Papers by Olugbenga S Olagunju
![Research paper thumbnail of New Testament Apocrypha](
International journal of culture and religious studies, Mar 19, 2022
There was a considerable debate among the early church fathers about which books ought to be incl... more There was a considerable debate among the early church fathers about which books ought to be included in the New Testament Canon and which ought to be omitted. Those which were omitted from the New Testament Canon were known as Apocrypha. This paper is eclectic in nature as the researchers use both descriptive and analytical methods. The findings reveal that the reasons for their not being canonized were that they were not inspired and lacked apostolic authorship. Their writings claimed to add missing details of the canonical books, and some wrote just to satisfy curiosity. The findings also reveal the importance of providing extracanonical traditions about the life and teaching of Jesus not found in the canonized books. They provide some information about Jesus and the apostles lacking in the New Testament. They contain traditions that can be etched back to the very beginning of Christianity. They are indispensable to understanding the theological environment of the first century. The study is essential as it educates on the general understanding of which books comprise the New Testament Apocrypha and how they can help one understand some missing information about key New Testament actors not discussed in the New Testament. The researchers recommend that though these writings cannot stand on a par with the canonized books of the New Testament, they should be studied for their rich historicity. Their knowledge contributes immensely to the understanding of the New Testament.
![Research paper thumbnail of Mystery Religions and their Influence on the New Testament and Early Christianity](
E-Journal of Religious and Theological Studies, 2022
This article discusses mystery religions and how they influenced the New Testament and early Chri... more This article discusses mystery religions and how they influenced the New Testament and early Christianity. It is library research and is descriptive. Data was gathered from books, journal articles, and internet sources. The research findings reveal that mystery religions influenced the New Testament to the extent that the knowledge derived from it sheds more light on the background of some New Testament texts, such as John 12:24 and Matthew 17:1-13. Also, some practices in the New Testament times, such as baptism, meal fellowship, the veiling of women, and other early Christian practices, were influenced by mystery religions. Both the mystery religions and New Testament contain the same linguistic form. Therefore, this article recommends that mystery religions be studied to gain background knowledge of particular texts in the New Testament. Also, the language in mystery religious texts can be examined since it can aid the understanding of New Testament writings at times. Keywords: M...
![Research paper thumbnail of Mark, Mary Ann Beavis](
Mary Ann Beavis holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge. She is a Professor of Religion and ... more Mary Ann Beavis holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge. She is a Professor of Religion and Culture at St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan. From the onset, Beavis employs literal-redaction strategy as her critical methodology to the study of Mark. This approach involves narrative, rhetorical and reader's response strategies to the study of the biblical text. Mary Beavis, while working on the fundamental presuppositions of narrative criticism and post structuralism, shows how the Markan text shapes theological convictions and moral habits of the community of believers and comments on the final canonical form of the text. In order to work within the framework of rhetorical and narratological methodology, the author divides each section into 1. Introductory matters; 2. Tracing the narrative flow and; 3. Theological issues. For want of space and since the book is a commentary, this review will concentrate on the major theological issues of each section.
How do we approach the letters of Paul? Should we approach them historically, as Raisanen propose... more How do we approach the letters of Paul? Should we approach them historically, as Raisanen proposed, or should we approach them theologically? What method is appropriate for the study of Paul's letters and/or his theology? Reading through this book the method adopted by these four scholars to write their piece on Paul is not the same. The first contributor approaches Paul theologically, thus bringing out some theological issues from Paul's letters - issues like the centrality of Christ in Paul's theology; Paul's view of salvation, sin and judgment; God's saving work in Christ and Paul's vision for the church. These theological issues are discussed extensively by Schreiner from a Reformed Baptist perspective.
![Research paper thumbnail of The Use of Anointing Oil in Mark 6:13 in African Context](
The use of oil and saliva was a common therapeutic technique in the ancient world. The ancient pe... more The use of oil and saliva was a common therapeutic technique in the ancient world. The ancient people believed that the anointing oil and the saliva of a holy man of God was therapeutic and had healing effect on whomever the oil was placed upon or to whom the saliva was spitted upon. African scholars have been passionately advocating for the use of mystical powers as an alternative therapy to improve the standard of living of the African people. These scholars have concluded that, mystical powers were made to assist human beings and tapping its resources for the benefit of mankind is useful. Mystical practices that utilize materials in form of oil, herbs, roots, animal parts and body wastes are around us. They are affordable and accessible, what do we do with them? African Christian worldview attaches demonism to every mystical techniques because it is incongruous to Christian faith and practices. They believe that mystical practices are occultic and can jeopardize the Christian fai...
The Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 2019
![Research paper thumbnail of Lexical-Historical Graphics of Kohen, Hekal and Melek as Template for Understanding Cultic Roles of Kings during the Monarchy](
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2015
In the light of numerous studies which have been conducted and are still ongoing with respect to ... more In the light of numerous studies which have been conducted and are still ongoing with respect to various aspects of ancient Israelite socio-political and religious life, this paper looks into the operation of Israel"s civil administration vis-à-vis her religious life by conducting a comparative study of the functions of her key leaders, the king and the priest. Employing a historical-grammatical approach, the paper tries to answer the question, "Are kings justified to perform priestly functions?" "Was there any moral or spiritual justification for Israel"s priestly class to rebuke or reprimand kings who perform such functions?" "Were the priests right in arrogating the cultic functions as solely for priests?" The thesis of this paper is that a correct understanding of the cognate words, !he Ko , lK; yhe and %l, m, ä , would serve as medium for better understanding the religious and administrative system of ancient Israel especially as it concerns the tension between kings and priests in the performance of cultic obligations and in relation to the translation of hekal as temple and palace.
The Heythrop Journal, 2013
Jewish scribes finally did not get away with it. Fleming demonstrates that their efforts at obscu... more Jewish scribes finally did not get away with it. Fleming demonstrates that their efforts at obscuring and distorting the earlier Israelite traditions are not completely successful; rather, the latter can be recovered, the betrayal reversed, and truth thereby can be restored.
![Research paper thumbnail of Ruach Symbol in the Old Testament and Its Implication for the Church in Nigeria](
International journal of contemporary research and review, Jun 19, 2017
The concept of “ruach” in the Old Testament is a unique one. It appears almost 387 times in the O... more The concept of “ruach” in the Old Testament is a unique one. It appears almost 387 times in the Old Testament usually in feminine gender. The Greek equivalent of the word is “pneuma” whose fundamental meaning is “air in motion.”(Barton Payne 2131) However, the word “ruach” as the wind or the breath of God or as an invading force is evident throughout the Scriptures of the Old Testament. These manifestations of the Spirit of God are conspicuously seen at creation and in the life and ministry of individuals who were specially anointed to accomplish given tasks for God in the Biblical world. This boils down to the fact that no one can do God’s work without the enabling presence of God’s Spirit. The Church today must realize this fact and as such allow the Spirit of God to lead and guide in all the church activities and program so that the people can be blessed. The paper discusses the meaning of ruach in the Old Testament and its implications for the church in Nigeria. It examines the functions of ruach in the Old Testament and also attempts its relationship with other related terms like nesama and nephesh. Thus ruach becomes an indispensable tool in the life of the prophets as it is associated with God the Lord and master of the universe.
This paper discusses Jesus’ healing miracles in Mark 6:13; and 7:31-37 from an African perspectiv... more This paper discusses Jesus’ healing miracles in Mark 6:13; and 7:31-37 from an African perspective and makes it relevant for African Christians. Applying historical-critical and exegetical tools in an intercultural hermeneutics, this study demonstrates that the healing miracles of Jesus in Mark 6:13 and 7:31-37 though similar to mystical practices among traditional healers in Africa, the paper questions whether mystical practices as they are being advocated among African Christians today are congruous to Christian faith and practices.
![Research paper thumbnail of Pauline Concept of Agape: Its Implication for Religious Peace and Harmony in Africa: The Nigerian Situation](
Journal of Studies in Social Sciences, Feb 16, 2013
This paper is titled "Pauline Concept of Agape: It"s Implication for Religious Peace and Harmony ... more This paper is titled "Pauline Concept of Agape: It"s Implication for Religious Peace and Harmony in Africa." There is an unhealthy tension among different religious groups in Africa today. This tension is much more pronounced between the Christians and Muslims. Religion is being used as an instrument for destabilizing the unity, peace and progress of some nations in Africa especially Nigeria. Recently, there were incidences of religio-political conflicts in Nigeria and other nations in Africa. These conflicts have led to destruction of lives and properties. Fear, anxiety and suspicion have been created through it. The African Union at different times have set up panel of enquiry to unravel the remote causes of these conflicts and suggest lasting solution that would bring sustainable peace to the polity. But unfortunately, nothing tangible has been achieved from the panel of inquiries set up to find lasting solution to these problems. The results of religious intolerance are the breaking down of law and order, killing of innocent citizens and destruction of properties. Religious intolerance has led to hatred, social deprivation and injustices among various religious groups. One of the reasons why religious conflicts have not been controlled in Africa is because the government is not sincere in its approach to solving the problem and people are not ready to practice love for their neighbor. The practice of love is what Paul called agaph. Agaph is a common term in the Greco-Roman world which Paul borrowed and used as technis termini in his writings to the Corinthian church. A study of agaph and its application from the letters of Paul is timely for such a pluralistic and diverse society as ours in Africa. The ultimate aim of agaph is to create an
![Research paper thumbnail of Towards a Biblical Response to Myth and Discrimination against the Human Right of Albinos in Yorubaland](
Journal of Studies in Social Sciences, Dec 10, 2012
It has been widely reported by some international and local media (electronic and print) that Alb... more It has been widely reported by some international and local media (electronic and print) that Albinos in some parts of Africa are kidnapped and killed for ritual purposes. The worst hit countries are Tanzania, South Africa and Burundi. This dastardly act against the Albinos is an outright disrespect for the sanctity of human life as assured by the Almighty and their right to live as entrenched by the International Human Right Law. God has given human beings life and the United Nations Declaration for Human Right has guaranteed freedom for all people no matter their race, color and creed. It is unfortunate that the human right of the Albinos is being abused especially among the Yorubas where they are isolated and discriminated against because of the myth that surrounds them. They are called Afin or eni-orisa that is-one who belongs to the deity.‖ As a result of this myth, they are discriminated against and their human right is infringed upon. They are denied of essential amenities (such as education, employment and other basic life provisions) which are privileges of the fr ee born. This paper is a Biblical response to the myth and discrimination against the Albinos among the Yoruba people. The paper involves interview of some Albinos to ascertain the kind of abuses they suffer. It also makes use of on-line materials such as e-book, newspapers and articles that focus on human right of the Albinos in Africa, and more especially among the Yoruba people of Southwestern Nigeria. This paper recommends that the Albinos have right to life and they should be treated equally like any nonpigmented persons wherever they found themselves.
Continental Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2012
... imule means covenant made with the land or mother earth who serves as witness eni ba dale a b... more ... imule means covenant made with the land or mother earth who serves as witness eni ba dale a bale lo who ever breaks the covenant with the land or mother earth will die on the mother earth; adehun means bargaining, ileri means promise; ibura means an ... USA. Peter Lewis. ...
... MATTHEW By Olugbenga Olagunju April, 2011 Page 2. INTRODUCTION ... Matthew Written? Catholic ... more ... MATTHEW By Olugbenga Olagunju April, 2011 Page 2. INTRODUCTION ... Matthew Written? Catholic Quarterly, vol 41, 1979 533-546 Page 13. Author : Olugbenga Olagunju is a lecturer in New Testament at the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso. ...
![Research paper thumbnail of Globalization and Inter-Religious Dialogue in African Cultural Context](
Journal of Studies in Social Sciences, Jan 4, 2013
Globalization is a complex concept that cannot be defined within a set time frame, nor is it a pr... more Globalization is a complex concept that cannot be defined within a set time frame, nor is it a process that can be defined clearly without any biases or ambiguity. Globalization cannot be expounded upon with certainty and be applicable to all people and in all situations. Globalization involves economic integration, the transfer of policies across borders, the transmission of knowledge, cultural stability, the reproduction, relations, and discourses of power. It is a global process, a concept, a revolution, and an establishment of the global market free from socio-political control. Globalization encompasses everything. It is a concept that has been defined variously over the years, with some connotations referring to progress, development and stability, integration and cooperation, and others referring to regression, colonialism, and destabilization. Despite these challenges, this term brings with it a multitude of hidden agendas. An individual"s political ideology, geographic location, social status, cultural background, and ethnic and religious affiliation provide the background that determines how globalization is interpreted. The African continent is large with diverse culture and traditions. Their social and cultural values tend toward relationships, hospitality and toler ance of all religious ideas and worldviews. This attitude of the African people accounts for the reasons why religions such as Christianity and Islam had thrived on the continent as they encounter the culture and religions of the traditional people of Africa. The traditional people are either inclusive or pluralistic in their orientations and worldviews. They recognize the fact that the God which Islam and Christianity proclaimed is the same God which the traditional people are worshipping and so when they encountered Islam and Christianity, to dialogue with and tolerate these new religions is not difficult. This paper is purely a literary work. The thesis of this essay is that accommodation, solidarity and sharing peculiar to the African culture makes the e nvironment conducive for inter-religious encounters and that inter-religious dialogue is a tool for religious peace and harmony in Africa. The task of this paper therefore, is threefold: One, to discuss the characteristics of the African cultural environme nt and advance some of the factors that are responsible for the possibility of inter-religious dialogue in African cultural environment. Two, to highlight the necessity of and hindrances to interreligious dialogue in a pluralistic environment such as African cultural environment and finally discuss the forms of inter-religious dialogue in a globalized African community. The writer uses material from the library and internet sources. He consulted articles in Journal, Dictionaries and textbooks. DEFINITION OF TERMS GLOBALIZATION An individual"s political ideology, geographic location, social status, cultural background, and ethnic and religious affiliation provide the background that determines how globalization is interpreted. For example, Andrew Igenoza describes globalization as a situation which affects or engulfs the whole world. It is like the entire world at one"s doorstep: the foreign religions and ideologies, the good and the bad. 1 Kenichi Ohmae defines it as the onset of the borderless world." 2 These two definitions do not have positive or negative connotations but is vague and inclusive. These definitions could be used as a basis for a working paper on a number of subjects, including technology, trade agreements, and just about any other issue that deals with overcoming traditional boundaries. Gold Anie defines globalization as a new form of intellectual colonialism. By this definition he tied globalization to western intellectual and theological production
![Research paper thumbnail of Biblical Joseph: An Example of Godly Lifestyle in a Contemporary World](
This article is titled “Biblical Joseph: An Example of Godly lifestyle in the contemporary World”... more This article is titled “Biblical Joseph: An Example of Godly lifestyle in the contemporary World” The rise of modernism, liberalism, idealism, corruption, cultism and radicalism have led to the destruction of societal norms and values by those who propagate them. Modernism and the quest for riches and prosperity has made some Christians to deviate from the way of Christ to follow after the way of Balaam and Jezebel. Nowadays the cravings for materialism at the expense of taking the cross and follow Jesus has dominated the church to the extent that the quest for godliness has been eroded away by undue craves for material wealth. There is no more integrity among the some Christians today. It is unfortunate that some Christians cannot exhibit the courage like that of Joseph who endured all sufferings to stand for godliness and integrity. Sadly enough the craving for materialism had made some Christians to become ensnared to the unwholesome practice of prostitution, theft, fraud, violence and even insurgence, kidnapping, robbery, defrauding people through yahoo business on the internet and many others vices.
This essay is about the story of Joseph in Genesis account, the purpose of this paper is to challenge the contemporary believers to emulate the character of Joseph especially now that corruption is rife in various organizations and parastatals including Christian churches and institutions and live in godliness no matter what is cost.
This paper adopts narrative strategy to achieve the aims and objectives of this paper. The writer discovers that Joseph is a natural human being that is principled and will not lower his integrity for any reasons. He prefers to suffer for the sins he did not commit despite the fact that evidence were found in his hand. Joseph maintained his integrity and reliability.
Thus this paper recommends that every Christian should hold on to their integrity and be reliable no matter the circumstances they may find themselves. Also they should see suffering as a tool for promotion and on no account should they try to justify themselves on matters they are involved. This paper is divided into five sections. Section one introduces the paper, section two look at what some authors has said about Joseph, section three discusses the challenged faced by Joseph as a biblical model, section four discusses his leadership ability and lessons for the contemporary believers while section five gives the conclusion, summary and recommendations
article is titled “Biblical Joseph: An Example of Godly lifestyle in the contemporary World” The ... more article is titled “Biblical Joseph: An Example of Godly lifestyle in the contemporary World” The rise of modernism, liberalism, idealism, corruption, cultism and radicalism have led to the destruction of societal norms and values by those who propagate them. Modernism and the quest for riches and prosperity has made some Christians to deviate from the way of Christ to follow after the way of Balaam and Jezebel. Nowadays the cravings for materialism at the expense of taking the cross and follow Jesus has dominated the church to the extent that the quest for godliness has been eroded away by undue craves for material wealth. There is no more integrity among some Christians today. It is unfortunate that some Christians cannot exhibit the courage like that of Joseph who endured all sufferings to stand for godliness and integrity. Sadly enough the craving for materialism had made some Christians to become ensnared to the unwholesome practice of prostitution, theft, fraud, violence and even insurgence, kidnapping, robbery, defrauding people through yahoo business on the internet and many others vices.
This essay is about the story of Joseph in Genesis account, the purpose of this paper is to challenge the contemporary believers to emulate the character of Joseph especially now that corruption is rife in various organizations and parastatals including Christian churches and institutions and live in godliness no matter what is cost.
This paper adopts narrative strategy to achieve the aims and objectives of this paper. The writer discovers that Joseph is a natural human being that is principled and will not lower his integrity for any reasons. He prefers to suffer for the sins he did not commit despite the fact that evidence were found in his hand. Joseph maintained his integrity and reliability.
Thus this paper recommends that every Christian should hold on to their integrity and be reliable no matter the circumstances they may find themselves. Also they should see suffering as a tool for promotion and on no account should they try to justify themselves on matters in which they are involved. This paper is divided into five sections. Section one introduces the paper, section two look at what some authors has said about Joseph, section three discusses the challenged faced by Joseph as a biblical model, section four discusses his leadership ability and lessons for the contemporary believers while section five gives the conclusion and recommendations for the audience
This article is titled “Biblical Joseph: An Example of Godly lifestyle in the contemporary World” The rise of modernism, liberalism, idealism, corruption, cultism and radicalism have led to the destruction of societal norms and values by those who propagate them. Modernism and the quest for riches and prosperity has made some Christians to deviate from the way of Christ to follow after the way of Balaam and Jezebel. Nowadays the cravings for materialism at the expense of taking the cross and follow Jesus has dominated the church to the extent that the quest for godliness has been eroded away by undue craves for material wealth. There is no more integrity among some Christians today. It is unfortunate that some Christians cannot exhibit the courage like that of Joseph who endured all sufferings to stand for godliness and integrity. Sadly enough the craving for materialism had made some Christians to become ensnared to the unwholesome practice of prostitution, theft, fraud, violence and even insurgence, kidnapping, robbery, defrauding people through yahoo business on the internet and many others vices.
This essay is about the story of Joseph in Genesis account, the purpose of this paper is to challenge the contemporary believers to emulate the character of Joseph especially now that corruption is rife in various organizations and parastatals including Christian churches and institutions and live in godliness no matter what is cost.
This paper adopts narrative strategy to achieve the aims and objectives of this paper. The writer discovers that Joseph is a natural human being that is principled and will not lower his integrity for any reasons. He prefers to suffer for the sins he did not commit despite the fact that evidence were found in his hand. Joseph maintained his integrity and reliability.
Thus this paper recommends that every Christian should hold on to their integrity and be reliable no matter the circumstances they may find themselves. Also they should see suffering as a tool for promotion and on no account should they try to justify themselves on matters in which they are involved. This paper is divided into five sections. Section one introduces the paper, section two look at what some authors has said about Joseph, section three discusses the challenged faced by Joseph as a biblical model, section four discusses his leadership ability and lessons for the contemporary believers while section five gives the conclusion and recommendations for the audience
The study of historical-critical method of biblical interpretation has been on-going for centurie... more The study of historical-critical method of biblical interpretation has been on-going for centuries. During its history, it has made major achievements and lasting contributions to the general field of Biblical studies. Today, historical-critical studies have reached a climax whereby new development is being advocated by scholars from different theological persuasions. Scholars are making frantic effort to make historical-critical studies relevant in other fields of humanity. Attempts are being made to relate historical-critical investigations to new researches in linguistics, literary criticism and social theory. Historical-criticism is one of the several exegetical tools with which biblical interpreters utilize for biblical interpretation. It should be considered indispensable tool for scholarly interpreters but should not be seen as a panacea for every exegetical hope and problem. The interesting thing is that the proponents of these critical apparatus really want to know what the Biblical authors said and what they wrote. Their concern was not about the text per se but the history behind the text. Thus, historical-critical approaches discuss the world of the author vis a vis the culture, the language and the social background of the Biblical world.
The study of historical-critical method of biblical interpretation has been on-going for centurie... more The study of historical-critical method of biblical interpretation has been on-going for centuries. During its history, it has made major achievements and lasting contributions to the general field of Biblical studies. Today, historical-critical studies have reached a climax whereby new development is being advocated by scholars from different theological persuasions. Scholars are making frantic effort to make historical-critical studies relevant in other fields of humanity. Attempts are being made to relate historical-critical investigations to new researches in linguistics, literary criticism and social theory. Historical-criticism is one of the several exegetical tools with which biblical interpreters utilize for biblical interpretation. It should be considered indispensable tool for scholarly interpreters but should not be seen as a panacea for every exegetical hope and problem. The interesting thing is that the proponents of these critical apparatus really want to know what the Biblical authors said and what they wrote. Their concern was not about the text per se but the history behind the text. Thus, historical-critical approaches discuss the world of the author vis a vis the culture, the language and the social background of the Biblical world.
Papers by Olugbenga S Olagunju
This essay is about the story of Joseph in Genesis account, the purpose of this paper is to challenge the contemporary believers to emulate the character of Joseph especially now that corruption is rife in various organizations and parastatals including Christian churches and institutions and live in godliness no matter what is cost.
This paper adopts narrative strategy to achieve the aims and objectives of this paper. The writer discovers that Joseph is a natural human being that is principled and will not lower his integrity for any reasons. He prefers to suffer for the sins he did not commit despite the fact that evidence were found in his hand. Joseph maintained his integrity and reliability.
Thus this paper recommends that every Christian should hold on to their integrity and be reliable no matter the circumstances they may find themselves. Also they should see suffering as a tool for promotion and on no account should they try to justify themselves on matters they are involved. This paper is divided into five sections. Section one introduces the paper, section two look at what some authors has said about Joseph, section three discusses the challenged faced by Joseph as a biblical model, section four discusses his leadership ability and lessons for the contemporary believers while section five gives the conclusion, summary and recommendations
This essay is about the story of Joseph in Genesis account, the purpose of this paper is to challenge the contemporary believers to emulate the character of Joseph especially now that corruption is rife in various organizations and parastatals including Christian churches and institutions and live in godliness no matter what is cost.
This paper adopts narrative strategy to achieve the aims and objectives of this paper. The writer discovers that Joseph is a natural human being that is principled and will not lower his integrity for any reasons. He prefers to suffer for the sins he did not commit despite the fact that evidence were found in his hand. Joseph maintained his integrity and reliability.
Thus this paper recommends that every Christian should hold on to their integrity and be reliable no matter the circumstances they may find themselves. Also they should see suffering as a tool for promotion and on no account should they try to justify themselves on matters in which they are involved. This paper is divided into five sections. Section one introduces the paper, section two look at what some authors has said about Joseph, section three discusses the challenged faced by Joseph as a biblical model, section four discusses his leadership ability and lessons for the contemporary believers while section five gives the conclusion and recommendations for the audience
This article is titled “Biblical Joseph: An Example of Godly lifestyle in the contemporary World” The rise of modernism, liberalism, idealism, corruption, cultism and radicalism have led to the destruction of societal norms and values by those who propagate them. Modernism and the quest for riches and prosperity has made some Christians to deviate from the way of Christ to follow after the way of Balaam and Jezebel. Nowadays the cravings for materialism at the expense of taking the cross and follow Jesus has dominated the church to the extent that the quest for godliness has been eroded away by undue craves for material wealth. There is no more integrity among some Christians today. It is unfortunate that some Christians cannot exhibit the courage like that of Joseph who endured all sufferings to stand for godliness and integrity. Sadly enough the craving for materialism had made some Christians to become ensnared to the unwholesome practice of prostitution, theft, fraud, violence and even insurgence, kidnapping, robbery, defrauding people through yahoo business on the internet and many others vices.
This essay is about the story of Joseph in Genesis account, the purpose of this paper is to challenge the contemporary believers to emulate the character of Joseph especially now that corruption is rife in various organizations and parastatals including Christian churches and institutions and live in godliness no matter what is cost.
This paper adopts narrative strategy to achieve the aims and objectives of this paper. The writer discovers that Joseph is a natural human being that is principled and will not lower his integrity for any reasons. He prefers to suffer for the sins he did not commit despite the fact that evidence were found in his hand. Joseph maintained his integrity and reliability.
Thus this paper recommends that every Christian should hold on to their integrity and be reliable no matter the circumstances they may find themselves. Also they should see suffering as a tool for promotion and on no account should they try to justify themselves on matters in which they are involved. This paper is divided into five sections. Section one introduces the paper, section two look at what some authors has said about Joseph, section three discusses the challenged faced by Joseph as a biblical model, section four discusses his leadership ability and lessons for the contemporary believers while section five gives the conclusion and recommendations for the audience
This essay is about the story of Joseph in Genesis account, the purpose of this paper is to challenge the contemporary believers to emulate the character of Joseph especially now that corruption is rife in various organizations and parastatals including Christian churches and institutions and live in godliness no matter what is cost.
This paper adopts narrative strategy to achieve the aims and objectives of this paper. The writer discovers that Joseph is a natural human being that is principled and will not lower his integrity for any reasons. He prefers to suffer for the sins he did not commit despite the fact that evidence were found in his hand. Joseph maintained his integrity and reliability.
Thus this paper recommends that every Christian should hold on to their integrity and be reliable no matter the circumstances they may find themselves. Also they should see suffering as a tool for promotion and on no account should they try to justify themselves on matters they are involved. This paper is divided into five sections. Section one introduces the paper, section two look at what some authors has said about Joseph, section three discusses the challenged faced by Joseph as a biblical model, section four discusses his leadership ability and lessons for the contemporary believers while section five gives the conclusion, summary and recommendations
This essay is about the story of Joseph in Genesis account, the purpose of this paper is to challenge the contemporary believers to emulate the character of Joseph especially now that corruption is rife in various organizations and parastatals including Christian churches and institutions and live in godliness no matter what is cost.
This paper adopts narrative strategy to achieve the aims and objectives of this paper. The writer discovers that Joseph is a natural human being that is principled and will not lower his integrity for any reasons. He prefers to suffer for the sins he did not commit despite the fact that evidence were found in his hand. Joseph maintained his integrity and reliability.
Thus this paper recommends that every Christian should hold on to their integrity and be reliable no matter the circumstances they may find themselves. Also they should see suffering as a tool for promotion and on no account should they try to justify themselves on matters in which they are involved. This paper is divided into five sections. Section one introduces the paper, section two look at what some authors has said about Joseph, section three discusses the challenged faced by Joseph as a biblical model, section four discusses his leadership ability and lessons for the contemporary believers while section five gives the conclusion and recommendations for the audience
This article is titled “Biblical Joseph: An Example of Godly lifestyle in the contemporary World” The rise of modernism, liberalism, idealism, corruption, cultism and radicalism have led to the destruction of societal norms and values by those who propagate them. Modernism and the quest for riches and prosperity has made some Christians to deviate from the way of Christ to follow after the way of Balaam and Jezebel. Nowadays the cravings for materialism at the expense of taking the cross and follow Jesus has dominated the church to the extent that the quest for godliness has been eroded away by undue craves for material wealth. There is no more integrity among some Christians today. It is unfortunate that some Christians cannot exhibit the courage like that of Joseph who endured all sufferings to stand for godliness and integrity. Sadly enough the craving for materialism had made some Christians to become ensnared to the unwholesome practice of prostitution, theft, fraud, violence and even insurgence, kidnapping, robbery, defrauding people through yahoo business on the internet and many others vices.
This essay is about the story of Joseph in Genesis account, the purpose of this paper is to challenge the contemporary believers to emulate the character of Joseph especially now that corruption is rife in various organizations and parastatals including Christian churches and institutions and live in godliness no matter what is cost.
This paper adopts narrative strategy to achieve the aims and objectives of this paper. The writer discovers that Joseph is a natural human being that is principled and will not lower his integrity for any reasons. He prefers to suffer for the sins he did not commit despite the fact that evidence were found in his hand. Joseph maintained his integrity and reliability.
Thus this paper recommends that every Christian should hold on to their integrity and be reliable no matter the circumstances they may find themselves. Also they should see suffering as a tool for promotion and on no account should they try to justify themselves on matters in which they are involved. This paper is divided into five sections. Section one introduces the paper, section two look at what some authors has said about Joseph, section three discusses the challenged faced by Joseph as a biblical model, section four discusses his leadership ability and lessons for the contemporary believers while section five gives the conclusion and recommendations for the audience
Cell church on the other hand, provides a real opportunity for people to interact together and find meaningful involvement in the life of the church. Church growth experts have concluded that the best way for the church to grow is through small groups. The bible in Act 2:41ff supported this view. The early Christians divided themselves into groups where they broke bread and ate together with gladness and sincere hearts. This was the outlook of the early church. This is possible because they were fragmented into groups. The fact is that church can grow from 10 people to 500 and 1000 or more. You can have such a large group of believers worshipping in one place. There should be an internal device whereby the large group is divided into smaller groups or unit, when this happens there could be effective spiritual and quantitative growth going on in the church. Thomas Rainer citing Carl F. George predicts that “the church of the future may return to a structure very similar to that of the first century church at Jerusalem.” The early church is large enough to win thousands but small enough to have a personal touch with every member of the church. This observation by George is timely; it is a known fact the smaller a unit is, the more effective they would be.
This paper discusses the role of cell church in church growth. The paper is divided into five sections. Section one deals with the definition of cell church and related terms and church growth. Section two discusses various models of cell church ministry, Section three looks at the biblical foundation for cell church. Section four deals with the role of cell church in church growth, while section five concludes with suggestions for church leaders and recommendations.
Key words: Eschatology, Parousia, Tension, Implications, church, Africa