Daniela Kern
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Papers by Daniela Kern
native voice in the constitution of the history of the historiography of Indian art in
Brazi . Seeking to define the specific problem of inclusion of indigenous
archeology and material culture in the general historiography of art, I will refer to
point the European interest in pre-Columbian archeology, exemplified by Franz
Kugler’s Handbuch der Kunstgeschichte (1842) and by Emile Soldi’s Les arts
méconnues (1881). In Brazil the slow inclusion of archeology and indigenous
material culture in the historiography of art will be analyzed from the following
works: Manuel de Araújo Porto Alegre’s A Estatua Amasonica. Comedia
archeologica (1851); Felix Ferreira’s As artes industriais indígenas (1882);
Charles Frederick Hartt’s Contribuições para a etnologia do Valle do Amazonas
(1885). As representatives of the "anthropological turn" in historiography of
Indian art in Brazil , will be considered the texts: Darcy and Berta Ribeiro’s Arte
plumária dos índios Kaapor (1957); Darcy Ribeiro’s Arte índia (1983); Berta
Ribeiro’s Arte Indígena, Linguagem Visual (1989); Lux Vidal’s Grafismo
indígena (1992) and Els Lagrou’s Arte indígena no Brasil (2009).
The absence of native voice will be finally discussed here by reference to a
specific case, the current state of the historiography of Indian art in the
southernmost state of Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, a state in which, for various
reasons, the invisibility of indigenous issues is particularly evident.
Esperamos que o resultado desse trabalho em equipe contribua não apenas com as atividades de nossa disciplina de Historiografia da Arte I, mas também com todos aqueles interessados em ter acesso a algumas das fontes primárias da historiografia geral da arte.
native voice in the constitution of the history of the historiography of Indian art in
Brazi . Seeking to define the specific problem of inclusion of indigenous
archeology and material culture in the general historiography of art, I will refer to
point the European interest in pre-Columbian archeology, exemplified by Franz
Kugler’s Handbuch der Kunstgeschichte (1842) and by Emile Soldi’s Les arts
méconnues (1881). In Brazil the slow inclusion of archeology and indigenous
material culture in the historiography of art will be analyzed from the following
works: Manuel de Araújo Porto Alegre’s A Estatua Amasonica. Comedia
archeologica (1851); Felix Ferreira’s As artes industriais indígenas (1882);
Charles Frederick Hartt’s Contribuições para a etnologia do Valle do Amazonas
(1885). As representatives of the "anthropological turn" in historiography of
Indian art in Brazil , will be considered the texts: Darcy and Berta Ribeiro’s Arte
plumária dos índios Kaapor (1957); Darcy Ribeiro’s Arte índia (1983); Berta
Ribeiro’s Arte Indígena, Linguagem Visual (1989); Lux Vidal’s Grafismo
indígena (1992) and Els Lagrou’s Arte indígena no Brasil (2009).
The absence of native voice will be finally discussed here by reference to a
specific case, the current state of the historiography of Indian art in the
southernmost state of Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, a state in which, for various
reasons, the invisibility of indigenous issues is particularly evident.
Esperamos que o resultado desse trabalho em equipe contribua não apenas com as atividades de nossa disciplina de Historiografia da Arte I, mas também com todos aqueles interessados em ter acesso a algumas das fontes primárias da historiografia geral da arte.