abel ashiley
Address: Ghana
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Papers by abel ashiley
Growing old, is one of those inevitable life processes that cause significant distress and triggers a host of anxieties amongst individuals. Indeed, individuals experience some significant amounts of anxiety as they age and a qualitative study of eight (8) individuals made up of four (4) early adults (18-30) and four (4) middle adults (31-45) who were selected purposively has shed considerable light on the anxieties involved in ageing. The sample consisted of three (3) males and one (1) female in their middle adulthood as well as two (2) females and two (2) males in their early adulthood. The average age for the middle adults is thirty-nine (39) and that for the early adults is twenty-four (24). The study revealed that; inability to go about normal duties as a result of old age, increased level of difficulty in fulfilling one’s life mission, the prospect of ‘meeting death’ in old age, neglect by family and loved ones due to old age and retirement plans were the main factors that triggered anxiety in the subjects of study. Some of the participants however reported that they experience no anxiety whatsoever as far as ‘growing old’ is concerned and assumed an optimistic stance in facing the inevitability ahead. Family support, concrete retirement plans, positive life style, positive attitude towards one’s passion and establishment of meaningful lifelong relationships are some remedies that can help assuage the anxieties involved in the ageing process.
Keywords: Early Adulthood, Middle Adulthood, Anxiety, Ageing.
Growing old, is one of those inevitable life processes that cause significant distress and triggers a host of anxieties amongst individuals. Indeed, individuals experience some significant amounts of anxiety as they age and a qualitative study of eight (8) individuals made up of four (4) early adults (18-30) and four (4) middle adults (31-45) who were selected purposively has shed considerable light on the anxieties involved in ageing. The sample consisted of three (3) males and one (1) female in their middle adulthood as well as two (2) females and two (2) males in their early adulthood. The average age for the middle adults is thirty-nine (39) and that for the early adults is twenty-four (24). The study revealed that; inability to go about normal duties as a result of old age, increased level of difficulty in fulfilling one’s life mission, the prospect of ‘meeting death’ in old age, neglect by family and loved ones due to old age and retirement plans were the main factors that triggered anxiety in the subjects of study. Some of the participants however reported that they experience no anxiety whatsoever as far as ‘growing old’ is concerned and assumed an optimistic stance in facing the inevitability ahead. Family support, concrete retirement plans, positive life style, positive attitude towards one’s passion and establishment of meaningful lifelong relationships are some remedies that can help assuage the anxieties involved in the ageing process.
Keywords: Early Adulthood, Middle Adulthood, Anxiety, Ageing.