were studied in vitr... more The effects of pesticides on 64 ectomycorrhizal fungi of boreal forest trees were studied in vitro. The pesticides (fungicides: benomyl, chlorothalonil, copper oxychloride, maneb and propiconazole ; herbicides : chlorthiamid, glyphosate, hexazinone, linuron and terbuthylazine; insecticide: cypermethrin) were selected as those commonly used in Nordic forest nurseries and afforestation sites. In general, the fungicides proved to be more toxic to ectomycorrhizal fungi than the herbicides and cypermethrin. The fungicides, chlorothalonil and propiconazole, had the clearest inhibitory effect on growth of mycorrhizal fungi. Conversely, maneb, glyphosate and terbuthylazine stimulated the growth of some mycorrhizal fungi. Leccinum versipelle and L. scabrum, Paxillus involutus and Cenococcum geophilum were the most sensitive ectomycorrhizal fungi to the various pesticides.
Water Science and Technology, 1997
Papers by Helvi Heinonen-tanski