Papers by Dandara Palhano
À minha família, pelos ensinamentos ao longo da vida: ao meu pai, por ser um grande exemplo de de... more À minha família, pelos ensinamentos ao longo da vida: ao meu pai, por ser um grande exemplo de dedicação ao trabalho e ética profissional; à minha mãe, pelas lições de paciência e compreensão; ao meu irmão, pelo exemplo de perseverança e empreendedorismo; a minha irmã pelo exemplo de coragem e luta pela felicidade. Pela compressão, apoio e amor incondicional, a todos os meus familiares, na longa caminhada da vida.
Intrinsic and extrinsic types of motivation have been widely studied, and the distinction between... more Intrinsic and extrinsic types of motivation have been widely studied, and the distinction between them has shed important light on both developmental and educational practices. In this review we revisit the classic definitions of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in light of contemporary research and theory. Intrinsic motivation remains an important construct, reflecting the natural human propensity to learn and assimilate. However, extrinsic motivation is argued to vary considerably in its relative autonomy and thus can either reflect external control or true self-regulation. The relations of both classes of motives to basic human needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness are discussed.
Achievement behavior is denned as behavior directed at developing or demonstrating high rather th... more Achievement behavior is denned as behavior directed at developing or demonstrating high rather than low ability. It is shown that ability can be conceived in two ways. First, ability can be judged high or low with reference to the individual's own past performance or knowledge. In this context, gains in mastery indicate competence. Second, ability can be judged as capacity relative to that of others. In this context, a gain in mastery alone does not indicate high ability. To demonstrate high capacity, one must achieve more with equal effort or use less effort than do others for an equal performance. The conditions under which these different conceptions of ability function as individuals' goals and the nature of subjective experience in each case are specified. Different predictions of task choice and performance are derived and tested for each case.
Although most agree that games can be engaging and that games can be instructive, there is little... more Although most agree that games can be engaging and that games can be instructive, there is little consensus regarding the essential characteristics of instructional games. Implicit in the research literature is the notion that if we pair instructional content with certain game features, we can harness the power of games to engage users and achieve desired instructional goals. In this article, the authors present an input-processoutput model of instructional games and learning that elaborates (a) the key features of games that are of interest from an instructional perspective; (b) the game cycle of user judgments, behavior, and feedback that is a hallmark of engagement in game play; and (c) the types of learning outcomes that can be achieved. The authors discuss the implications of this approach for the design and implementation of effective instructional games.
De acordo com HOFFMAN(1999) hoje a auto-realização no ambiente de trabalho é uma questão estratég... more De acordo com HOFFMAN(1999) hoje a auto-realização no ambiente de trabalho é uma questão estratégica para as empresas. Neste sentido, Abraham Maslow deixou um enorme legado para aqueles que trabalham com a psicologia organizacional, os profissionais de Recursos Humanos e atualmente todos os gerentes e executivos.

During the past two decades, the popularity of computer and video games has prompted games to bec... more During the past two decades, the popularity of computer and video games has prompted games to become a source of study for educational researchers and instructional designers investigating how various aspects of game design might be appropriated, borrowed, and re-purposed for the design of educational materials. The purpose of this paper is to present an analysis of how the structure in massively multiple online role-playing games (MMORPGs) might inform the design of interactive learning and game-based learning environments by looking at the elements which support intrinsic motivation. Specifically, this analysis presents (a) an overview of the two primary elements in MMORPGs game design: character design and narrative environment, (b) a discussion of intrinsic motivation in character role-playing, (c) a discussion of intrinsic motivational supports and cognitive support of the narrative structure of small quests, and (d) a discussion of how the narrative structure of MMORPGs might foster learning in various types of knowledge.
Instructional gaming is an alternative strategy that can be used for many applications including ... more Instructional gaming is an alternative strategy that can be used for many applications including tutoring, promotion of self-esteem, and practice of existing skills. The article begins with an overview instructional gaming and discusses the impact of Thomas Malone's theory of intrinsically motivating instruction. Next, we look for common threads in the instructional gaming literature during the last dozen years. Our approach was to systematically examine five categories of articles in order to offer guidance to designers and educators. The article ends with implications of the gaming literature for the future study of gaming and instructional design.
Over the last 40 years, computer games have become an extremely popular leisure activity and more... more Over the last 40 years, computer games have become an extremely popular leisure activity and more recently there has also been interest in the potential of serious games to help in learning, skill acquisition and attitude and behaviour change. Initially public interest in computer games focused on concerns about their violent and gender stereotyped content and their potentially addictive properties, but more recently the benefits of games have also been recognised. Psychology is at the interface between science, cognitive science and social science and in this paper we examine the role that theories and research in psychology have played in understanding the impacts of playing games, the appeal of games and the potential of games in supporting learning and behaviour change. Ó

Whether they are made to entertain you, or to educate you, good video games engage you. Significa... more Whether they are made to entertain you, or to educate you, good video games engage you. Significant research has tried to understand engagement in games by measuring player experience (PX). Traditionally, PX evaluation has focused on the enjoyment of game, or the motivation of players; these factors no doubt contribute to engagement, but do decisions regarding play environment (e.g., the choice of game controller) affect the player more deeply than that? We apply self-determination theory (specifically satisfaction of needs and self-discrepancy represented using the five factors model of personality) to explain PX in an experiment with controller type as the manipulation. Our study shows that there are a number of effects of controller on PX and in-game player personality. These findings provide both a lens with which to view controller effects in games and a guide for controller choice in the design of new games. Our research demonstrates that including selfcharacteristics assessment in the PX evaluation toolbox is valuable and useful for understanding player experience.
À meus constantes incentivadores, Lúcia e Ricardo.
Studies in gamified e-learning tools lack on clarifying whether Gamification improves the user en... more Studies in gamified e-learning tools lack on clarifying whether Gamification improves the user engagement and therefore the learning experience, or if the success depends on the system itself, independently of the Gamification process. As an attempt to start answering these questions, we present an existing adaptive self-evaluation tool where we have observed low engagement issues by analysing students' behaviour when using it during our previous experiences. Gamification can face those issues while maintain the system essence on dynamic adaptability. With the inclusion of Gamification mechanics in our existing environment, we will be able to measure if Gamification works, or if the system performance keeps as in the not-gamified version.

Video-games industry is specially focused on user entertainment. It is really important for these... more Video-games industry is specially focused on user entertainment. It is really important for these companies to develop interactive and usable games in order to satisfy their client preferences. The main problem for the game developers is to get information about the user behaviour during the game-play. This information is important, specially nowadays, because gamers can buy new extra levels, or new games, interactively using their own consoles. Developers can use the gamer profile extracted from the game-play to create new levels, adapt the game to different user, recommend new video games and also match up users. This work tries to deal with this problem. Here, we present a new game, called "Dream", whose philosophy is based on the information extraction process focused on the player game-play profile and its evolution. We also present a methodology based on time series clustering to group users according to their profile evolution. This methodology has been tested with real users which have played Dream during several rounds.
Reliable personality prediction can have direct impact on many adaptive systems, such as targeted... more Reliable personality prediction can have direct impact on many adaptive systems, such as targeted advertising, interface personalization and content customization. We propose an algorithm to infer a user's personality profile more reliably by fusing analytical predictions from multiple sources including behavioral traces, textual data, and social networking information. We applied and validated our approach using a real data set obtained from 1,040 World of Warcraft players. Besides behavioral and social networking information, we found that text analysis of character names yields the strongest personality cues.
Papers by Dandara Palhano